This Little Piggy Goes to Atkins

A very productive day indeed: we have been to a mortgage broker and now have a mortgage in principal. We don't have a deposit yet, but are awaiting a decision from MIL as to whether she'll lend it to us. We are still 3 months away from being able to get a mortgage as they'll need 3 months wage slips from me. That's good as we can get the credit card down in that time.
Been to Canterbury and got some lovely work clothes. Just hope the snow doesn't hit too hard and stop me getting to my first day!

Food today has been one little pancake, and miso soup. Slow roasted pork for tea.
Smiley that's such brilliant news - a mortgage in principle means you can really start looking for the perfect home now :)

May I also crown you Smiley Queen of Great Food Ideas - just made your ice cream and omg it is lush! Blackberries and cream - really hitting the spot :D
Lean and green all week, husband lost 4lbs and I sts - grrrrr. Did have totm, but finished yesterday so should be back to normal now surely? Bugger, this means that only Exante works for weight loss with me and Atkins for maintenance. I started Atkins at 11.08 I think in about August, I don't think I've ever lost and am now 11.11. It's a no brainer isn't it? Help!!
Yes, I know what you mean. I'll figure it out sometime. For now, there is far too much going on to consider any more change.
Had a great day spring cleaning the house. Heavy snow falling now, and settling!
Aaaaaaaggghh, there's so much snow here and it's falling heavily still. Will I make it into the countryside for my first day tomorrow?!
Got to my first day with no problems, despite a couple of inches of snow. I had an excellent time, got straight into booking conference and flights via the Barbados office, and feel like I did fairly well for my first day.
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Congratulations on your new job Smiley xx
All going well here. Work is great, viewed a few houses before half the deposit fell through. So a year or so saving now before we're ready (unless we have a little lottery win!). The house I love (not the one I posted recently) will be lost, crrrrrry!!
Sticking nicely to low carb, but not weighing weekly. Not sure if that's wise or not, but really don't want to be obsessing at the mo. I probably will be doing a month on Exante before summer, unless I have some amazing weight loss in between times. Just another stone!

Hope you're all well x
Oh Smiley so sorry to hear about the deposit situation - if I won the lottery you could have some in a flash!

But well done on staying focused food wise xxx