The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Well done gem... U rock...
How r u doing nightowl??

Well weigh in tomorrow but tbh I don't expect a loss as it's nearly totm.. :-(

My CDC has been I'm touch & wants me to being a CDC which I think Is nice but I really don't think I have the time to do it..

Well It's snowing here, weather is awful, hate driving in it. Really scares me.

I will post tomorrow girls.
Enjoy you night..
Hi Girlies

Happy New Year hope u all had a fab xmas..

Is there anyone actually still active in this team???

Right I'm back on the wagon as of today! I want to be 16st something by Monday morning!

Frances, where are you?

I have 16 days worth of Cambridge/Exante left and if all goes well, I'll be ordering more Exante to get this done once and for all. I'd like to be 14st by the time I go to Whitby. I was that weight last time I was there, well a little heavier actually.

Where is everyone else? x
I'm here Gemma, as promised. Had porridge and coffee, sitting here with a pint of water and reporting in to sort my ticker out. Gonna phone now CDC and get two weeks' worth.

Kelly are you still around? Gemma and I are back on the wagon and looking to lose about 3 stone in 3 months! Will get weighed either today or tomorrow. Want to get back to 10 stone 2lbs, which was my lowest and start going up the plans by May, when I am planning to back to Egypt, on the Nile cruise again.

Here goes, the last push with this diet. One thing I have learned is that you have got to come off CD s-l-o-w-l-y and go up the plans, otherwise it goes back on at an alarming rate!
Yes I learned that last time!!! I'm chuffed that I came off and still managed to lose weight, even if it was only 4.5lbs but I had Christmas and Paris in that time. I've never lost weight without being on CD!

I've had a chocolate mint shake so far and about 1l of water. Held off for as long as I could because the evenings are always the hardest for me!
Yesterday went well. I wasn’t tempted by food at all and just stuck to my shakes, water and Coke Zero. I stepped on the scales this morning just out of curiosity and I have lost 3lbs already so my 7lbs target for Monday is looking soooooooo good! Today I have a slight headache looming and my legs have started cramping so I need to drink more water. Once I’ve got through the first 3 days, it will be smooth sailing. 2 months and 4 weeks until my holiday and I WILL be my lowest ever adult weight.

Last time I was in Whitby, I felt so good about how I looked. I was about 15st and a size 16 but I felt great! This time I will be about 13'13!!!

How was day 1 Frances? x
hello, I'm still here. Hanging in there. Went to CDC and weighed in at 12 stone 12 lbs!!!! Eeek. That's two stone I've put on since about September! Doing OK. Not enough water but getting it sorted. Bought 3 weeks of CD. Doing SS+ as always -- 3 packs and a green and white. Only way for me. Couldn't SS for the life of me, no matter how tempted i get to try. My CDC is SSing at the mo!

Away this weekend, and have to navigate an Indian out with D's brother and wife so back to the old tandori chicken and lettuce. I had haggis pakora a couple of weeks ago! have you ever heard of such a thing! Only in Scotchland!

Hang in there Gem, you're my inspiration!x
Will sort my ticker next week.
I'm here! Still going strong! Seeing CDC on Monday afternoon and WILL be lighter than the last time she saw me :D

Keep going Frances! I'm SS+ing on Fri-Sun but staying SS Mon-Thurs. I find that works well for me x
Hiya Girlies,

Wow Well Done Gem, Thats really good going.. ;)

Hey Frances, Nice to see ya back.. Keeping the weight off is really hard isnt it? :(

Well I have joined another group but I will be back on here as much as I am the other group, I just thought I was by myself & needed the support..

I am at my cupcake class on a monday night so needless to say I have had one, back to it tomorrow but cant ss as my packs are out of date & need new ones so I need to add a meal with mine as not getting the minerals..
Finding it soooo hard to stay on track! It is so true about the golden time. Keep trying to remember the old days and get back into that groove where it was easy!

Good luck Kelly! Do tell me what happens at your cupcake class next time you're around!

Gem, you're an inspiration as always.

I won't get weighed for 3 weeks.
Hi girls

Well I only lost 2 lb this week that's crap!!

I don't know what to do as I have less than a stone to lose do u think it's worth doing it slowly & not buying more packs?

I have attached the pic of my last monday cupcake class..



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Well done Kelly! Love the cupcakes. Not sure what to suggest about the last stone. If you feel you could lose it slowly on another diet/healthy eating then go for it x

Keep going Frances! xxx
Elvira said:
Well done Kelly! Love the cupcakes. Not sure what to suggest about the last stone. If you feel you could lose it slowly on another diet/healthy eating then go for it x

Keep going Frances! xxx

Thanks Hun
Well how long did it take u to lose a stone on ww?
I didn't lose a stone hun, only a few lbs. I wasn't really doing it properly though lol x

5lbs off for me this week! Whoopeeee! x
Hello ladies, first off, I just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone, I know it's kind of late in the game, but better late than never right?

I'm back and re-starting CD this week, I slipped off the wagon ,then actually lost sight of the wagon... The great thong however, is that I did not gain a single ounce as I continued exercising fairly regularly in the past months. I want to hit goal this Spring so I'm back on CD to wean me off of annoying food habits and will work up the plans. I'm not setting up a plan because as most of you know, it starts off sounding very wise, but something always happens to mess it up. I'm taking it one day at a time, and put away the scale... my worst enemy on this plan. So it's back to 4 CD products a day and my 4l of water. Wish me luck! this is sooo hard to start up and get in the right mindframe.
You made these?!!:eek: From scratch? Wow! They look gorgeous!

Hi girls

Well I only lost 2 lb this week that's crap!!

I don't know what to do as I have less than a stone to lose do u think it's worth doing it slowly & not buying more packs?

I have attached the pic of my last monday cupcake class..
