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  1. Bella-slimmer

    New start!

    Hello! I have decided to start a new diary, having been a bit unsuccessful since February and as my previous diary is more full of binges than of low calorie days!. For about 2 or 3 years my weight fluctuated between 12 and 13 stone but it had gone down to 10st 7lb by February this year. Then...
  2. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Sarah, I hope you start feeling better really soon! Throwing out all the chocolate was a really good idea and should make your goal for May achievable! If you've been eating salty foods because of the tummy upset then that could have caused some fluid retention and it might disappear in...
  3. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    That sounds really good- was it group CBT? or self-help CBT? I would really like to try it for binge-eating (I've had one-to-one CBT for other problems in the past). That's great that you are able to stay on track when things are calmer. :) My restart was ok yesterday but I'm doing a little...
  4. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Sarah, how are you? Hi Belle, I definitely relate to the 100-calories-over leading to binge issue. What do you usually eat when you're on holiday? Are you less likely to have a set-plan when you're off work? Maybe it's the fact that you're trying to stick to a plan the rest of the time...
  5. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Starting afresh today- 1st May! Weight: Est. 10.13-11st (wrong totm to weigh) Breakfast: porridge with a tsp syrup Lunch:
  6. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Hi Zeke, Just checking in and reading through- how has today been? You've done well to stay the same and lose small amounts recently- if your less-than-great weeks are maintenance weeks then that's a really good thing! Jealous of your N.Y. trip :)
  7. Bella-slimmer

    My quest for balance

    Hi Belle, I'm a binge-eater too. Here to subscribe :) It sounds like you've had some really 'good' days so far.
  8. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I'm feeling quite low today- I'm pretty sure that PMS isn't helping but I think that I've felt worse since I quit running too. Food for today: Breakfast: A piece of toast with sliced banana Lunch: A bowl of carrot soup. Two eggs and two pieces of toast Dinner: Leftover mince and vegetables
  9. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Hi Honey-J, How is the new plan going? I've put on 4lbs too! and I've got three yucky spots on my face (not sure if they're from all the junk food or from my face cream, which is too creamy)- I had hardly any spots as a teenager. I hope today goes well :) Keep thinking about your Mexico trip...
  10. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Well done for the loss :) Yesterday's food sounded good too.
  11. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Honey-J, Thanks for your support :) I really hope I can get back on track after 2.5 months of messing up. I roughly counted calories in 60 calorie units (old weight watcher's points) and had about 30 points (so 1800 calories) a day (because my TDEE/BMR was a bit higher at 12 and 13 stone)...
  12. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Honey-J, hope you've had a productive day! I need to catch up with everyone else's diaries. I've not really stuck to my diet very well today but going to start recording again anyway and count from tomorrow. Breakfast Mocha made with skimmed milk, instant coffee and low cal hot choc...
  13. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Silvermoon, how is it going today? I've been too scared to weigh-in too! Thanks Blubex for your sound advice, you've done amazingly well! It's helped me to think that most other people on Minimins have had binge eating issues at one point or another -I was starting to feel abnormal because...
  14. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Hi Honey-J, That's fab that you lost weight over Easter!! Maybe you'll have lost a bit this week too. How are you getting on today? xx
  15. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Aw sorry to hear that! but you might have just stayed the same? Have you been struggling for a couple of weeks too? By lunchtime yesterday I had just completely given up! I actually ate all that chocolate despite not feeling remotely hungry because I thought it'd be better to 'get it out of the...
  16. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Aw don't worry about it! Are you back on track now? I've binged pretty much non-stop since Easter- I'm not sure if I've gone up half a stone- I will have a little 'Re-start' weigh-in tomorrow. The thing is even on 1700 calorie days I feel like I'm depriving myself and just holding off from...
  17. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Honey-J, yeah back now but not quite back on track just yet. Have you continued losing weight? will check in on diaries :)
  18. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Zeke, Sarah and Honey-J, Just popping back online after a month away from the forum and from dieting! How are you guys? xx
  19. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Yay, well done for the loss! 3lbs is fab. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend with the occasional treat but lots of healthy food too. :)
  20. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Sarah, yes luckily things are better. Exercise does usually help me to deal with stress but I was really tired today so had to try to work up the motivation to go for a run! Unfortunately after dinner (of Quorn sausages, peas , sweetcorn, carrots and potatoes) I just lost it and ate an...
  21. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Tuesday Breakfast: Porridge with raisins, chopped half banana, a tsp of peanut butter and a drop of vanilla essence Lunch: Carrot soup with half a baguette filled with flora and a boiled egg subtotal: 750 Exercise: 10 mins cycling, hopefully 20-30 min run and 40 min walk later
  22. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Yeah I think it can do but only if you do quite a lot of exercise? I only count 'Intense exercise' as exercise where my heart rate gets very high (i.e. over 85% of max/ 185 BPM), I sometimes count time on my exercise bike (and time spent doing aerobics DVDs) as 'light exercise' rather than...
  23. Bella-slimmer

