You know your too big when !

Forever having bad backs.
Dislocating knee twice in one night playing pool!!
Struggle to get up from sitting.

And the worst... Making a dip in the new £4,000 italian leather sofa where i choose to sit - other half is not best pleased with me. I am hoping to loose weight and then get someone out to try and fix this!!

I do sometime have a small chuckle but OMG how embarressing!
I borrowed someones wellies to play with my kids in the river - came to getting them off and my kids were like the characters in the story 'The enormous turnip' - All 3 of them trying to heave the boots off but they were stuck.....had to cut them off with kitchen scissors :(
it is brilliant........just feel fortunate that I don't have anything to contribute! But I feel a bit left out :(