Weight loss resources

Well. What an eventful few days. Started on Monday and got through the day. Tuesday also got through the day until the evening but I blame a lack of planning for this failure....

On Tuesday morning i arrived home from work over an late (someone had overslept...) to find my dh unconscious. I called 999 and did the business. He has septacaemia (sp??) due to his abcesses that we have been waiting for a surgical appt for since Sept.

Much time spent in A and E and I ate nothing (still sticking to my resolve...) by lunch time I'd had 2 pepsimax to tide me over. Better than giving in to food and they have no sugar.
I left him on Tuesday night and ate 2 chocolate bars on the way home. I was so tired from sitting around and no sleep the night before.

Today, much improved. had a shake for breakfast. Took my shakes into the hospital and a mug and had hot water on tap. Also had coffee and water. Feel more virtuous but still tired.

PS Husband is crap - bum is revolting. He is semi-conscious and I am working on my bedside manner. He told the staff he didn't know who I was but am a 'nice woman' for sitting with him!!! How's that for gratitude - 2 doses of morphine and I'm reduced to a 'nice woman'!!!!!
I have new carpet and my husband is now home from hospital. He is very sleepy and doesn't want to be left alone but is looking so much better! I am going to start again properly today as yesterday was a right off really! I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not being able to ss from a hospital bedside but am going to set myself some motivating goals this week to get by

1) Lose a stone by Feb 5th
2) Do my abdominal exercises at the gym
3) drink more water

I think these are manageable!
PS - Forgot to mention my mate Will - being a typical bloke he hates hospitals, hence his lack of power but he's home now and nagging...
This is going to be a bit of a ramble - feel free to ignore me! I haven't ss'ed today but have eaten in a low-cal healthy way. Disappointing but tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday my husband's friends came over and cooked him a meal and did food shopping because I am not looking after him properly! I worked last night and came home from the supermarket this morning to find the fridge partially stocked and the kitchen a tip - they cooked but didn't clean up. Arabic food is very strong smelling so my house smells like a cafe.... needless to say i was not amused.

Then I spoke to my mother who woke me from a sleep and I confessed to her about the house and all the aggro I'm getting from his friends and family about my ineptitude at caring for the invalid. In an effort to be supportive my mother went off on one about how he 'should be bloody grateful' and 'if his friends/family can look after him better then make them take him' etc etc. Then she said that she would get my dad to call him and talk to him about his attitude and behaviour towards me. (He is difficult, argumentative and not an easy patient....) She said ' you are not some bloody skivvy muslim wife....', (you can imagine how it went) and all of my mother's prejudices ran wild. I guess i am pleased that she appreciates how hard it is for me but ranting about him being a useless bastard who doesn't provide isn't helpful. She also said it was 'my house'. 'he is abnormal' because of his illness...

Compounded by this is that I have to go back to school on Monday and i can't take random time off and his cousin is really 'disgusted' that i put my job first. I am the main breadwinner with a mortgage and bills to pay and without me he would be in a worse state. I feel I can't win.

I really and sincerely admire full time carers who sacrifice an awful lot to care for sick relatives or friends - I am more aware of my own shortcomings than ever before.

I want him to feel better not just physically heal. It is my own fault for saying 'are you feeling better?' because he tells me the raw truth. I know he is in pain and is afraid - he nearly died and had an undignified operation but I want him to be positive - to move around a little, to engage in life a bit. I don't expect him to take the bins out or hoover but I want a glimmer of life and normality. Reading this back I feel selfish but i need to offload it to an 'anonymous' audience.

You see, I believe mental attitude helps to heal you not just potions and dressing changes. Also, I have a secret - a terrible fear. Because the fistulas were so bad the surgeon has ordered an MRI scan to rule out stomach cancer - he doesn't know the reason why he has to have it but I do and I made the decision not to tell him because he is frail in himself and I don't think he could face that now. I know some people may think I am wrong for depriving a grown man of the full facts but I am dealing with what I can one day at a time and I think that if his wounds improve and he feels more energetic he will be better prepared to face a more serious possibility. Selfishly there is an element preparation for me to - i need to be strong so I'm preparing now. It may well all turn out to be nothing but preparation is key for my mental health.