    Whats your typical day?

    I'm not brilliant at sticking to my diet but I have lost some weight. A typical (good) day would be: Breakfast: Egg (boiled, scrambled or fried in low cal spray) on toast or a bowl of porridge Lunch: A sandwich made with 25g cheese or smoked salmon/tuna or a tsp peanut butter and/or a bowl of...
  24. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Did you manage it? sorry to hear you're exhausted!
  25. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Okay today has not been brilliant! I'm going to work out the calories for the whole day in a second. I need to start setting weekly or twice-weekly goals again because I've let that slip recently! According to this calculator I've...
  26. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hope she has a lovely birthday! My Food/menu: Breakfast: 330 cals A bag of chocolate buttons (240 cals) and a tsp of peanut butter (90 cals) as light-weight running fuel! (lol, I don't even care!) Lunch: 170 cals Egg on toast Snack: 150 cals Oatso Simple made with water (100 cals), a...
  27. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Great plan! Sorry to hear you felt more stressy for having gone into work, maybe do something relaxing now to feel better! :) Remember not to beat yourself up though- you have been doing well and sometimes seeing a little bit of fluid retention weight on the scales can tip the balance in the...
  28. Bella-slimmer

    Back at target, still thinking...

    It's an individual thing and if it's harming your health then it's only 'quitting' in the same way that quitting smoking is quitting! (i.e. well done for knowing yourself well enough to know it is not the right way of eating for you!) I hope this week goes reallly well!
  29. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Sarah, how was your weekend at home?
  30. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Well done for another loss Honey-J! I hope you had a nice meal with your Mum yesterday xx
  31. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Hi Zeke, Well done for your loss the other day! I think the 1lb on will almost definitely just be fluid retention so don't worry too much :) I hope you have a nice, relaxing day at home with your son (and the wailing stops!). xx
  32. Bella-slimmer

    Becky's Diet Diary

    Never too early to wish for the weekend! You usually have super motivation for loads of exercise and staying within your cals so I'm sure it'll be back before the weekend :)
  33. Bella-slimmer


    Yeah, that must be harder but snack packs are a bit better than whole biscuit packets (which seem to miraculously disappear). I'm still trying to lose weight but I'm ok if I stay the same for a week or two to stabilize and prevent bingeing- I think my BMR is 1482 and my TDEE including activity...
  34. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    They are surprisingly yummy aren't they? It looked a bit funky on the plate because it sort of slid out of the box but it tasted delicious- definitely going to have another the next time we go to M&S. Well done for delaying eating the other half of the coconut bun! :) How was your weekend? Aw...
  35. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Today's food Breakfast: A boiled egg and a crumpet with tsp flora. Lunch: Butternut squash soup. A crumpet with peanut butter. Snack: I took my Mum to a National Trust manor house cafe and had half a flapjack and a cappuccino. Snack 2!: Wotsits Dinner: M&S Veg spinach cannelloni with green...
  36. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Oh okay, i'll definitely look tomorrow! Have you had a good weekend? x
  37. Bella-slimmer


