Tonight's tea, can you help with with Superfree veggies?


Pesky pescetarian from Australia!
Hi MM's,

Well as my other thread says, I am back on plan today, yay!! :D

I am also going to try some EE days, as I understand it, I only have one A and one B and then can have fish etc free? (I know I can have meat too but I am veggie) but you have to have 1/3 superfree foods a day which are now just fruit & veggies?

Tonight's tea is smoked River Cobbler with Sweet Potato mash and veg, I have a bag of mixed veg in the freezer (Cauliflower, brocolli, carrots and peas) and I also have some mushrooms in which I could add in, could the veg be counted as my superfree?

Yep - sounds delicious!
absolutely perfect that is how the superfree works xxx