Total Solution tubbynomore WILL get in the 11's...

Hi Ali, thanks for popping by earlier with a hearty welcome...much appreciated. I have just caught up on your thread and you certainly have been through the ringer these past few months. Congrats on starting Phase 2. The wedding photos are fab, what a change, you look so confident & self-assured. That came from hard graft these past months. I hope to be around to share the journey to the finish line with you, you'll have shifted those last stubborn few pounds in no time. Keep those Before & Now photos where you can see them every day... you'll be at goal in no time.

Continued success,

Conor x
Good morning fellow minnies :) nursetubs needs a new name. I don't feel in the slightest bit tubby any more and it's thanks to the amazing support on here that has kept me on track (well most of the time anyway :p)

I am Little Miss Sunshine despite the rain/wind lol. And just a bit Little Miss Naughty hehe.
Thank you for visiting my diary, I enjoy your company and chats :) shame you're all in bed atm though.

Catch up later, keep smiling :D
Good morning Little Miss Sunshine Nurse, your pics are fab. Such a difference, you should feel so proud of yourself.

Good luck with Phase 2 of your journey :hug99: xx
Wow Ali what a difference :D xx
Well that's another day done, I couldn't have been too far out of K it was so much easier this time ;)
Got a great incentive and a goal to get in the 11's :) I'm meeting up with my buddy Sarah again in 6 weeks. So buckle up I'm on the wagon for the long haul :)
You'll look even more amazing in 6 weeks hun especially with your determination xxx
Morning morning lovely found you!!

Your on a roll, course your gonna ace it in 6 weeks time for your meet up with that determination and willpower :)))) X
Good morning, it's nearly afternoon and I haven't had my first shake! Thanks for your visits it really keeps me going :)
Hi Precious you in K yet? Hope you managed to sleep better last night Kel?

Just a few minutes while I have a coffee and catch up on some diaries then crack on with the housework.
Wish the keto fairy would bring her friend the cleaning fairy when she visits lol. Or maybe she does, my house is cleaner when I'm in k to keep me occupied :)
Oh well! It won't get done sitting here, catch you later xx
Well thats the living room done, all the furniture moved around and had the glass cabinet out for a good clean! :eek:

Time for a sit-down, coffee and my second shake. Loving this burst of energy. Poor dog doesn't know where to sit now lol
Good morning, I am stiff and aching after yesterday's marathon cleaning session! So much for my new found energy lol.
Hey ho all in a day's work ;)

Day 5 and not much planned. 3 shakes and 3 L is the order of the day.

Any ideas on my new name yet?
determinator said:
nurseuntubbed nursede-tubbed nurseltubless tub-no-more :D

Lol I was thinking of dropping the nurse bit too. tubbynomore or tubbybegone sounds good ;)
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Afternoon! Hope you're enjoying an easier day today :hug99: xx

Tubbybegone sounds good :D