    Yes, same here- I was actually a skinny mini when I was little and food wasn't that interesting! It sounds like you've really got a hang of it- I will try to use a combination of distraction techniques too the next time I feel like binge-eating (which might well be tonight) and buy a few low...
  38. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Yes, sadly that's where it all went wrong! I think I will buy some WW food things tomorrow for low calorie binges! I'm actually pleased I managed to stop (I've only managed that once or twice before) at a few extra snacks rather than going on a full-on binge fest! Also thanks for the...
  39. Bella-slimmer

    Vanessa's last diet diary

    Hi Worldwidewren, Your food for the day sounds really good! If you can stick to 1500 or less then hopefully the pounds will just fall away- it's impressive that you lost 22lbs in 4 months last year! Looking forward to reading your diary!
  40. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Oh dear! I had chocolate buttons and Highlights hot choc for dessert, followed by two crumpets with peanut butter and jam and a Thorntons chocolate. I am going to type up a little diet sheet for the next three weeks (until Easter) and try hard to stick to it.
  41. Bella-slimmer

    Controlled crash weight loss.

    Hi Michael, You may have quite a high metabolic rate due to your gender and having a bit of weight to lose so it might be relatively easy to lose quite a lot quickly to begin with. Try this BMR calculator Health-calc - Energy expenditure adv. to see how many calories you need to stay the same...
  42. Bella-slimmer


    I'm posting at the start(? or end?) of a binge in an effort to stop! I've had plenty of calories today (1680) from three meals, two snacks and dessert but I just want to eat everything in sight. So far I've only had two crumpets with peanut butter and jam and a Thorntons chocolate but I know...
  43. Bella-slimmer

    How many kcal do you aim for in a day?

    Hi Clouddog, Most doctors/dieticians recommend that you don't try to go under 1200 as it can tricky to get all the nutrients that you need with lower calorie allowances. I usually aim for 1500 but often have quite a lot more (i.e. around 1800+). I'm attaching a link to a calorie calculator...
  44. Bella-slimmer

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Well done for the loss! Hope you have a nice time at the 40th.
  45. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    Aww your poor Mum, that must have been really worrying for you- you're not weak, you just care! Hopefully she will get better with some antibiotics and be home soon.
  46. Bella-slimmer

    Becky's Diet Diary

    Ah congrats for fitting into size 10s and the long swim! I have a couple of pairs of baggy-style size 10 trousers but can't fit into size 10 jeans yet (I'm actually more of a 14 on my bottom half but some size 10s fit and a 10-12 on top).
  47. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Sarah, I think I'll try frozen curly wurlys and snacking on fruit. That's great :) Wish I had your will-power. Thanks Honey-J, I'm just feeling a bit out of control with my eating and wish i could get into a routine where I stick to 1500 and consistently lose rather than going up and...
  48. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    It could just be fluid retention- if you've stuck to calorie counting all week it's very unlikely that your true weight will have stayed the same and it's more likely to be fluid retention or the weight of food that you've eaten recently (e.g. sometimes when I weigh-in at 9am after having eaten...
  49. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Wow, did you manage to resist the chippy and the cake?! Well done!!!
  50. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Silvermoon, That's a really good idea, I'll remember to do that on nights out. Even though I loved diet coke though I also found that it made me even hungrier! How's your day/diet-day been? I've over-eaten but went on a really nice run, which was fun :)
  51. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Watching Comic Relief ad eating sugar-free mints to avoid binge-eating! Just wondering if people could give me some tips for dealing with cravings and sticking to 1200-1500 cals each day?
  52. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    I've had a similar calorie intake this week too. I think it's more realistic and sustainable to vary calorie intake some days/weeks. I hope you have a really good D of E trip and yummy curry tomorrow! :)
  53. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hope you have an absolutely lovely weekend with your family and enjoy becoming a fairy Godmother! :)
  54. Bella-slimmer

