Unthoughtful people!

Bliddy heck what a cheek! Next time you get the house to yourself swap the big bedroom for your office just dump his stuff! Or tell him to put it all back or you will start listing his stuff ob eBay!

:8855: That's just what I'd do! lol
My annoyance with my job is when I tell people I have been working for the same company for 16 years....they look at me as if I have 10 heads. Yes there are days I dont like the place and it drives me nuts and I threaten I am going to do up my CV and find a new job. But I have a good work /life balance thing going on here and my job is very flexible, something that would not come easy if I were starting off in a new company.

Now off to the bank to check if my pay cheque has arrived!
His hobby/activity which takes up lots of space is his weight training and his weights bench. I can't even move the blimming weights.

And his expensive and slightly space taking hobby is collecting of arms and armament. Some people get freaked out by this but if you listen to one boring monolgue about how armour developed or how this blimming sword is different to this. Or what happened at the battle of blah blah whatever you realise it's not scary. Just extrodinarily geekily DULL. :rolleyes:
And don't even get me started on his 'toys' he has collected. And I mean toys. Star wars Lego, stuff like that. Mega Geek :p
He sounds like my kind of guy.

I used to make chainmaile and would love to be able to collect swords and so on.
Luckily I live alone and have a spare room. :)

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Dear Workplace,
Please stop patronising me by not offering me any development opportunities and assuming that I won't notice that everyone else is being considered before me, despite, in most cases, me having been there at least 4 times as long as them.
I don't know if it's because I'm heavy, because I have black hair and like to wear eyeliner, or because I'm honest and pull you up on things that I think are wrong, but there's no valid reason why I shouldn't be offered what everyone else seems to be handed on a plate. I'm constantly being told I'm far too intelligent to work in that control room, and yet I don't seem suitable enough to be promoted.

The only thing pulling me through this at the moment is the knowledge that if I hadn't been seriously ill as a teenager I WOULD have finished my degree, at Cambridge, and I wouldn't be anywhere near any of you right now. As it is, I'll finish my OU BSc, go to grad school and we'll see who is laughing then.

But despite this, the next time you reject me, please do it with a little more tact.
Gemma 'Addams Family' Day.
ColJack said:
He sounds like my kind of guy.

I used to make chainmaile and would love to be able to collect swords and so on.
Luckily I live alone and have a spare room. :)

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

He has chainmail too. This is one of the things taking up space.. Lol
He sounds like my kind of guy.

I used to make chainmaile and would love to be able to collect swords and so on.
Luckily I live alone and have a spare room. :)

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

There ya go! Send him to ColJacks spare room!
He sounds like my kind of guy.

I used to make chainmaile and would love to be able to collect swords and so on.
Luckily I live alone and have a spare room. :)

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

There ya go! Send him to ColJacks spare room!
ellierose988 said:
Dear nearly every single one of my parents' friends, and older relatives,

When I tell you where I'm working, please stop responding with "what do you REALLY want to do?" I know you're just taking an interest, but honestly, it makes me feel completely worthless. I'm proud that I'm working at all and if I wanted to stay where I am forever then it would be my business, if it was my true passion then you would have basically just completely insulted me, so have a bit of tact please. :)

I appreciate everyone that works in retail, really enjoyed it when I was a Saturday girl but hard work and little appreciation from people.

I've worked for an airline almost 16 years and still to this date almost everyone I meet presumes I'm cabin crew, and when I'm say I'm not they think it's because I didn't get it! There are other jobs, including the one I do.. It's fairly important.. doing the weight and balance of the aircraft and making sure its safe and legal to operate! Much training and exams and I hold a licence.. Think cabin crew are great and their training is second to none but it's still pretty annoying that people presume that's what you want to be even though you're very happy doing what you do!
I must admit to having certain opinions in the past about people who work in retail - I did always think of it as a stepping stone kind of job. The only time I've ever worked in retail was at 17 when I was a Christmas Temp in Wilkinsons. However, after meeting my OH, I completely changed my mind. He works in Sainsbury's (He's a Team Leader at the moment and hoping to be a Manager sometime in the near future) and despite coming home most days exhausted and annoyed because someone else isn't doing their job properly and making it harder for him - he is absolutely passionate about what he does, and he's really good at it. He's worked there since he was in college... he's got qualifications in Engineering and Electronics but has never used them because he likes it where he is!

Also, there is an upside to working in retail - Discount! :D
Exactly, I mean to be perfectly honest I never thought I'd like a career in retail but my current job has made me think otherwise. There's something really quite satisfying about helping customers and helping in the day-to-day running of a shop that lots of people use.
ellierose988 said:
Dear nearly every single one of my parents' friends, and older relatives,

When I tell you where I'm working, please stop responding with "what do you REALLY want to do?" I know you're just taking an interest, but honestly, it makes me feel completely worthless. I'm proud that I'm working at all and if I wanted to stay where I am forever then it would be my business, if it was my true passion then you would have basically just completely insulted me, so have a bit of tact please. :)

YES!! To this. I get it all the time! Even the therapists where I work say to me 'so what do you really want to do?' 'In 5 years, where do you want to be?' 'Or do you just want to be a housewife?' for the record, I don't even have a bludy boyfriend!
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Ive been in my job in retail now for 8 1/2 years 8 as branch manager

And without retail where would we all be!!!

Every single day of our lives everyone one of us uses retail in one form or other, retail is the backbone of society and from corner shops to hypermarkets its long hard hours and staff in these places should be treated with respect.

Some of the grief i get from customers is disgusting, they can be rude, patronising, condescending and insulting,
I do not believe the customer is always right, in fact i know for sure they are not, and i have to stand there and smile politely while customers demand refunds for things they havent even bought from me, have no reciept, bought the item 6months ago and have now changed their mind about it, or swear blind they bought a certain thing last week ( which sometimes we have never even sold ever) yet they can tell you where it was and which stagf member served them etc etc etc!! God if only i had a gun!!!

Retail for me is all about targets and bonuses now, and the general public are something i have to deal with to obtain them!

But the lovely customers sure as hell make up for all the awful ones! :)
My SIS worked in a Tesco express in London while she was at dance college and some rude c o w started throwing the huge cans of dog food at her for no reason!

X x x
Dear boss
please hurry and confirm my "holiday" so I can go to hospital for my speech therapy..... I have a genuine illness and need to work on getting my voice back so I can be more productive.

Yours the only person in our company with spasmodic dysphonia
kingleds said:
I need a soapbox smilie for Shirleen. Mods - please pretty please can i have a soapbox smilie ;)

Btw - you're spot on Shirleen. I never understand why we persist in thinking a good academic grounding is the be all & end all. It really isn't! And thats coming from someone who supposedly has one!

And me! I ended up with a job that has nothing whatsoever to do with my degree yet I earn more than I would in the career I took my degree for.....baffling! And an absolute waste of 3 years and lots of money.....