Who is Making Me Fat?

Hi Tracey,

the Go Lower diet is all about low carbs so I have no idea how many are in the drinks I have when I am out.

The problem with lemonade is they always give it to you from the pump so I can't get the diet stuff. If I could have diet lemonade I would.

Normally the only diet drinks are coca cola or Pepsi and I can not bear the thought of having diet coke, it tastes foul to me and as for Pepsi I have never liked it anyway!

Hi Happy

The thought of any kind of tea puts me off.

I don't really like any hot drinks unless it is really cold and I am feeling very ill and then I may have an orange or lemon squash. The last time I drunk that must have been years ago.
I know this thread has moved on a bit but thought I'd add my 2 cents. I blame my weight gain on myself but also my parents. When I was a small child my mother worked a lot and left my father to cook for us at weekends, we'd end up with greasy food that was not only fattening but also dangerous for it. My mum would sit on the sofa with a multipack of crisps and munch her way through it, not the ideal role model so me and my sister did the same thing. We were never offered sports or anything of the like and when it came to doing PE at school we were heavily embarrassed by our weight so tended to shy from it.

I know that at the end of the day what I ate during my teenage years was my own fault but setting a good example to your children and offering an alternative activity than sitting infront of the TV is vital.

I'm only 24 and I've already spent almost 10 years trying to shift this weight, managing to lose almost 2 stone at one point. I know that now I'm an adult I should be controlling this and I don't blame advertisement or big companies for my weight. I blame myself, unsupportive friends and wreckless parenting.
Kikikisses....I do know what you mean. Although my parents were quite good role models growing up, and they both worked full time,we still always had loads of crisps, chocolate etc in the house. Our meals were always cooked from scratch so I know we never ate badly, but we snacked very badly and then when mum and dad were at work, we'd pig out on all the naughty food. The childminders, babysitters and grandparents didn't mind what we ate as long as we were good. We all did PE at school, but 1/2hr a week, isn't long enough to do any good. With my own kids, I'm very different. They are allowed either a biscuit and a drink when the get in from school, or a lollypop or a sweet, but never both. And then they are allowed nothing else, unless it's fruit, until dinner time. Dinner is always a meal made from scratch and pudding is always fresh or tinned fruit, very rarely do they have a 'pudding' as such. They also do after school sports and both do gymnastics at the local leisure centre. I don't want them to end up like me. They both love their tv, and usually after a day of school I don't mind them watching, but this week, they've had a snack and then been out playing in the garden climbing trees, chasing each other etc etc. Its been lovely to watch. I do hope this continues. The problem is I hope I don't make them go to far the other way and then end up hating sport and playing. I'm just sooo aware that I don't want them to have the same weight demons as me.

Happy-I had the same situation with my parents and do intend to not repeat it with my own children when the time comes. I admire the rules you've set, they seem very sensible and reasonable.

I wish somebody had done that for me. My parents constantly argued about my weight, my dad trying to get me into sports and my mum telling him to leave it, while the problem all along was the food that was in the house and that I didn't know how to deal with my emotions, cos they were so busy fighting about me, like I was the problem lol.

Like Kisses, I don't blame them entirely but I do think they gave me a very bad example. My dad eats whatever he wants and stays slim although he jogs everyday and what not. He just wolves down plates, has seconds, huge portions of dessert etc and I was never told off for doing the same. Surely somebody could've said, hm, that's not an 8 year old's portion?! Christ lol.

I guess we can all blame our parents to a certain degree.

My problem is I have always been a fussy eater and mum used to say leave it if you don't want it, (as she grew out of being a fussy eater) and dad would always say I should clear my plate.

Mum won every time but it did not help to improve me eating habits.

I still don't like hardly any veg or salad foods. Fortunatley I do like fruit so at least I do eat some fresh foods.

As a child my weight was not such an issue. I have never been skinny but I was OK.

It was really when I started to look after myself that things changed.

My first big weight gain was when I worked on an American summer camp and because I wouldn't eat most of the food offered at mealtimes I had peanut butter and jam sandwiches...... after two months I had put on over two stone............ without even realising!

That was the start of my weight journey and now I am finally getting near the end....
Suzy, OMG, what a way to put weight on. You could have chosen something far more interesting that peanut butter and jam - uurrrgghhh!! Seriously though..at least you are doing something about it now. It's never too late.

