The story of happyhealthy's expedition to maintain!

Ok I've read it, had a bit of a cry but now I'm all good again. Have you ever thought of taking up writing for a living? You are so good at it. Thank you for sharing and well done for losing the weight so quickly. You really are an inspiration to us all.

Fiona! Your post means so so so much to me (yes! I'm very emotional reading all these lol!)

God greif no, me writing? I was the class reject in English - couldn't pass to save my life!! In saying that, I somehow managed to get a B in A-level...but my theory on that is that the lord of the English exam was in the room with me blessing me throughout, so it doesn't count as 'skill' :D I was a cool dude and only did well in Mathy subjects and the boy subjects.

Thanks again for your kind words though. Me is all embarrassed at the compliments lol. Also, do you have a diary Fiona? I can't find one and I'd very much like to read it to help out if I can if you do have one in the abyss of minimins somewhere! xx
Hehehe I used to be a themepark mascot in a giant rubber head :) its how i met my hubby lol princesses sounds much more fun!!!

Congrats on being almost at goal!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Thank you Tina :D Trust you to of been a mascot too! Giant rubber head, it must of been so warm! The bear mascot in Hamleys has a built in fan in his costume!! It's so heavy but the poor guy said he'd rather have a heavy costume because of the fan than pass out with the heat from a fan-less head! Oh and please don't tell me your hubster was a mascot too? I hope you kept it all age appropriate infront of the customers lol! xx
That's amazing! Sometimes I think at the moment I am losing about 2lbs a week. This is gonna take ages! But 7 months losing all of that isn't long at all! Good job!

Also, congrats on your job! You look like a princess :)

Gonna go read your other thing now that you linked!

Thank you Bostik, I've replied to you on my other thread but no harm in saying thank you again! :D I aimed to lose 2lb a week, but it ended up being more like 1.75lb a week - not because I slipped but that's obviously the rate my body was happy with. Remember if you've got any questions just ask. Even if you want to send me a list of questions lol! I don't know everything but I will help where I can :) xx
One day I'll work out how to drop in bits of other people's posts into here but until then..

Princess happyhealthy shout out loud and proud whilst dancing til you can't dance any more.

I'll read your new thread later but until then well done you. You are an inspiration :D

Hehe thank you LittleSis! :D when you do read it, let me know. I hope I don't come across as too self indulgent! I wrote it to try and motivate others and to say thank you for the support that people like you have given me. So if anyone is the inpiration, it's is YOU guys! xx
Right you. I literally don't know where to start!!

Firstly :0clapper::winner: Oh my gawd!!! 1 pound away from goal. You are ruddy amazing!!! You should be so,so proud, I know I am. :D:D I think you have every right to feel a teensy bit emotional.

When you reach goal feel free to come up to Derbyshire and give me a hug, cos I shall be ready and waiting! To loose it ove a 7 month period is so sensible, and means you will find it so much easier to maintain.

Secondly, wow on the mascot thing. I mean it's not really a massive surprise, you really are very pretty and I can just imagine you dressed as a princess. You are definitley NOT big headed. Shout it from the roof tops if you like.

Thirdly, what you posted on the other thread about being at goal, is fantastic. Very motivational and inspiring young lady. It is quite clear that you have had (and I really hate to sound like a contestant on x factor) a real journey since you began way back in December.

Lastly, I know for a fact that it will be hard when you get into the maintaining stage of calorie counting, and it must feel really daunting, but I also know that if anyone can do it, it's you.
Lucy, my lovely you are one of many fantastic people on minimins that keep me going on a daily basis, and I am so pleased I met you. You make me laugh, and you give me support, and you kick my ass when I need it, and I just hope I do the same for you. Don't think for one minute we will all go easy on you now you have reached goal!!! The road ahead might be bumpy, but we are still here, rambling about shizzle!!! :D

So proud of you hun. Well done darling xxxxxx
Don't really wanna post and run, but running outta time til bedtime... 6mins and still gotta make lunch, lol.

But WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have bookmarked your other diary so I can get a good long read tomorrow! I'm so excited for you and so chuffed for you! :)
happyhealthy said:
Fiona! Your post means so so so much to me (yes! I'm very emotional reading all these lol!)

