What Exercise Are You Doing?

I live opposite Grundy, lol :0) I've only lived there just under 3 yrs, moved in with other half.
I go to Goffs Secondary School Zumba on a Monday night, but 1st Nov moves to the new ST Marys School, Wednesdays do Wolesy hall, Thur, Waltham Abbey, Sat Goffs Secondary Sports hall.
Def meet up hun, moral support and all that and I am always floating around :0)
I hated it when I first did it but now I can do 15mins & when I come off it I am buzzing! It gets my heart racing up at 170 odd bpm! :)
Good grief, Gina b I'm exhausted just reading your weekly Exercise Rota, phewwhee !!!!! It's brilliant, you are rocking it !!!!!!!!

:p its all worth it though, i ache the next day, but i can see effects! thats after dropping 3 aerobics classes, pilates and pop dance.... ive cut back alot as my body couldnt cope but since ive done less, ive felt better, im full of energy!
I used to brilliant at getting myself to the gym, and lost loads of weight several years ago through exercise but then I changed jobs, couldn't fit the gym in and put weight back on.

So this time I've done it through healthy eating instead. I have a good level of exercise on a daily basis as my journey to walk involves about 30 mins of walking each way. However, now my weight loss has slowed (as I've lost 2.5 stone, and have 1 stone to go) I've made more effort with the exercise. So, I no longer get the tube to work, I walk from the mainline station to my office. So with my walk to and from the station at this end I do about 2 hours walking a day. I lost 3lb this week, so its obviously helped. :D
I try to go gym on the weekend... at least one day (swim maybe the other). Then I try to do wii fit a couple of nights during the week. HOWEVER I've not done too well this week. Though yesterday I did a massive furniture move around, broke a piece of furniture down but a new piece up... and I must say.... I'm VERY achy - it definately did me good!!!!
Hello everyone! :D

Think I must have tried every diet in the book and surprise, surprise I can't stick to anything!

So, I started exercising properly about 4 weeks ago and this in turn has made my eating habits change and I have been eating so much healthier! Still not perfect but a whole world better than before - and I have lost 6lb in 4 weeks! Doesn't sound that great - but if that continues I will be over the moon! :D

I go to Bootcamp 3 times a week - 6.30am Tue, 6.30am Thur and 8am Sat - each session lasts for an hour and it is a really intensive work out of circuits, weights, running etc. It's hard work but I absolutely love it (never thought I'd be saying that about exercise - especially at 6.30am in the freezing colf morning! :eek:).

Apparently when you first wake up is the best time to exercise as you are burning more body fat as your body has no carbs to burn. The reason I do it is that it means the work out is done - if I went home first my lazy-itis kicks in and I'm going nowhere ;)

Anyway, rambling on! Sorry.......
Eeeekkkk! Just thinking about Bootcamp, has me, ummm, quaking in my Boots!! Wow it sounds like it is working for you !! In the Summer I am much more get up and exercise before my day really starts....it gives you that buzzy feeling doesn't it? Good luck with your exercise plan, also is Bootcamp expensive, and how did you end up deciding to give it a go?
tried a spin class, zumba and body jam recently, zumba and jam are awesome! but i found spin a bit.... easy?
I'm a gym girl; I've been going everyday in the past week and doing 50 mins of either stationary bike or cross trainer and some of the weight machines here and there. :)
Walking everyday at least 30-40min (I use feet instead of bus to go to work:p).

It's supposed to go to the gym as well, need to work on that;)
Eeeekkkk! Just thinking about Bootcamp, has me, ummm, quaking in my Boots!! Wow it sounds like it is working for you !! In the Summer I am much more get up and exercise before my day really starts....it gives you that buzzy feeling doesn't it? Good luck with your exercise plan, also is Bootcamp expensive, and how did you end up deciding to give it a go?

Hey Viva La Diva!

I know- Bootcamp does sound scary but it's really just another name for a circuit type workout - just outside :)

I first heard about it when I went to a wedding fayre with my friend who I am bridesmaid for next year - the company had a stall there encouragung brides to 'get fit for the big day' sort of thing! Anyway, they offered us a free trial so we went along and I have been a convery ever since! yes it definitely gives you that buzzy feeling - weird isn't it - really sets me up for the day and had helped me make SO much better food choices as I don't want to ruin the good work I have done that morning!

So, here's to another 2 stones melting away (on these freezing mornings :p) Onwards and downwards.....
Hi - I'm just about to add a bit of exercise to my healthy eating plan. In previous attempts, I've always thrown myself into exercise and diet at the same time, then if the exercise tailed off the diet did too, or vice versa. This time I've not been able to exercise straight away, and have still lost 6lb, so I'm happy - I know even if i miss the exercise for a few days I'll be OK!
I've done gym in the past - pre-kids - I just couldn't fit it in now, or afford it! I like walking, or exercise DVDs - Davina is great!
:( due to illness i havent been able to workout for two weeks now, feeling too weak....

gonna be a hard time for me when i do get strong enough though!
I walk most days for about 40 mins, Im planning to use my treadmill 3 times a week to and follow the couch to 5 km plan, Ive also hired a power plate for six weeks so Im doing that twice a day for 10 mins. Id love to join a gym but i wouldnt have the time to go with the kids and I cant afford a private one with a creche
I walk everyday, have two spaniels that would gladly walk to the end of the world so plan to increase the time/distance/speed of my walks.

I used to go to the gym, but it seems silly to pay when I could walk for hours and hours with my wee doggies.
Hi Linz13, another walker like me !! I'm always interested in knowing what exercise people are doing....just nosey really !!! Hehe !!

Do you wear a Pedometer ?? I'm finding it a great help to gauge how I'm doing, and it gives me a target to aim for and hopefully beat !!!

Diva x