We can walk 100 miles

About 4 miles done this weekend:

JanetG - 494 miles done - 6 to go to 500
I've not been able to do much walking , I hurt my knee end of January was walking up stairs at work and I got a sharp pain behind my knee and really struggled with the stairs , it was agony for about 2 weeks then eased a little but even now I have pain some days worse than others , get bad pain if I have to crouch down and kneeling on it hurts, not been dr just keep taking painkillers and inflametry tabs, but I'm gutted about not being able to get out and walk other than the normal day to day routine :(

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I've not been able to do much walking , I hurt my knee end of January was walking up stairs at work and I got a sharp pain behind my knee and really struggled with the stairs , it was agony for about 2 weeks then eased a little but even now I have pain some days worse than others , get bad pain if I have to crouch down and kneeling on it hurts, not been dr just keep taking painkillers and inflametry tabs, but I'm gutted about not being able to get out and walk other than the normal day to day routine :(

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Mariavon, I know how you feel. I took a full I'm clout to my right knee ( will be 2 years in July) at non contact rugby league training of all things. Knee to knee with a man huge lump of a bloke. I left it for a couple of months ,then went vi GP to get physio. It helped a bit, mainly understanding how to deal with it. The pain and swelling took ages to die down. It's one of the reasons I appreciate walking now. I used to run loads, train loads nd do 10 k, half and marathons. I really would suggest going to GP to get it looked at, you could get NHS physio local to you. They will give exercises to aid recovery and more f a explanation of what you have done. Look after your knees, you will need ( no pun!) them in later life. I've seen my faster in laws quality of life deteriorate as his Kees have got worse, other issues ran he cannot have any knee ops.

Take the pain killers, ibuprofen and paracetamol , for a while, to take the edges off it. If you don't get it looked at you Coyd be doing the wrong thing to rehab the injury. You may need some exercises to strengthen the quad muscles.

Don't let it become a long term , chronic injury. Let us know how you deal with it.
Oh thanks quins for the advice I wasn't really lioking at the bigger picture , il get it checked xx

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Not updated this for a while. Just got back from a weekend in Edinburgh where we did an 8 mile trek through the snow in the Pentland hills, plus loads of other walking around the city.

JanetG - 500 miles exceeded!
2 yesterday
376 done, 124 to go to 500.
Not massive amount but every mile counts

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Thought I might join you if that ok? Not quite up your 500 yet but I'm sure I'll get there.

I have walked 10 miles so far this week so thats 90 to go until 100!

Angela x