Twiggy's Diary

Nite nite:p
Hey Twigs well done on doing so well on your low point week so far and top work for reaching you 2 stone loss. Defo back on track. I really like your new pic :D xxx
Good luck with your WI my dear. I'm sure it will be a good'un. :) xx
All the best for the WI! :D
Let me know if I'm raiding my piggy bank for that coffee:p
Dunno why but i thought your weigh day was thur? Anyways good luck whatever night it is! xxxx
good luck for WI! :D xxx
Good luck Twiglet
hope when you step on the scales you can record a further loss
will be watching out for results
Ooooh I'm too early so just recording good wishes for wi will pop back and see how you did.

Hope work settles down a bit


Lost 1lb ... quite happy with that really (of course more would have been welcomed :D) Glad to be back to having all my points ... I missed them :)

Still tantilisingly 1lb away from that next stone bracket ... next week for sure !

Thanks for all the posts!!

Well done Twiggs

Must have saved them points good - well done you x