Unthoughtful people!

Dear Tutor.
I understand that in the grand scheme of things 4% may seem like nothing. But when the 4% is the difference between me getting a 96% score or being able to gloat about a 100% pass, it matters to me. What matters more is its because of your idiocy that i lost the stupid 4% and you cant even admit you were wrong. Even Your boss has admitted your wrong, but told me that the results are final and cant be changed.
Yes I am very grrrr at you, yes I have complained about you, and yes I have changed groups to one thats over a 90 min drive away so I can make sure this doesnt happen again.
I hope everybody else in our group that lost those marks complains too.
Not that you'd care cause lets face it, according to you, you did nothing wrong.
Shirleen, what can we do about the Euro situation? C'mon, you can sort it out, you know you can :D

Easy peasy every country agrees to write off the debt of other countries, and then reset interest rates at a decent level, but the same across the world, no-one owes anyone anything, everyone has the same interest rates!
Dear "fat" girl inside my head,

Please for once will you just STFU and let me enjoy myself the way I am just for 5 minutes?!

Dear friend/boss,
When I said I didn't want any money for taking up your jeans I meant it, I didn't mean go out and buy my cappuccino truffles because you know they're my favourite! You are so supportive normally. but hey thanks! Now don't pay me for the second pair....pleeeeeese?
Easy peasy every country agrees to write off the debt of other countries, and then reset interest rates at a decent level, but the same across the world, no-one owes anyone anything, everyone has the same interest rates!

I like your thinking. Can't help wondering though, with all the countries in such debt ... where has the money gone?;);)
Dear bosses, boss

If you have a problem with my work ethic, please communicate this through my boss. I have spent the last 3 working days doing stuff so you can keep accreditations for the company, so don't tell me my diary looks empty.
Also, if i'm not on the phone, this doesn't mean i'm not working. It means i'm doing some other part of my job you complete moron.
Your disrespect & lack of understanding of the job i do for you has lead me to reply to 3 headhunters today already. You can stick your stupid job where the sun doen't shine.
And stop bullying the new boy!
The thing is, money doesn't exist. It's a paper exercise

Yep, you're right, it doesn't exist at that level.

Mind you, just to be on the safe side - note to the Universe - 'Any time you want to send a bit more of the illusion that is money my way, feel free!' ;)
Dear British Government

Thank you ever so much for all the cutbacks you have been making of late, especially ones involving cutting funds to our countries Police forces, one of which I happen to be an employee of. Because of you colleagues of mine have lost their jobs and I no longer have the job that I have loved for the past 7 years. I now have to sit answering phones all day to the lovely members of our society that have no idea what a 'hard days work is' and use crime to fund their lifestyles, including robbing old and vulnerable people!!!! It's bad enough that I now have to work 7 long tiring shifts in a row every two weeks as well as fitting in ten hour night shifts between this, I DON'T want to have to tell people that No they cant have their property back because it was STOLEN in the first place!!!

Rant over......for now!!!!
Dear certain minis members,

Get a grip.

We're all adults on here and some people need to grow up. Not everybody in life is picking on you, nor are they trying to start an argument.

Stop taking offence because somebody said something you don't like. Boohoo.

That is all - had I best apologise now for any offence I may have caused........
Mrs.S. said:
Dear certain minis members,

Get a grip.

We're all adults on here and some people need to grow up. Not everybody in life is picking on you, nor are they trying to start an argument.

Stop taking offence because somebody said something you don't like. Boohoo.

That is all - had I best apologise now for any offence I may have caused........

I think this could be extended to "dear everyone in general"...

I know we all have our bad days, but that's the point ALL of us have bad days/weeks/months, and yes there are some arseholes out there but you need to just try and rise above it and not take everything so damn personally!

dear mum,

thankyou for telling me earlier this year when I had the chance of a free and all paid for luxury wedding that I couldn't possibly do it as I was too fat.
Well thankfully my other half doesn't think I'm too fat as he has booked a wedding abroad next year for April 2012.

Ha - and we are going on our own mwhahahahahah!



PS I realise I am fat, but I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that you are 2 dress sizes bigger than me