Unthoughtful people!

MissSlinky2011 said:
You wouldn't get in a car with me then my husband sings Cerys Matthews you give me rrrrrrroad rrrrrrage but to be fair its because I'm fed up of the council employed builders going 50 miles an hour around blind corners by a school AND parking in front of my house - my house is NOT a council house and you are NOT working on it so get out of my space!

I've left 3 very irritated notes on the windscreen warning them next time I will call the police as they are parking a van less than 3 meters from a corner so :p

Unless you have also paid for the parking space, they aren't doing anything wrong on parking in your space. But too close to a corner is wrong.
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MissSlinky2011 said:
You wouldn't get in a car with me then my husband sings Cerys Matthews you give me rrrrrrroad rrrrrrage but to be fair its because I'm fed up of the council employed builders going 50 miles an hour around blind corners by a school AND parking in front of my house - my house is NOT a council house and you are NOT working on it so get out of my space!

I've left 3 very irritated notes on the windscreen warning them next time I will call the police as they are parking a van less than 3 meters from a corner so :p

Awesome!! I get road rage

Shirleen said:
Unless you have also paid for the parking space, they aren't doing anything wrong.

They are absolutely are Shirleen if it's seen as dangerous parking honey! Police hate it, I did as a copper!

Outside my current work parking is a huge issue hence I get a lift to work. But lots of people parking on corners have had legitimate tickets as a result of complaints from residents and police come x
Shirleen said:
Sorry I edited my post as you posted!

Ha ha I'm always doing that chick he he xx
bevhunter1986 said:
Ha ha I'm always doing that chick he he xx

It's this iPhone app! Ever since it was updated I can't read the whole post! The post I read said about parking and that was it, then I came back and saw there was more!!! Bliddy fing!
I'm sure the cars in my area don't have indicators as most drivers seldom use them! It really irritates me.

Oooh same round here. I think the rules about traffic lights have changed by mine as well, I seen two cars go through red lights walking to the bus stop and then the bus I got on ran a red light and nearly caused a crash :( x
Although I agree that you can't take anyone's indicator as a guarantee to what they will do (esp when they are signalling to turn and might not) I find it far more frustrating when I stop at a junction/roundabout etc to give way to a car that's coming and they just turn off without indicating leaving me sat there giving way to thin air! I cycle quite a lot too and its even more irritating when you're on a bike as it takes a hell of a lot more effort to get back up to speed when you've stopped to give way and then you don't need to! Pretty sure some people think their indicators are an optional extra!
Shirleen said:
Unless you have also paid for the parking space, they aren't doing anything wrong on parking in your space. But too close to a corner is wrong.

I've got a blimming driveway that they park in front of and we paid a fortune to get the pavement lowered. They are assuming that as there is no car at 8am we are at work, I am but I'm coming home at 9am after a sleep so move lol.

X x x
When did it become legal to park on pavements? Came out of the theatre pushing a wheelchair to find a car parked fully on the pavement! Had to bump the wheelchair down the kerb, walk on the road then try to bump him back up again!
Who do you call in that instance?
Also when it's school chucking out time put little close becomes a carpark, they park across driveways, on corners, double park etc. One 4x4 is really inconsiderate and is forever just leaving her car anywhere she pleases so i blocked her in one day, it was outside my house there was nowhere else to park, as I was getting out she yelled at me, I told her straight it was HER inconsiderate parking that forced me to park there, She's more considerate now.
We also become a carpark on match days, I'm thinking of getting the neighbours together to ask the council for it to be permit only, as other roads near us have.
Dear husband.
When you take all the milk to work with you to have a protein shake then please do not be suprised when I'm ticked off because I don't have anything to make my morning coffee with!
Your (de-caffinated) Wife
Shirleen said:
When did it become legal to park on pavements? Came out of the theatre pushing a wheelchair to find a car parked fully on the pavement! Had to bump the wheelchair down the kerb, walk on the road then try to bump him back up again!
Who do you call in that instance?
Also when it's school chucking out time put little close becomes a carpark, they park across driveways, on corners, double park etc. One 4x4 is really inconsiderate and is forever just leaving her car anywhere she pleases so i blocked her in one day, it was outside my house there was nowhere else to park, as I was getting out she yelled at me, I told her straight it was HER inconsiderate parking that forced me to park there, She's more considerate now.
We also become a carpark on match days, I'm thinking of getting the neighbours together to ask the council for it to be permit only, as other roads near us have.

I work for the Police and get loads of calls like this every day. If someone is parked fully on a pavement and is blocking wheelchair access get their reg and ring your local bobbies. Not sure how your force will deal but up here we attend cars parked over drives (as long as they are legal driveways with a drop kerb), cars blocking wheelchair access on a pavement, if their way of parking means an emergency service vehicle cant get through or if they are reducing visibility at a junction/corner. But you have to ring with number plates when its ongoing, no point ringing an hour later. If you want parking restrictions put in place thats the local council. And I would speak to the school too, if they think their pupils are at risk they may be more willing to help.

