Week one anyone?

Thank you Enlightenme :) I was actually juste reading your diary when you posted that! It's brilliant, thanks for sharing your journey, you are doing brilliantly!!
Anyway, back to the snacking, I know what you mean, I am TOTAL serial nibbler, and that is definitely what has got me into this situation of fatness!
I was never too bad growing up (mainly because my parents wouldn't tolerate it and then at uni I was too skint to buy food as money had to go on more important things such as alcohol and partying) but then I lived in the UK for a few years and got into all the great available snacks, there, and then moved to Barcelona where I really embraced the tapas lifestyle! I really really really need to break my relationship with food and for it to just become a fuel that is nice to eat in moderation but not linked to every single aspect of my life!!
Anyway, all that to say you are right about the snacking, it is not conducive to weight loss!! Tomorrow is weigh in so I will hopefully get an ok result (but as you know I will be hoping for more hahaha!) and I will be nil-by-mouth at school for 2 days, promise!!
Thanks for the encouragement!
I'm on the start of my 3rd week and although I obviously still fancy food the hard hunger feeling has died down. I've got rid of all the foods I hate, it's hard enough without forcing packs down that I don't like. I'm excersising a few times a week and feel good
If I get hungry then a bovril totally takes the pangs off.
Keep it up girl
Thanks for the advice. I like a mug of marmite as I'm vege and that's yummy and fills me up.
Has anyone ever tried zero noodles?

Yes I have! I got a bunch of those slim pasta ones. .. there's no carbs and about 10 calories per pack. They have a bit of a weird texture (and you have to rinse them well before heating )... but with a wee bit of low carb pasta sauce they make a nice change to a shake from time to time!
Hi Lucy how's it going x