    Becky's Diet Diary

    Well done for the fab loss! I hope your throat infection clears up really soon.
  55. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I've had to try really hard not to binge for the past three days as things have been quite stressful at home. If I carry on eating around 1800/day my weight-loss journey is going to be a veeery long one so from tomorrow I'm going to try to get to as close as 1500 cals per day as I can manage...
  56. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    Have you thought about doing a social work degree? (even if it's a second degree)- it might open up a few doors. I have no idea what I'm doing with my life at the moment so I'm just trying to think of options and was looking at NHS funded degrees yesterday.
  57. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Haha! you should definitely have some then, just plan for it :) The fish and chips were yum! We bought one portion of chips to share between four of us and I had about a third of a haddock fillet and filled most of my plate with mushy peas!
  58. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Aw that's good. Yeah it definitely helped with the depression. Today I have been wanting to snack all day but managed not to eat tons! Breakfast: Porridge with skimmed milk and a boiled egg. Lunch: Soup (again). Beans on toast (a small tin of beans and a piece of wholemeal toast with...
  59. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Aw sorry to hear that- I hope you're okay!
  60. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    Haha at the 'keep pile'. I probably need to be more like you. I do actually feel calmer when things are tidy!
  61. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Systema, yes I love salad and nearly always have it on pasta days. I saw some of the photos of your salads/veg combos- they look tasty! I am aiming (eventually!!) to get into the habit of eating 1300-1400 calories a day. At the moment I am getting through around 1800 calories and losing...
  62. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Oh no! at least the flat didn't burn down. It sounds like you were careful, it was just the wrong button! I have got a bit better than I used to be about checking the hobs are off, doors are locked and my straighteners are off before leaving the house. Re. mindfulness- I've done some...
  63. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Sarah, I was vegetarian from 13 for 12 years, then gradually started eating fish, then chicken and only over the last couple of months started eating occasional (about once a month) pieces of red meat. I sometimes feel odd eating meat but I really loved the sausages tonight. When I was...
  64. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    I keep Dettol in business with my constant cleaning of anything that is dirty but I'm not very tidy- a bit odd I guess! My logic is 'If it could cause infection/illness then it needs cleaning', but if it's messy it won't do any major harm!
  65. Bella-slimmer

    How does this diet sound to you ?

    Yeah, that's really good! Remember though not to beat yourself up if you do accidentally eat something sweet at some point (sometimes birthday cake is forced in your direction and you don't have much choice!). It's good that you have lost weight in the past, even if you slipped up because you...
  66. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I might do! :) I'm going to try harder to count my calories accurately, here goes- Today's food: Breakfast: Porridge made with water and a teaspoon of golden syrup (130). Half a small glass of blueberry smoothie (90). Lunch: Carrot soup (115). A piece of salmon (120) and some wotsits (urm...
  67. Bella-slimmer

    How does this diet sound to you ?

    Hi Clouddog, It sounds much more sustainable than the Lipotrim diet. It's so important to learn how to eat a healthy, balanced diet rather than doing a quick-fix and then the weight popping on again (which I'm sure most of us have done at some point!). The fact that you've stuck to it since...
  68. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    I hope you start to feel better soon! Have you tried Voltarol gel? I had a really stiff neck the other day and found the anti-inflammatory in it really helped. Otherwise ibuprofen might help. Cranial osteopathy can also make a big difference if it ends up being a chronic thing. Also don't...
  69. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    That's really good! I doubt my will-power but I'd love to prove to myself that I can do it at some point.
  70. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Sarah, Are you still feeling okay today? I wonder why you were all shivery last night? I guess sometimes it's exhaustion after work or your immune system fighting something! Well done for sticking to under 1300 cals!
  71. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Silvermoon, I'm a bit better thanks :). Although caring for my Gran today and she's not well with heart pain/angina and stomach issues so I'm feeling a bit stressy! She's having a nap just now so I'm just trying to relax. I have thought about 5:2 and wish I was able to do it but I don't...
  72. Bella-slimmer