Peachy, thanks for thinking my rules seem sensible etc. I do wonder if I sometimes go overboard. I'm just sooo scared that the kids will be fat like me and my OH isn't exactly thin either. We are both always very aware of ours, each others and the kids weight! Like you say, portion size is sooo important. If the kids tell me they don't want any more dinner, I don't make them finish, but then they get nothing else, even the fruit. I always know if they're pulling a fast one, coz then they finish there dinner and so get fruit!


I am also very aware of watching what my boys eat because I don't want then to end up like me with weight issues. I just hope I have found that happy medium.

I do not have chocolate treats and sweets for them in the house. (Except one packet of milky stars should they need to take medicine!) I do allow them to have chocolate and things at parties but even then I try to limit the amount but without making an issue out of it. It is so hard to know what is the right thing to do.

My peanut butter and jam sammies tasted delicious at the time..... if only I knew what they were doing to me.
Hi James50, I do tend to drink alot of water...I've said on another post or thread (may even have been this one, but can't remember) that I do drink loads of water. It is what I drink the most of. Even the kids prefer water to squash thankfully. When me and my OH sit down to our evening meal, with both also have water then. We love it.

Hi James

I jsut want to say welcome to the site as I see you do not post alot, unlike some of us!!!

I think we will all agree that water is great for us but my issue is I can't bear the taste of plain water.

I am now drinking more than I ever have since I started my diet with Go Lower, but it is the bottled flavoured stuff.

The thought of drinking the stuff straight out of the tap is not a pleasant one for me. I have drunk squash for years so I do know that tap water will not do me any harm..... it is just the taste!

What diet are you doing and how is it going?
Hi James

I jsut want to say welcome to the site as I see you do not post alot, unlike some of us!!!

I think we will all agree that water is great for us but my issue is I can't bear the taste of plain water.

I am now drinking more than I ever have since I started my diet with Go Lower, but it is the bottled flavoured stuff.

The thought of drinking the stuff straight out of the tap is not a pleasant one for me. I have drunk squash for years so I do know that tap water will not do me any harm..... it is just the taste!

What diet are you doing and how is it going?

it doesn't have to be plain water cos unless i'm thirsty i can't stand the taste of it either but when i am i pour it down my neck!!

i was thinking tea is the same more or less, especially the herbal or rooibosch teas. not sure about the caffeine teas cos of it having a diuretic effect. although its not as bad as the diet books have you believe. i heard from somewhere that after a cup of tea you need to drink 2 cups of water to replace, i find that hard to believe:)

oh yeah. i am addicted to honey and lemon and happy enough with that cos theres plenty water in that and it tastes fantastic;)
Hi Breadbin

I am one of those strange people that doesn't like tea or coffee in any shape or form. I know I am too fussy.

That is why for years I got my caffeine from coca cola which I was totally addicted too. I guess along with my unheatly eating and drinking coke I shouldn't be surprised my weight got so out of control.

Happy I haven't even thought about having any honey since being on Go Lower.

In fact until I just read your post I kind of forgot that honey even exists. I used to pour it over slices of bread and then use another slice of bread to mop up all the honey that spilled onto the plate. Now I can't imagine eating it.
I know what you mean Suzy, I've always loved honey, but as I said, it's too sweet now to have much of it. I still do like to have a bit, but really just a small amount now...I still find it hard to believe that this is how I feel about sweet food. I'm the person who'd eat the sweetest dessert and think, well, that's not too bad!!

Can't believe what Go Lower is doing to me - all for the better....!

I so agree with you about sweet foods. I do not crave any at all now. However, I do look foward to and enjoy my Go Lower chocolate.
Interesting topic of conversation...I wasn't overweight as a child, but once I reached adulthood I wasn't making wise choices with food. So I have no-one else to blame but myself. But to be honest apportioning blame to this won't make the problem go away, what I need to do is learn to be constructive in my approach to food.

The interesting thing for me is that for a lot of us, we know what foods we should be eating and which we should be eating cautiously, but we don't. I reach for "junk" food when I'm emotional, and even though I know this isn't the best thing to do I can't help myself at the moment.

So for me, the answer to the question is I am making me fat!

Thats very true mkitson1984. Its so hard to tell now what's good for you and what isn't. Just because it's low in fat, doesn't always make it the healthier option. That's what I like about Go Lower, because they provide all my food for me, I know it's healthy and the correct portion size. Even the chocolate snacks they provide are good. Today I recieved some more food, and I noticed (only coz my OH pointed it out to me) that the chocolate brazil nuts are large, but only 3 per pack. Before I started Go Lower I'd have eaten more than 3, now I'll eat the 3 and be more than satisfied!

Good luck with your diet.