The 'what i resisted today' Thread.

Hi all, what a great thread. I resisted choc muffins and cookies at work today. Was feeling really good today. This evening, I had 1/2 a takeaway curry, plain rice and kasmiri curry. The funny thing is I didn't have my onion bajjis they tasted so oily!
Ooohh what a good thread - Today i resisted a Sainsbury's Double Chocolate Chip cookie so am proud of myself as before SW i could eat about 2 :ashamed0005:
I've decided to post on this thread everyday from now on because I think it's important to give ourselves credit for these things, after all there is temptation around every corner and we are responsible for developing strategies to avoid them!!

Today I resisted a traditional cooked breakfast with the works in the cafe we went to for breakfast (had poached eggs and baked beans on toast instead). I also said no to a warm, soft, gooey chocolate brownie that I was offered this afternoon!! I am soooo virtuous!!!X
Today I resisted a McDonalds. Hubby and I were out shopping and he decided to go to the drive through. It was so tough sitting there while he ordered, and he kept asking me what I wanted! I was like NOOOO I don't want anything!!!! I was so hungry as well, just kept thinking of the nice healthy food I had waiting for me when I got home :)
I had a night out with the girls last night I stuck to 4 vodkas and diet coke. I resisted , shots, wine and cocktails. I also waited with my friends in the pizza shop and didn't buy anything even when they kept offering me deep fried wedges and pizza ...I am turning boring lol !!!
Yesterday I was in M&S and was absolutely starving. I resisted all the lovely high-syn sandwiches and salads and bought the sushi snack selection (half a syn) and some fruit instead!

Later on I refused an alcoholic drink as I had already planned to have 12 mikado (6 syns) and was really looking forward to them. Didn't want to go over syns even though it would be 'just a drink' like I sometimes think!
Last night I resisted wine, even though it was hard I feel great and hang over free this morning!
Yesterday I resisted having a KFC with the girls in work saving myself 36.5 syns =D
I resisted having a large white roll with lunch... I'm saving my syns for poppadoms to have with curry later, nom! Pleased I resisted :)
I resisted all butter shortbread that someone brought into the office
what a fabulous thread!!

On Saturday I resisted cupcakes at a birthday party and then in the evening I was ravenous and instead of opening the Doritos in the cupboard I cut up some carrot, cucumber and pepper - god I felt positively angelic!

I think its great to celebrate the things we manage to resist!!
Today I resisted opening up both the ham and the beef I have in the fridge at work to have with lunch - I just went with the beef. I know the ham is free (I'm on ee), but I have a real problem with portion sizes sometimes - I pile my plate as high as the sky! I felt nicely full after lunch, so I know I made the right decision. Pleased that my habits are changing and I'm not eating loads of food just because it's there.
Today I resisted having pudding in the pub after WI! I felt so rubbish after my gain that I was tempted to have a 'sod it' moment and order crumble and custard but I knew it wouldn't solve anything!x
I just walked past some pringles that were shouting my name in the shop.
I always used to feel guilty / bad after eating them anyway, but find them irresistibly moreish - I've been known to polish off a WHOLE TUBE on my own on a Saturday, plus the fact that they cost 3.50 a tube here means I'd rather spend our grocery budget on other things. All tubes of pringles still safely on the shelf in the shop...