Unthoughtful people!

Dear friends,

Just because you are having a break from your diets does not mean I am. If I want to buy a fat free yoghurt for a snack and not a choc muffin - then I bleedin' well will!!

Do not pressure me into buying a caramel and choc shortbread because I will stick it in my handbag and give it to my bf when I get home (and none of you even noticed I didn't eat it as you were all too busy stuffing your faces with junk!)

we are supposed to be supporting eachother - not creating excuses so we all go off track. I will not feel guilty for losing weight just because you refuse to stick to your diet plan. Don't try and take me down with you!!
Don't take me for granted! Just because I've been used as a walking mat and didn't realize, does NOT mean il be allowing it anymore!! And NO that doesn't mean I've changed, your just not getting away with using me anymore!!
Dear friend, If you want to abuse the diet by having a whole weekend off drinking wine and then find out your not losing weight at the speed that you want, I don't appreciate you going all sarcastic with me because I am doing well. Your in charge of your own weight loss journey and if your not doing well look at yourself and not me!
Dear friend, If you want to abuse the diet by having a whole weekend off drinking wine and then find out your not losing weight at the speed that you want, I don't appreciate you going all sarcastic with me because I am doing well. Your in charge of your own weight loss journey and if your not doing well look at yourself and not me!

Love it Hun!!! Go you ;)
Dear hubby why did you have to drink so much you turned into a twat. Would have been nice to have been able to converse with you. Would also be nice you werent now playing music on my ipod and singing along badly when the rest of us are in bed and really pissing me off.

Dear hubby(yes again!)
Do you see the irony when you were complaining about the weather and that you had thought about hanging washing on the line but couldn't because it was snowing that you didn't then bother to hang it on the airer!? Also yesterday it would have been nice if instead of keep asking me what the matter was as you were lolling around on the sofa you had offered to help with tea or any of the other million jobs that are stacking up to be done around the house because that along with being knackered and having stuff on my mind was all part of what was the matter with me!
Dear friend, If you want to abuse the diet by having a whole weekend off drinking wine and then find out your not losing weight at the speed that you want, I don't appreciate you going all sarcastic with me because I am doing well. Your in charge of your own weight loss journey and if your not doing well look at yourself and not me!

and when they eat something then afterwards ask how many syns was in it, you tell them and they say well why didnt you tell me before i ate it! Sorry didnt relise i was in charge of your food intake :S
Dear so called "friend",

When my partner fixes your partners car FOR FREE, do NOT make snide comments on how long it took. You came round to my house last night at 6pm and expected the car to be done that night. We went down town this morning to buy the tools to fix your car and you still think you can made snide comments?! It was hardly two days, love. It hasn't even been 24 hours.

Pull your head out of your backside.
Dear so called friend - AGAIN.

Do NOT moan at me on Facebook about my cat scratching your leg. YOU stood on her! I told you when she was yelping in pain that you were standing on her leg but you didn't MOVE, you just lifted your leg - the WRONG leg! You can't expect an animal in pain not to lash out. It's your own fault! You should have been watching where you were standing instead of trying to be funny. So don't moan at me about my cat "brutalizing" your leg when you were doing exactly the same to her.
Thankfully yes, she is okay. Good job really, because you can't afford to pay for her vet bill if she wasn't!

Rat face.
Dear Housemate,

You have never made fudge in your whole entire life so why must you make it during my first week on slimming world and leave it on the sign with a note saying 'help yourself' when I'm the only other person in the house. You KNOW fudge is my favourite.

Also, please stop telling me that the plan is ridiculous and I won't lose any weight. It's not helpful.

Please continue to support me with the gym etc as you have been doing, that is really lovely and motivating for me :D x
Ah becky that's a tough one! Ignore them - SW definitely works, and put that fudge in a cupboard where you can't see it! X

Quite right, it works. Plenty of us on here to prove it, and its not magical. It isnt a fad, it doesnt defy basic laws of the universe or nutrition. You follow the rules of the plan you will lose weight. Good luck.
To everyone atm!! (not on here)
All I do is help, help everyone in one way or another... Would be nice if some returned this!!
Dear fellow Slimmers,
Please don't refer to yourself as huge, massive, a heiffer, a blob, blimp etc etc especially when it's obvious you aren't the largest person on Minimins. Most of you that do this have only a stone or two to lose, so if you are huge, massive etc what do you think it says about those of us that have ALOT more than you to lose? Well for me at least it makes me feel crap, all that new found confidence in losing 2.5stone is undermined and it reminds me how far I have to go instead of celebrating how far I've come. Yes you may feel bad yourself about being overweight but try to see it from another Slimmers perspective. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Happy Slimming x

I know this is an old thread but I completely agree with this! Ive seen it so much recently and it's really disheartening :( x