    Kerrys food diary 5:2

    Hi Kez, :welcome2: to the Calorie counting thread. Don't worry too much about the extra 300 calories, you still had a low calorie day and depending on your BMR/TDEE 800 might be low enough. Here to subscribe!
  73. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Yeah, I find it a bit intrusive with questions fired at me when I'm trying to be pampered! I also have a sort of germ phobia and I'm not keen on other people's hands being on my hair! (what if they didn't wash them after using the loo?!) Today I'm feeling a bit flat, not sure why. For dinner I...
  74. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Systema, Becky, Silvermoon and Rachella, I really don't like going to the hairdressers so have avoided going for ages but it sounds like it's a bad idea to do DIY colouring and I don't want to brassy coloured or damaged hair.
  75. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Okay this has absolutely nothing to do with dieting but I was just wondering if anyone can give me any advice on at-home hair dyes? I really want to dye my light-mid brown hair a golden baby blonde- I've never dyed my hair before and rarely go to the hairdressers.
  76. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Sarah :) Today's food: Breakfast: Oatso-simple with skimmed milk, a teaspoon of muesli and a tsp of golden syrup- 170 cals Coffee with sugar- 30 cals Lunch: Carrot soup (bit samey but oh well!), a piece of wholemeal toast and some smoked salmon- 325 cals. A glass of smoothie-126 cals...
  77. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Hi Zeke, I usually put on fluid-weight mid-cycle too- apparently it might be to do with ovulation so that if you have an ovulatory cycle you retain fluid and if you have an anovulatory cycle then you don't. I always feel depressed because 2-3lbs appears overnight! I think it has more to do with...
  78. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Jessie Pavelka is the Beckham looking guy- God/nature was having a good day when he was made! lol
  79. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Porridge is great for helping you feel full, I alternate protein+toast with porridge. Ooh have you been watching the 'Obese; a year to save my life' episodes that have Jessie Pavelka in? I mostly watch it for him! I'll have to watch 'Biggest loser' at some point too :)
  80. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I had a lazy dinner again tonight- Omelette and vegetables (carrots, peas, cabbage) and an Oreo chocolate bar for dessert. Calories for the day: 1750 Exercise: 20 min run with sprints involving high pulse rate to raise the calorie afterburn effect/ EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen...
  81. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    I hope you are feeling better today. 5.5lbs in 10 days is fantastic! :mermaid:
  82. Bella-slimmer

    Rachella's calorie counting diary - 'getting the old me back!'

    Well done for the loss. Did you have a nice time in Spain? where did you stay? Having a competitive swim to look forward sounds like great motivation to get to goal.
  83. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    That's a really good idea!, otherwise it's just demoralizing. Weight this morning: 10st 7 (but that was after my run). Trying to work out what my body needs nutritionally today- so far have had: B: 2x wholemeal toast, one slice with philadelphia and a little chunk of low fat red leicester...
  84. Bella-slimmer

    BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

    Hi BinkyBonk, Having a little read and subscribing if that's ok :). I just noticed we're a similar weight and age (although I'm an inch shorter so my BMI is a bit higher!). Tomorrow's planned food sounds nice.
  85. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    That's really good that you & your family are supporting them in their own home for now cos it definitely can help to be in familiar surroundings. It's been lovely seeing some Spring sunshine this weekend hasn't it! glad you got out for some long walks :) My food was lovely today but things...
  86. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Today's food sounds really yum! I hope the spin classes go well- 4x in a week will be brilliant for weight loss!!! Are you doing the spinning classes on eating days? If not you could just eat 50-100 of the calories that you've burned alongside your 500 cals? or you could stick to 500 cals but...
  87. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Aw sorry to hear that Becky, dementias are such nasty conditions- does she have vascular/alzheimer's? It's really good she has her husband there and at-home care :) My gran's the same with health issues- has had two heart attacks, a stroke, multiple T.I.As (temporary small strokes) and three...
  88. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Sarah, I'm sorry to hear about your friend too, I'm a bit scared that my parents might get it in the future because it's so horrible. My Gran was awake at 3.30am, fully dressed, distressed and trying to leave the house and this morning I found a dirty 'nappy' in her room (sorry TMI!)-...
  89. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Sarah, I think you made some good snack-choices yesterday evening- packing in the fruit and protein and even then you had a good day with under 1300 :) I find that when I leave it too long without eating I can't stop eating once I start. I hope you enjoy the Christening and have a lovely...
  90. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Hi Honey-J, I hope the migraines stop soon. My mum has really awful ones too and uses sumatriptan/Imigran (OTC painkillers don't touch the pain). It probably is worth seeing your GP for a prescription & s/he can also prescribe anti-emetics/anti-sickness meds if you need them. Also monitor your...
  91. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Honey-J:) I had a lovely day, just felt a bit washed out with a virus. Also it helps to view it as a little hiccup! How are you? Hope you're having a good weekend! Yeah I wanted to just pretend I'd been good all day! I ended up having a couple of extra chocolates but usually once I've...
  92. Bella-slimmer

