Time for a fabulous new healthy, slim body! 2013 is the year to get foxified

Managed to do two of the workouts!!! Yes TWO!! Feel like jelly now! Time for a nice soak I think, totally chuffed with myself for getting through that, I did core, arms and shoulders. I want nice lean toned arms this time I'm slim, always a problem area for me as I have an hourglass shape which makes my arms and legs more tapered, I've always hated my arms the most!!
Really had to push myself there, just kept looking at one of the women on the DVD all toned and brown and smiling and thought "you utter b!tch, smiling at me like this is nothing" haha but I just had to keep in mind the body I want and keep going, but my god did it burn.
Hope Ilo is better now hun & you're not getting any stress from his totally undeserving excuse for a sire.
Had a sort of similar man experience with this older guy - big ego etc - knew he had kids & found out by chance
where the mother worked, so out of curiosity I stopped by for a "browse" and SAW THE ENGAGEMENT RING!!!!
FOR F*** SAKE!!! They just want to have their comfort cake at home and nip out for an eclair or cream doughnut
whenever the fancy takes them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
You're so much better off raising your gorgeous wee fella away from that influence and I wish you every success xxx
Hope Ilo is better now hun & you're not getting any stress from his totally undeserving excuse for a sire.
Had a sort of similar man experience with this older guy - big ego etc - knew he had kids & found out by chance
where the mother worked, so out of curiosity I stopped by for a "browse" and SAW THE ENGAGEMENT RING!!!!
FOR F*** SAKE!!! They just want to have their comfort cake at home and nip out for an eclair or cream doughnut
whenever the fancy takes them. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
You're so much better off raising your gorgeous wee fella away from that influence and I wish you every success xxx

Thanks chick, he's vile got more messages off him "I don't give a sh!t about you or whatever his name is...... Hope you burn in hell........I don't want anything to do with that little n!gga" -vile,vile man.
My boy is the happiest smiliest wee man and no one but me can take credit for that :)
I'm happy and getting more confidence and looking better, nothing, no-one (especially not a man) can bring me down!! :D
Don't get mad, get even haha
You said it girlfriend! God so much hate! That's shocking, and you were right to "out" him to his other other half,
I did similar in the form of a letter. I regret causing her hurt, but she HAD to know the truth of what he
was really capable of. And he had the cheek to ring me a year later and "apologise" and ask if he could start
texting/talking again as I was "always the one who made him laugh the most". Yeah well I had the last laugh there dearie
with a very adamant "No!" Seriously?! WTF?!
Better without a man than with a total plonker who doesn't know how good he has it xx
You said it girlfriend! God so much hate! That's shocking, and you were right to "out" him to his other other half,
I did similar in the form of a letter. I regret causing her hurt, but she HAD to know the truth of what he
was really capable of. And he had the cheek to ring me a year later and "apologise" and ask if he could start
texting/talking again as I was "always the one who made him laugh the most". Yeah well I had the last laugh there dearie
with a very adamant "No!" Seriously?! WTF?!
Better without a man than with a total plonker who doesn't know how good he has it xx

Oh god yeah I felt awful for her, I approached it as delicately as I could but (at her request) I sent her every email conversation we'd had over a 5month period, she still took him back after that and he even tried to continue lying to her even once she had all the evidence, from the emails she knew full well I was in the dark about him having a relationship as I even asked him outright on three separate occasions if he was seeing anybody! She was even the one who paid for a DNA test cos he would not believe Ilo was his (apparently he wasn't "black" enough to be his) it's just all been drama and I hate it, I don't want my life to read like some cheap soap story line.
It has been upsetting but I'm stronger and above even getting annoyed with him anymore I just pity him really, his behaviour is pathetic he's 30years old for ****** sake and acts like a tantruming toddler crossed with a stroppy teen.
I'm going to let the courts handle it, it may take years to sort out as its overseas but I don't care if he won't be part of his sons life emotionally then he can support him financially I didn't make a child by myself so either way I'm going to make his responsible for his actions too.

How you getting on,on your S&S journey to slimville?? Xx
Takes two to tango alright! And I'm sure you didn't chain him up and take him by force!!!!
Bit of an Eddie Murphy situation there with all the denial and hello...if you mix milk with coffee well.....c'mon dude!
Seriously, not black enough?!! You deserve every support you can get there hun. Especially after the abuse you've put up with.

Me, I'm getting along fine thanks sweetie, it's day 32 now. I'm just doing the fortnightly weigh-in and that suits fine for
now. Started back at toning classes last night and am doing pilates on a Monday night so it'll all help.

You're doing great on the exercise front yourself, it's a good way to counteract your frustrations too, put that anger to good use! xx
Takes two to tango alright! And I'm sure you didn't chain him up and take him by force!!!!
Bit of an Eddie Murphy situation there with all the denial and hello...if you mix milk with coffee well.....c'mon dude!
Seriously, not black enough?!! You deserve every support you can get there hun. Especially after the abuse you've put up with.