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sarah_lou1981 said:
I work for the Police and get loads of calls like this every day. If someone is parked fully on a pavement and is blocking wheelchair access get their reg and ring your local bobbies. Not sure how your force will deal but up here we attend cars parked over drives (as long as they are legal driveways with a drop kerb), cars blocking wheelchair access on a pavement, if their way of parking means an emergency service vehicle cant get through or if they are reducing visibility at a junction/corner. But you have to ring with number plates when its ongoing, no point ringing an hour later. If you want parking restrictions put in place thats the local council. And I would speak to the school too, if they think their pupils are at risk they may be more willing to help.

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Oh thanks for that advice! I knew the council will deal with restrictions. I have contacted the school before I think they put it on the newsheet and that's that, shame really as we love living near the school and hearing the kids playing at break time. Hubby says it makes him happy!
Oh and I'm not sure what they do but we have 'neighbourhood wardens' at the moment all they seem to do is spy on teenagers, a few years ago my Dort was terrified as their car followed her up the road! I'll have to look it up lol!
Shirleen said:
Oh thanks for that advice! I knew the council will deal with restrictions. I have contacted the school before I think they put it on the newsheet and that's that, shame really as we love living near the school and hearing the kids playing at break time. Hubby says it makes him happy!

I know what you mean. I once went on a holiday with a 'no kids' rule and it was so quiet and boring!! Id def report them ALL THE TIME! Theyll soon get fed up of bobbies bothering them. I know in West Yorkshire we have community meetins where you can go see your.local pcso's and they can make certain things a priority.

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Oh thanks for that advice! I knew the council will deal with restrictions. I have contacted the school before I think they put it on the newsheet and that's that, shame really as we love living near the school and hearing the kids playing at break time. Hubby says it makes him happy!

You could try talking to your local PCSO, Shirleen. Ours arranged a letter on Norfolk Constabulary headed paper saying that they were concerned about parking/driving around the school, especially at arrival and chucking out time. We sent a copy home with every pupil. I think they do this regularly to catch the new intake. Mind you, I think this kind of thing is often a hiding to nothing unfortunately, as most of the people who would be considerate enough to take notice are already considerate enough to not be doing it in the first place! :rolleyes: Might be worth a try though.

Oh and it's great to hear you say that you love to hear the kids at break time. We get people who move near to the school (often because they want their kids to go there because of its good reputation) then complain about the noise at break and lunch. Yep, 1000 kids out at lunchtime will make a noise! Shouldn't really need an estate agent to tell them that!
Dear tooth..

Why did you decide to leave my mouth today?
Most inconvenient breaking while I was eating my SALAD for lunch.
I could understand if I was chomping a toffee or something hard but a salad?

And now I have to spend half a day and lots of money to get the rest of it removed.
Oh joy. !!! :(

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Dear oh

Thank you for paying for this lovely week in Tenby. However, I didn't realise it was on the condition that we see all your family. I know you rarely get to see them as we live 100 miles away, but we saw them 6 weeks ago. Wasn't it enough that you screwed up your passport forms & spoiled our plans for a holiday abroad? As much as i love Tenby, it is not the hot holiday you promised me and it is clearly too close to your family. I gladly cooked for your parents yesterday (and cleaned up all the mess) and I happily sat through your great aunt's Christian talks last night. but do I really have to drive another 20 miles so we can see your brother, nieces & nephews. Like I said, I know you don't see them often but in the two years we've been together I have driven the 200 mile round trip to see them at least 8 times. They have never bothered to come to see us. This is suppose to be OUR HOLIDAY. Thanks to us both working opposite shifts we very rarely have days off together so I would like to spend some time with you alone.

Oh, and while I'm moaning, I'm also p***ed off at them for not thanking us for their £100 wedding present last year. You still haven't paid me back for that, by the way
hubby. your dad has had a few strokes and is relatively ok. please talk to me about it. I need your support right now after my mum's news that she's undergoing tests for TIA and possible larger stroke. this is making me want to do nothing but eat and cry and I need someone to just hold me and tell me it's ok, not to hold me, then berate my mum for letting her weight get this far. I know she's fat. I know everything that's gone wrong for her in the last year is due to it, there's nothing I can do about that and I just I need...a hug.

Mum how dare you do this to yourself.
Dear cow at work,

Thanks for getting chicken out for tea about ten mins before I came in, it was still frozen duh! And it was very rude for you to tell me I can use the sauce in the fridge as it goes off it has cider in it and I'm pregnant so I can't have it and for you turn around and say well its not for you its for them is all very well but I'm not in the habit of making 2 time consuming meals when I come to work! Next time your in you can bog off if you think I'm doing anything to help you, you may be all sweetness and light to peoples faces but I know what a nasty piece of work you are because I've heard you talk about everyone behind there back.
