Unthoughtful people!

kingleds said:
Dear OH.

Let me get this straight. You had 2 days off this week in which you played Mass Effect pretty much constantly. You did 1 load of washing as well. Yesterday when i was out for 3 hours at SW you played Mass Effect. When I got home you played Mass Effect. I managed to pry you away from it long enough last night to watch a film together, but then it was back on & for the 3rd night in a row you feel asleep playing it.

So - no housework completed by you, no cooking completed by you. I asked you ladt night if we should be some cooking for the week today. You said yes. But guess what? You are playing Mass Effect, whilst i am out food shopping & seem surprised that food needs cooking today. And now you tell me its a nice day & you want to get out of the house. Fine with me - i'd love to do that. Any suggestions on where? Of course not. You apparently expect me to make all the decisions & do all the work. I cannot believe when i said to you it was your idea to go out so maybe you should choose that your reply was 'why do you always put everything on me?'. Everything? Really? Like what exacty? I am not deciding where we go. I don't care. End of. In fact, i am on strike in the decision making department for the foreseeable future.

Hugs!! They are rubbish sometimes aren't they :( xxx
Welshtigger said:
Hugs!! They are rubbish sometimes aren't they :( xxx

I walked in the door from shopping & he was just getting in the shower (no offer to help with bags obviously) I had to resist the temptation to run the hot tap
Shirleen said:
I think you should kidnap the game playing contraption. hold it to ransom!

I'm tempted to smash it up. It would no doubt cause divorce, but not entirely sure that bothers me at the moment. Grrrrrr
Open the plug up remove the fuse disconnect the wires and taped em up to avoid any fire risk. Close plug back up plug back in and then watch the confusion.
Welshtigger said:
Can you not just remove a plug or something??

Better still remove the fuse itself from the plug!! Then he'll wonder why it doesn't work!

phaeona said:
Open the plug up remove the fuse disconnect the wires and taped em up to avoid any fire risk. Close plug back up plug back in and then watch the confusion.
Ha ha great minds at the same time
Just remember, expensive hair straighteners have fuses too.
You dont mess with a mans machines.
It would be like him taking the batteries out of your favourite toys to put in the clock.

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins
ColJack said:
Just remember, expensive hair straighteners have fuses too.
You dont mess with a mans machines.
It would be like him taking the batteries out of your favourite toys to put in the clock.

Sent from my iPod touch using MiniMins

Ah but we dont straighten our hair for four hours at a time, ignoring washing, cleaning and the like. And I dont know very many men who would even care if the batteries had gone in the clock......theyre all too busy playing computer games ;-)

Sent from my GT-S5830 using MiniMins
sarah_lou1981 said:
Ah but we dont straighten our hair for four hours at a time, ignoring washing, cleaning and the like. And I dont know very many men who would even care if the batteries had gone in the clock......theyre all too busy playing computer games ;-)

Sent from my GT-S5830 using MiniMins

Agreed!!! Well my man doesn't but generally speaking men do x
bevhunter1986 said:
Agreed!!! Well my man doesn't but generally speaking men do x

Mine is also good. He only plays when everything is done. Whipped comes to mind.....haha x

Sent from my GT-S5830 using MiniMins
I'm tempted to smash it up. It would no doubt cause divorce, but not entirely sure that bothers me at the moment. Grrrrrr

I have been known to take my son's XBox power cable to the office with me when he's consistently "forgotten" to do the chores I've asked him to do.
Korrigan said:
I have been known to take my son's XBox power cable to the office with me when he's consistently "forgotten" to do the chores I've asked him to do.

My parents use to take the plug off my tv if i didn't do my chores lol
Dear husband.

You are almost 6'6" tall. Our door frames aren't. You should be used to your height by now. Duck!

Your loving, (shrimp size) wife xxx