Twiggy's Diary

Yeay!! Huge well done on your loss hun, fabalus stuff :D:D:D

Glad to see you back too

Big mwahs

well done Twiglet :D knew you could do it! another silver 7 before xmas, yes? :D xxx
Bit late but congratulations on the 1.5 off hun,,keep at it! xxxx send my love to that awol sister of yours!;)
Morning Twiggs

Just stopping by to say hello.
Hope you are ok.
Have a great weekend x
Well done Twigs on a brillo loss. I hope you have a lovely weekend. xxx
hope you have a fab weekend Twiglet, how are you doing pointswise? xxx
:wavey: Hi Twigs

Well done on the 1.5 - glad you are happy with it:D
Don't forget to give me a shout when you are over here - I owe you a coffee I think;)

Like Charly said - say Hi to your AWOL twin for me:p
Twigs where are you?? I hope you are okay my
Hello all

Sorry - i'm getting as bad as my sister!!

Didn't make WI this week as was working late - not that I was expecting much :D

Hope everyone's well and sticking to the diet better than I am :)

Love to all
Well im ashamed to say ive been off the diet more than on this last week twiggs!

Gonna try be extra good for the next 3 weeks so i can relax for xmas/new year & not worry about what im eating.
After all im certainly not pointing my xmas dinner & new year is a posh hotel meal so gonna enjoy it all!x
Hey Twiggy. Hope you are having a nice evening. Don't be a stranger my dear. xxx
Morning all

Just popping in to say hello before another hectic day starts ... when will it end?!?!!!

My diet has gone out of the window recently, but I'm not beating myself up about it - I know I can get back on track :)

Yes i have no doubt you can get back on track my dear. I hope everything becomes a little less manic for you soon. xxx
Just stopping by to say hello - have a great weekend x
hey Twigs, hope you're looking after yourself with all these late nights at work!

have a lovely weekend! :) xxx