God greif no, me writing? I was the class reject in English - couldn't pass to save my life!! In saying that, I somehow managed to get a B in A-level...but my theory on that is that the lord of the English exam was in the room with me blessing me throughout, so it doesn't count as 'skill' :D I was a cool dude and only did well in Mathy subjects and the boy subjects.

Thanks again for your kind words though. Me is all embarrassed at the compliments lol. Also, do you have a diary Fiona? I can't find one and I'd very much like to read it to help out if I can if you do have one in the abyss of minimins somewhere! xx

Hi Lucy, I haven't got a diary. Tbh when I joined I originally only wanted to lose 12lbs and I felt a bit of a fraud to be on here when so many people have been losing so much. Mind you, I'm already past the original 12lbs and now I want to lose more!
The fact is I lost 5.5 stones with WW 10 years ago, it took a long time but I did it, unfortunately I let it creep back over the last 2 years, not all of it but enough so I wanted to do something about it. I found this site by accident and then MiniMins and the two of them have made the present weight loss seem really easy. I just love this site and the people on it, of course! Lol!
You deserve all the compliments. Lap it up girlie, while you can. I actually had my photo in the Sun!! And they paid me for it! Woo Hoo!
You've done great and you know it, right??
I haven't been on minimins in nearly a week!


Well, sadly the local internet cables decided to die, and since I'm away out in the country that doesn't make us a priority to get anything fixed within a week long period. :gen147: Anyhooo can't be helped! I've got so many diaries and so many of you people to reply too, it will take me a while but I will read all/reply tonight after the gym. I'll also give you guys a proper update, but until I do, here's the thought of the day (ok, I know I've never given a thought of the day but a good a time as any to start :D)

I've always been a bit of a weirdo. Anyone who's known me for any amount of time would probably vote 'yes' on that. I'm pretty strong-willed and opinionated. I am determined and when I want something, it is hard to keep me from getting it.

If you ever meet someone who knows me, I've always been a little strange. Not in a creepy way like randomly dancing behind curtains at parties strange but more like an abnormal "I don't need to do something just because everyone else says it's normal" sort of way. For example, where food is concerned, I'd rather eat my dessert before my main course, because that way I won't be stuffed and I'll actually be able to appreciate the flavours and enjoy it without it being masked by the savoury main course - but people would just think you're crazy if you whipped out the ice cream before the spaghetti. That's just food wise though, there's lots of other little things too. Like if you pulled up beside me at traffic lights you'd probably catch me singing along to the radio and finishing off the chorus with a little hand jive to make Michael Jackson jelous.
It's not hard for me to be ok with being weird. I am not normal and, ironically, my weirdness is the norm for most that know me.

I eat differently now than I used to. I approach priorities in my life much differently than I used to and I've finally convinced myself that it's ok to be slightly odd.
When I go into word, I pack my lunch and snacks the day before. That means that I might look weird with my pre-measured portions but that's ok with me.
When I go out to eat, I don't join in and eat rubbish food just so I fit in. I don't think "better have 5 cocktails and a bag of chips too then". I am a weirdo and if someone says something, I've learned to be ok with that.

I plan ahead for things, using my calories wisely and even at dinners, eating what I want and not letting someone convince me to eat something I don't want. They may be annoyed with me but that's ok. They'll get over it.

Being a weirdo is fun because it turns out that when you buck the system and start to take responsibility for what goes in your mouth, the payoff is huge.
Here's what you might give up:
1. Fitting in with your friends or family's eating style
2, Eating on a whim when you aren't hungry
3. The disappointment and stress in the aftermath of a binge

Here's what you get:
1. A sense of accomplishment
2. A better understanding of yourself and how you got into the weight mess in the first place.
3. The realization that you are worth it and that the world doesn't end when you do something for yourself and don't work on pleasing everyone else.

I'm far from perfect and I have my bumps along the way but I come back to this truth very often. If eating bad is normal than I'd rather be weird.

Convince yourself that it's ok not to be normal sometimes. It's ok to be different. It isn't selfish to do what's best for you. No one is suffering when you turn down a piece of cake. Build up your resolve for this. Eating right is the number one indication of sticking with a healthy lifestyle long term.
Saying yes to bad food just to make other people happy can NEVER outdo poor eating. It's really that simple.