Anyway, diet wise I'm going to not punish myself - I made good choices today and I will be strong.
No ss today either but sensible calorie counting. Went to the gym and worked out hard and most importantly I achieved my first goal of doing my abdominal exercises. I am very pleased with myself for this.

So, I am aiming for 1 stone off by Feb 5th, abs exercises and to ss. Role on Monday - it should be easier to ss at work! I need to keep my eyes on the prize!
hey GM!:)

OMG you must have the patience of a saint for coping ...with a poorly hub, not to mention his impatient at being a patient and his family and friends...forgive my ignorance but Im kinda thinking your hub is muslim..hence your mums comments...which i must say would lead me to comfort eating...i think when we feel stressed we feel compelled to eat more and gte more of a wtf attitide, like losing weight is somehow not important anymore...such a huge well done for keeping focussed..my hub had a hip replacement in sept, i was starting back at school and attempting SSing lasted less than a day..you must have some strength girl!

Anyway i hope that you are feeling better about things and that you are focussed in all aspects of your life...your decision not to tell hub about reason for scan is for his mental well being..not selfish..quite the opposite!

Just sounds like you have your hands full and dont be too hard on yourself at this time in your life...on the other hand do what you need to do to dope..ie working out etc...

do you have kids?

virtual hugs:eek:
So far so good on the SS front. If I do this I am going to have to take it easy at the gym and not go too wild because of the low-cal thing. Am feeling positive and can do it!\

I can do this and I will!
I cannot ss and go to the gym - official so I am back to cd packs and 700 cals per day. It is doable for me. I enjoy my exercise too much and when I ss I feel so light headed and awful that it isn't worth it. I think a calorie allowance of up to 1500 cals per day is ok. I work out for at least an hour 6 times per week so I feel that I am not cheating. The cd packs are great for work.

I still have my goal of 1 stone by Feb 5th to aim for and my abdominal exercises to do daily. Small steps....
Things are not going well. Husband hates me - we have had a massive row. He thinks I would rather go back to my ex - NOT - would rather be a lesbian than touch that man again- (no offence meant to lesbians). I seem to self destruct at the moment. I feel anxious and unloveable and I can't care for him properly. He says that he believes that if he is ill for much longer I will kill him (literally).

I am selfish. I admit it. I want him to get better but don't know how to hgelp him and when he becomes silent and uncommunicative I withdraw and take it personally believing he is rejecting me. Well, he is now. He says I don't love him and only love Georgia. He perks up when guests arrive (understandably) but I feel jealous that he can't make an effort for me. How can I save things????
I think it is very normally that he is being mean to you as I think a lot of men react like this when they are feeling sick and sorry for themselves...

What he is looking for is reassurance and some babying:rolleyes:

Obviously he is not communcating what it is he wants off you...

I know it is hard while he is behaving like this, but try and see it from his position that he is feeling vulnerable and is only thinking about himself right now. I am sure he does not mean to hurt you, but as the song goes "you always hurt the one you love, the one you should not hurt at all"!


Love Mini xxx
Diet and exercise progressing well. I have decided that cd packs, in combination with a sensible (wlr) eating plan is the way forward for me. I am still committed to my lose a stone by Feb 5th, abs exercises and water. I have lost 3lbs this week so am on the way to achieving my goal.

My exercise is really important to me as it has radically changed my shape and improved the quality of my self esteem.

For the first time in my life I feel sexy and that is a real achievement for me. :)
Giorgias mum, sorry I have only just noticed your thread (I don't get out much from the wemitts thread lol) but I really just wanted to pop in and offer my support for all you have been going through, and also offer my congratulations for your amazing weightlosses in the face of all the other things going on in your life.
Hope your hubby gets well soon too, and realises what a fantastic wife he has!!!!

Not much to report except that the gym/wlr/cd thing is ok. I am doing ok and still enjoying exercise. I am focussed on my goal of losing a stone by Feb 5th, abs exercises and drinking more water. All in all, a good plan me thinks! :) :) :) :)