We can walk 100 miles

6 done on Sunday after work,

390 done, 110 to go to 500,

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5 done today
395 done , 105 to go to 500

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It's taken a while, but Do as and when it still adds up , I'm off work this week so hoping to get my numbers moving again,

Just done another 4
409 done , 91 to go to 500

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Nice one Angelajane!

248 miles walked and jogged , walked 12 miles last week, 260 miles total (500 last year)

260 miles walked and jogged . Another 3, walked today, 263 total

223 miles cycled , another 44 miles club ride yesterday , 267 miles total.

Wow you are awesome , your fitness level is inspirational x

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It's taken a while, but Do as and when it still adds up , I'm off work this week so hoping to get my numbers moving again,

Just done another 4
409 done , 91 to go to 500

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Only 3 today
412 done, 88 to go to 500,

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I am very envious - I have had to work all week & juggling child care so I havn't been able to get out in this lovely weather!

I'm back at work next Wednesday , so won't be doing as much walking,
I usually always pick the week for a hol and the weather changes I usually get rain , can't believe this week

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