Me, I'm getting along fine thanks sweetie, it's day 32 now. I'm just doing the fortnightly weigh-in and that suits fine for
now. Started back at toning classes last night and am doing pilates on a Monday night so it'll all help.

You're doing great on the exercise front yourself, it's a good way to counteract your frustrations too, put that anger to good use! xx

Ooo I love Pilates!! Have a great time!
Yeah I'm loving the kettlebell punches, I'm sure you can guess who I imagine there haha.
Just a ridiculous thing to say, well he clearly doesn't have the smarts to be a geneticist!!
You're doing soooo well! We're all getting foxy :D
Day 28!!!

Yes 1st mile stone done! Only 2more to go!!
WI and measurements tomorrow!!
Just did the one workout today, gonna do 3days of two workouts and 4 of one.
Had a gorge dinner tonight, mackerel with rocket spinach and watercress with fat free vinegarette, I tend to be doing two days of four packs one day of three so it doesn't get to boring, more likely to stick with it that way.
Nice work hun, 4lbs of pure fat is excellent! Think of it in terms of pound blocks of butter/lard and you'll be
a lot more impressed. It's the lost inches that you see that count. You're doing brill, keep smiling x
Nice work hun, 4lbs of pure fat is excellent! Think of it in terms of pound blocks of butter/lard and you'll be
a lot more impressed. It's the lost inches that you see that count. You're doing brill, keep smiling x

True I've got a picture of that actually in my slimsperation album.
It's the inches and how clothes fit that's the most important a friend of mine lost 10lbs but only 4inches (which probably means a big loss of water) which is still amazing a loss is a loss but you want it to show aswell not just on the scales
Precisely! xx
Day 30!

Did another two workouts yesterday, my shoulders feel worked today for sure!! Maybe just the one workout today so my arms don't drop off!
So happy I'm a third of the way through but feel like maybe if my losses don't speed up I won't be at goal by the end of the 12weeks,fingers crossed I will be a size 10/12 at the least and toned to boot.
Just found your diary and I have to say...you're amazing! Such an inspiration and SO strong! Keep it up! Day 1 (AGAIN) for me today...just gotta get on with it!
Just found your diary and I have to say...you're amazing! Such an inspiration and SO strong! Keep it up! Day 1 (AGAIN) for me today...just gotta get on with it!

Thanks chick! How long have you done it previously?
Just got to power through! It can be done, I can't believe I managed to muster the willpower to do it, but it's all in the mind, if you think you can do it you will. Xx
Aha umm about a week I think agesss ago...recently I cant even get through day 1 :( It's so silly I want to lose it s badly but I always find a way to convince myself to binge!
Aha umm about a week I think agesss ago...recently I cant even get through day 1 :( It's so silly I want to lose it s badly but I always find a way to convince myself to binge!

I think when you realise there's not gonna be a magic wand to wave and get the perfect body, it's in your own hands, "being big is hard, losing the weight and exercising is hard, choose your hard"
Honestly I don't think I've been this physically fit since I was a young teen, my skin is better, my back pain has eased off, my hypermobility syndrome has calmed down, I feel stronger, my clothes fit better, the list of good things is just endless, it's so worth it once you get your head in the game, the first week is the hardest but it sounds to me as though your relationship with food might have some underlying problems, binge eating and over eating is more like self harming at seem point we all try to seek solace in the comfort of eating but in the end it just causes us unhappiness, I chose some really helpful quotes to remind myself of why I'm doing this, maybe they might help you too?! They're all in my slimsperation album.
The best advice I can offer is if you're really struggling to get past the first few days is to try and prepare your body first by reducing your carb intake or follow a ketogenic diet for a few days before starting S&S, I didn't find the first few days as hard as some people because I prepared my body and mind first.
I really hope you find the strength to continue on and slim and save is the closest you're gonna get to that magic wand.
Never obsess over food only obsess with being healthy!
Some good advice there! I love the quote:
"Being fat is hard, losing weight and exercising is hard... choose your hard".

Couldn't agree more, that food can be a self-harm mechanism, I got into a binge eating disorder mindset because I hated my circumstances (outside of my control), hated myself, hated everything and wanted to punish myself. Took me more than a year to work through those issues through and ... now I went into the VLCD in January completely happy and it wasn't hard at all. Once the mind is in the right place, then it's easy. Getting there - takes some effort though. :)
Thankyou for your advice :)

It's a mental thing for me, the ketosis/physical symptoms dont bother me as I come from a past where I did some very silly things to lose weight. I almost find it easier to eat nothing at all than to diet because it takes away the temptation. That's one of the reasons Im choosing 4 packs a day as it's closest I can get to giving complete control to someone/something else. Boredom is my biggest obstacle atm as Im on a break from uni for a few more weeks and I have no work for a few weeks so literally nothing to occupy me! I'll get there though, I know once im in the zone failing wont even be considered....just got to get to that point!