Always have the courage within yourself to do what you want in life, and most importantly, be who you want to be. :winner:

Hope you all have a beautiful day and I'll catch up with you all tonight xx
Meh being a weirdo is the only logical reaction to today's loopy society!! Or at least that's what my bro says!! Bless him.

I'm glad your feeling all positive an upbeaty :) it's far more fun than grumpy and downbeaty!!!

Oh an my mascot suit was a giant fisherman ;) an hubby was a rides manager and had me transferred over to hospitality pretty quick sharp as I kept getting into trouble as a mascot :) I only really like my own kids!! Other peoples are vile!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Glad to see you back on-line HH.....I thought it had been a bit quiet the last few days!:D

As for ther wierdo thing....I think I've finally turned into a wierdo as I no longer care what people think of me, of what I eat, what I wear and what I do. For me, I think that's come with age. You must have been very wise to have reached this point at such an early age!:):D
Glad to see you back on-line HH.....I thought it had been a bit quiet the last few days!:D

As for ther wierdo thing....I think I've finally turned into a wierdo as I no longer care what people think of me, of what I eat, what I wear and what I do. For me, I think that's come with age. You must have been very wise to have reached this point at such an early age!:):D

Aw bumble, that's lovely! I feel so horrible though, so many people have wrote lovely things in my diary and on my other post and I couldn't reply to them - but I WILL do it today :D

The weirdo thing is a strange one indeed. I have friends who would always say (after I turned down a pub lunch for the zillionth time that week) "You never eat anything! You're starving yourself" And I would always feel self concious and try and justify myself by saying something about much preferring to save my calories for a healthy meal I have at home. Then they'd moan more and I'd end up going out for lunch, then me racked with guilt for the next few days. So I slowly started embracing this weirdoness and being ok. If I go to a BBQ and say "no thank you" to deep friend heart attacks and people think I'm weird because of that, then I'm ok with that.

Obviously I'm not saying that you've to alienate yourself and never go out for dinner, but you need to allow for these things in moderation - and you can't allow others to force you into what they deem to be this moderation. Heck, if I took up all my friends and families offers of food I'd be hiring a forklift to get me out of bed in the morning. :) What I'm saying is that it's ok to be different, stand your ground and say no sometimes. (and I think I'm just repeating my previous post now lol) xx
Meh being a weirdo is the only logical reaction to today's loopy society!! Or at least that's what my bro says!! Bless him.

I'm glad your feeling all positive an upbeaty :) it's far more fun than grumpy and downbeaty!!!

Oh an my mascot suit was a giant fisherman ;) an hubby was a rides manager and had me transferred over to hospitality pretty quick sharp as I kept getting into trouble as a mascot :) I only really like my own kids!! Other peoples are vile!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Hehe! Thanks lego, I always try and be positive and upbeat - after all you only live once so there's no point being down in the gutters for long :D

I will defo be mailing you for some mascot tips ;) Or maybe some "How not to be a mascot" tips since you got transferred :D
Right you. I literally don't know where to start!!

Firstly :0clapper::winner: Oh my gawd!!! 1 pound away from goal. You are ruddy amazing!!! You should be so,so proud, I know I am. :D:D I think you have every right to feel a teensy bit emotional.

When you reach goal feel free to come up to Derbyshire and give me a hug, cos I shall be ready and waiting! To loose it ove a 7 month period is so sensible, and means you will find it so much easier to maintain.

Secondly, wow on the mascot thing. I mean it's not really a massive surprise, you really are very pretty and I can just imagine you dressed as a princess. You are definitley NOT big headed. Shout it from the roof tops if you like.

Thirdly, what you posted on the other thread about being at goal, is fantastic. Very motivational and inspiring young lady. It is quite clear that you have had (and I really hate to sound like a contestant on x factor) a real journey since you began way back in December.

