Vanessa's Maintenance blurb...

I always weigh potatoes & pasta raw :) I don't understand how things can differ in points when all your doing is adding water to cook it in etc :giggle:
Okay I've gone with the weigh raw option!! Lol

B1: 1 wm toast (1pp); 0.5 laughing cow EL triangle (0pp)
B2: LP choc whip with skim milk (10pp); banana (0pp)
L: 160g sweet potato (4pp); 198g corn on cob (3pp); 104g king prawns (2pp)
D: probably wm pitta (4pp); 2 slice chicken (1pp); 2 slice ham (1pp); salad (0pp)
S: nectarine (0pp); WW yogurt (1pp)

27pp - Day 7 Refeed (thank god!)...
Looks great!! xx
The pp's in potatoes is one of the things that pi88es me off about ww......I don't think that they've been generous enough with jacket spuds........

Looks good Vanessa x
1pp for wm toast? is that a small loaf bread that feels like your just eating air?! lol x
summergurl said:
1pp for wm toast? is that a small loaf bread that feels like your just eating air?! lol x

Lol ... It's the warbuton medium sliced wholemeal and yeah, smaller slices! But it's good! (think it's probly just under 1.5pp really cos 1 slices points at 1, whereas 2 is 3 lol).

The Hovis equivalent is half the density and falls apart easier! As for Ww or Nimble breads - you're so right - where's the bread ?!?? lol

Vanessa, looks like you are 100% focused today. Good on ya!
Welcome to maintainers - good to have you here.

I too am an oatsosimple girl at the moment, but only because it was BOGOF in Tesco a couple of months ago. I personally prefer my porridge oats whacked in the microwave with half water/milk and then add some berries - heaven. A teaspoon of honey is fab in it too with some sultanas.
Right - refeed finished! Thank god. Here's today's menu...

B: OSS with semi-skim milk (3pp); handful blueberries (0pp)
S: the rest of a 200g tub of blueberries (0pp) - feel I should be pointing these, given the amount!!!
L: brown roll (3pp) with ham (1pp) salad
D: 246g sweet pot (6pp); 207g corn on cob (3pp); 2 slice THL ham (1pp); 2 slice THL chicken (1pp); melon (0pp)
A: WW yogurt (1pp); nectarine (0pp)

(19/35 to maintain) probly have hot choc later too ... Or a red devil lol

I know it's a bit low points wise but think it's ok given I'm just finished refeed and still building up intake really! Besides if fruit were pointed ... OMG I dread to think lol!!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Change to above:-
Extra (2pp) for miscalculated OSS incl milk
Pack s&v Snack A Jacks (2pp)
dark Cadbury Highlights drink (1pp)
equals additional 5pp

(24/35pp to maintain...)
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3 or 4 red devils maybe? X
Looking good Vanessa. You have just finished refeed so your appetite will still be very small so don't worry if your points are a bit low.
Vanessa, the OSS is 6pp per sachet hun thats including the milk.
I dont have my book with me, but if sweet potato is the same as normal potato, then its 1pp per 50g, so your potato would only be 5pp, but that one would need double checked.
kered said:
Vanessa, the OSS is 6pp per sachet hun thats including the milk.
I dont have my book with me, but if sweet potato is the same as normal potato, then its 1pp per 50g, so your potato would only be 5pp, but that one would need double checked.

Oooops I don't know how I got the OSS wrong - I did it from the WW calculator database and thought I'd included milk to make a 'meal'. DOH lol However I've now done it again from the box and it's 3pp for OSS (on it's own) and 2 for milk or 5 from the 'incl milk' bit on the box. Still not 6pp tho!!

Re sweet pot, again I did that from the WW calculator database online! I'm even more confused now as it had seemed sweet pot was less than normal potato ... However we did have some confusion/discussion on here as to whether we should be weighing raw or cooked; so went with weighing raw to be safe points-wise - but pots do roughly half in weight once baked! Hmmm what to do... Lol

Thanks for ur help - do u know for sure how we supposed to weight pots on WW

These pp's are doing my head in.......I deffo prefer the old plan:sigh:
okay feeling disheartened.

Its Friday WI Day today - woop woop NOT!! lol In one week of refeed and one day of maintaining, Ive put on 4lb. Okay admittedly its my TOTM with the heavy,heavy-bit kicking in today (sorry too much information there) so hopefully that is why, and hopefully weight will drop over next two days. BUT I cant help worrying! I always have put on some during refeed before but that usually stops and begins to drop the instant I stop the shakes! But today I went up yet another pound... re TOTM my gain is usually before I start bleeding, not during (sorry TMI again!).

I dont really know what I expect you's to say to make it all better ... lol. I know I have to be patient and hope scales adjust accordingly but I cant help worrying Im doing something wrong on top of TOTM issue. Water intake is still high - my points are strictly speaking low because of refeed time (but high enuff given the same reasoning). I did have Snack a Jacks yesterday so maybe carbs are a little high for just ending refeed - but overall, I dont think they're too bad! I think my main worry is the fruit - I cant quite trust/get my head around the fruit allowance on WW.... and I did scoff a 200g tub of blueberries yesterday!

Oh deary me, Im waffling way too much here. Think Im using this post as a sounding board to get it out of my system... aaarrrggghhh deep breaths lol.

PS: Sandra - NO red devils yesterday - GO ME!
Try not to worry hun, I put on 4lbs the weekend I finished refeed. Panicked and went to be weighed on the monday, pharmacist calmed me down and said some gain is normal so for the next 5 days I just ate mostly protein limited carbs like sandwiches and on the friday when I went again for official WI I lost 5lbs :) dont worry it will even out for you too xx
These pp's are doing my head in.......I deffo prefer the old plan:sigh:

Lol I feel the same today!! However, thats cos Im in bad mood with my body. I must admit that overall I prefer the planning behind the pp plan - being more focused on pointing via what the food is made up of and presumably how quickly our body deals with it - rather than just calorie counting and taking no account of types of fats etc. But until I see it work ... not just for me but for all of you ... then Im not convinced. Either which way tho, I do think it is a good healthy plan for maintaining, just not convinced re losing yet!!

Stills its Friday so lets keep them chins up!!

Try not to worry hun, I put on 4lbs the weekend I finished refeed. Panicked and went to be weighed on the monday, pharmacist calmed me down and said some gain is normal so for the next 5 days I just ate mostly protein limited carbs like sandwiches and on the friday when I went again for official WI I lost 5lbs :) dont worry it will even out for you too xx

Aww thanks! I really hope so ... I know I couldnt possibly have put on 4lb fat ... buts it them damn stores that I get so paranoid about! lol.

Calm calm ...

PS: re your recent posts on ur thread ... I didnt want to butt in as we have only just 'met' but I do want to say, Im really feeling for you! Intolerable situation for anyone to be in, never mind with an imminently expectant mother who isnt keeping well! Its awful isnt it ... and nobody has a magic wand for this one, Im afraid! Big hugs x