Unthoughtful people!

Dear Teacher
I know my son can be extremely difficult and you had a difficult time with him when he was in your class 2 years ago. I do not feel he was entirely responsible for that however particularly as he is a child.

After parents evening tonight with my sons present teacher alarm bells have started ringing where some accusations about my sons behaviour were concerned. The accusations used very familiar words that you used in the past to describe my sons behaviour and strangely enough the alledged behaviour involves children in your now year group.
My son is not aware of what behaviour has caused the behaviour.
I will be investigating it further and if it comes back to you I will not let things lie this time as I stupidly did in the past.
Very annoyed mother!
Dominoid said:
So your son has misbehaved and you want to blame his teacher for that? I assume your son is in fact some kind of glove puppet and therefore not in control of his own actions?

I think you need to read Emsie post again
So your son has misbehaved and you want to blame his teacher for that? I assume your son is in fact some kind of glove puppet and therefore not in control of his own actions?

Nope. My son frequently misbehaves and has to accept responsibility for his actions but that does not mean that teachers always act appropriately either in fact some of them are evil witches who make the situation worse.
I'm not sure if reading my post again will help as maybe as am so angry and upset maybe I didn't explain things very well.
I was trying to let off steam so my son was unaware of my feelings on the matter and I didn't explode.
I'm not entirely sure what your post was aiming to achieve as its very antagonistic to an issue you have no understanding of.
Dominoid said:
It was aiming to express a contrary viewpoint to yours. You're perfectly entitled to let off steam as this is a public forum, I simply disagree with your opinion and stated as such, as is the nature of a forum.

Why exactly do you disagree??
It was aiming to express a contrary viewpoint to yours. You're perfectly entitled to let off steam as this is a public forum, I simply disagree with your opinion and stated as such, as is the nature of a forum.

I agree that the nature of a forum is to allow, nay foster, a jolly good cross section of views & opinions however, I can't read anything in Emsie's original post that hints at an opinion for you to disagree with. . OK, in her opinion her son was not entirely responsible for his behaviour 2 yrs ago but unless you were there or have any sort of knowledge of the events, how on earth can you disagree?

You may have children of your own / family / friends or perhaps you are a qualified child behaviourist but the long & short of what I got out of Emsie's post was that she is a concerned parent who is going to investigate whether past behaviour is potentially being held against her son. .That's all she said!
Well it may just be how I interpreted it in written form but the post seemed to suggest that because similar behaviour is exhibited with the influence of the same teacher, that the teacher must be at fault and the other common link (the child) is being disregarded as a cause.

Aside from the fact that correlation does not equal causation, my experience from being a schoolboy years ago leads me to believe that the causation if there is one is usually the child.
Well it may just be how I interpreted it in written form but the post seemed to suggest that because similar behaviour is exhibited with the influence of the same teacher, that the teacher must be at fault and the other common link (the child) is being disregarded as a cause.

Aside from the fact that correlation does not equal causation, my experience from being a schoolboy years ago leads me to believe that the causation if there is one is usually the child.

Gosh, what a delightful person you are!
Making assumptions based on little knowledge is very ignorant behaviour.
It was aiming to express a contrary viewpoint to yours. I simply disagree with your opinion
But why? and why in such an antagonistic manner on what was obviously going to be a sensitive issue.

my experience from being a schoolboy years ago leads me to believe that the causation if there is one is usually the child.
I think there is often a lot of reasons why children do or don't behave the way they do but the nature nurture debate has been a long standing one.
It was aiming to express a contrary viewpoint to yours. You're perfectly entitled to let off steam as this is a public forum, I simply disagree with your opinion and stated as such, as is the nature of a forum.

MiniMins is actually a support forum for those of us trying to lose weight and this thread was a 'fun, tongue in cheek' topic that was allowing us to have a moan or rant , whether it was diet related or not.
What Emsie has posted is obviously sensitive and relevant to herself - and like Minimunchkins has said , unless you were there I can't why you feel the need to express a negative opinion towards her when she's already clearly cross about the situation.
I had a particularly hard time with 1 teacher and I thought I left her behind when I left her class.

Then she was "upgraded" and lo and be hold she was my teacher for a 2nd time.

I remember the fear and the pain and anxiety I had facing her again.

The woman put my mother (Mini) into tears after 2 years of having a decent schooling without her in the picture.

I think its unfair for any child to have to experience any teacher twice (unless they had a very pleasant experience) because the point of education is you put up with it, then you move onwards. To have to re-face that again is a terrible feeling of moving backwards.

I understand where you are coming from Dominoid that yes parents are partially the problem to unruly children but this is a unique situation and surely you know yourself how any individual can hold a grudge for whatever reason. The parent always has the right to keep an eye on the schooling their children receive and its very responsible of Emsie to take an active roll in her childs education unlike the many parents who do not participate because its the teachers problem.

I would like to thank everyone for allowing an internet based thread to last 222 pages, and no one to invoke Hitl*r, the Naz*s and or Fasci*m.

It's like a twitter war without the 140 character limit.
gazter said:
I would like to thank everyone for allowing an internet based thread to last 222 pages, and no one to invoke Hitl*r, the Naz*s and or Fasci*m.

It's like a twitter war without the 140 character limit.

:confused: is this some kind of 'in-joke' ??
Shirleen said:
Gosh, what a delightful person you are!
Making assumptions based on little knowledge is very ignorant behaviour.

I hope your investigating gets you somewhere emsie, thinking of you xxx

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