Lastly, I know for a fact that it will be hard when you get into the maintaining stage of calorie counting, and it must feel really daunting, but I also know that if anyone can do it, it's you.
Lucy, my lovely you are one of many fantastic people on minimins that keep me going on a daily basis, and I am so pleased I met you. You make me laugh, and you give me support, and you kick my ass when I need it, and I just hope I do the same for you. Don't think for one minute we will all go easy on you now you have reached goal!!! The road ahead might be bumpy, but we are still here, rambling about shizzle!!! :D

So proud of you hun. Well done darling xxxxxx

I'm so sorry for just replying now squeezy, if you read (one of my many) previous posts you'll see that the internet was down in my area. Noooooo! :( So I wasn't being rude. I just want to say that what you wrote is so so lovely - and I really mean that. It means a lot to hear yourself being called inspiring and motivational because if there's anything you should bring to this world it's to try and make it a slightly better place, no matter how small a difference that may be. So if I can inspire just one person to achieve their weight loss dreams like I did then I'm happy :D

And I know you are trying hard to lose your weight but you will do it. You only give up when you give yourself permission to give up. Keep on going. It will take a while, but you will get there. And I promise you it will be absolutely worth it.
Hi Lucy, I haven't got a diary. Tbh when I joined I originally only wanted to lose 12lbs and I felt a bit of a fraud to be on here when so many people have been losing so much. Mind you, I'm already past the original 12lbs and now I want to lose more!
The fact is I lost 5.5 stones with WW 10 years ago, it took a long time but I did it, unfortunately I let it creep back over the last 2 years, not all of it but enough so I wanted to do something about it. I found this site by accident and then MiniMins and the two of them have made the present weight loss seem really easy. I just love this site and the people on it, of course! Lol!
You deserve all the compliments. Lap it up girlie, while you can. I actually had my photo in the Sun!! And they paid me for it! Woo Hoo!
You've done great and you know it, right??

:D :D Thank you sooo much! -hugs-
Again, like I've said to a few I haven't been rude by only just replying. I live away out in the back of beyond and my internet continently decided to be down.
I too found minimins by accident. I think I was checking up something on google and a link to a thread came up. I looked around and thought to myself "I better create a account on this bad boy" and since then I've been hooked :D It's really motivational knowing that there's other people in the same boat as yourself.

I don't have anyone other than you guys to talk about weight loss with. Sure a few of my friends are all trying to lose weight, but for them, even with the best intentions, it's more of 'try for 3 days, then give up' thing, so nobody I can really talk to it about at full length. That sounds quite lonely but I do have great friends - just none that are serious about losing weight! :D

Wow, 5 and a half stones!!!!! That's AH-MAY-ZZINNGG :D My mum lost 3 stones with WW, but as soon as she stopped, it literary went back on in a few months. On reflection, she says it was because it was all food=points, so real education about the foods. It wasn't a lifestyle change. So as soon as she stopped pointing everything that WW, BOOM the weight went back on. She's now calorie counting and is slowly changing her lifestyle for good.
All the best Fiona, and thank you so much again for the compliments!
I wondered where you'd disappeared to! I have to say, I've missed you! Is that weird? Oh well, you said you're weird, so hopefully my weird will be good! haha Good to have you back miss :)
I wondered where you'd disappeared to! I have to say, I've missed you! Is that weird? Oh well, you said you're weird, so hopefully my weird will be good! haha Good to have you back miss :)

I've missed you too! I'm going to have a good read of everyones diaries tomorrow. So expect to see me everywhere LOL.
Well I've just realised I haven't recorded on minimins what I've eaten in a while.

I'm currently trying to slowly increase my calories to maintenance level. Some people just from diet level calories to maintenance calories overnight, but this usually comes with a dreaded weight gain. My body has been used to low calorie for 7 months now, so I'm going to slowly up it my intake by 100 calories a day for a week, then the next week I'll increase it by another 100 until I reach my maintenance mark (1500-1800).

Breakfast 8:00am - 298 calories
  • 27g rolled oats - 98 calories
  • 200 calories worth of milk

Lunch 12:00am -320 calories
  • Harricot beans - 100 calories
  • Tuna chunks - 120 calories
  • Steamed vegetables (broccoli, sweetcorn and carrots)- 100 calories

Dinner, 7:00pm - 482 calories
  • Quorn mince 100g - 94 calories
  • Homemade tomato and cheese sauce - 62 calories
  • Wholewheat spagetti - 200 calories
  • Carrots - 30 calories
  • Garden peas - 70 calories
  • Mushrooms 200g, 26 calores

Pudding 7:30 - 390 calories
  • Two chopped pink lady apples - 98 calories
  • 200g Fat free Fromage Frais - 102 calories
Total calories for today : 1300.

Let's hope this increasing calories technique goes smoothly. If ti doesn't I'll just have to try another way, but for now I've got every hope that this will be successful. :)
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