    journey to healthy mind & body

    Hi a-mand-a, Here to read :) You did really well to avoid binge-eating for a fortnight and at least your binges involve healthy food. I wonder if you could make a change to your morning routine e.g. go for a run/walk when you feel like eating and then plan a controlled breakfast. I have...
  93. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Okay so I really don't want to write this down but this diary is here for a reason and recording my binges is one of them!!! I have just scoffed- 6 Thorntons chocolates, a piece of iced birthday cake and a bag of chocolate buttons. I think I have gone over my TDEE. For dinner I had Saag aloo...
  94. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Serious self-control! fab :)
  95. Bella-slimmer

    Yoyo dieter calorie counting plan

    Hi Systema, TDEE is an estimation of someone's Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It's a general thing/not specific to 5:2. Basically you work out your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) [there are various different formulas for this so it's an estimation rather than an accurate calculation], which is the...
  96. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Well done; you've done really well this week!
  97. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I ruined yesterday!! I got stressed and ate cake; lots of cake and chocolates because they were there! Today I went for coffee and cake at a nice little cafe in town (I was so dizzy & faint on my actual birthday that I had to cancel it) but just shared a brownie and had a skinny cappuccino. I...
  98. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Yeah I hope so Bluebex, unfortunately I think quite a lot of the weight has come off from my bust and legs so my hips and bum are still quite tubby. Today's food: Breakfast: Oatso simple porridge Lunch: Vegetable soup and a roll (accidentally also had a chocolate) Snack: A banana Dinner...
  99. Bella-slimmer

    Binge Eating issues/ possibly non-purging Bulimia

    Thank you Dolly Rocker! I hope you had a lovely day, with lots of pressies and cake. xxx
  100. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Bluebex and Sarah :) I had a lovely day & evening and didn't count calories yesterday! I had soo much to eat: Brunch (at about 1, once I felt better): Toast with chocolate spread. Lunch: Carrot soup Snack: 3(!!) chocolate hot cross buns Dinner: Vegetable Calzone with mozzarella sticks...
  101. Bella-slimmer

    My 12 steps to goal.........................

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a lovely few days of celebrating!:mermaid: xxx
  102. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thank you for the lovely messages! :candle1: I woke up with the room spinning (no alcohol involved!) and feeling unwell so didn't have pancakes but still hoping to have hundreds of calories worth of pizza later :)
  103. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    I'm sure they do that deliberately to make us think things are lower in calories- who eats half a fruit pot?
  104. Bella-slimmer

    Easter Challenge

    I weighed myself twice today- the first time I was 11st (and horrified by the gain) and the other I was 10st 10 (which would be ok)!
  105. Bella-slimmer

    I do not want to be 25 and 25st!

    Hi k3, Good luck! Make sure to keep a food diary on here even when you've had a bad day (I record my binges because it keeps me from bingeing even more!). I find weighing myself daily also helps because I can't ignore what I weigh and I can quickly remedy any gains.
  106. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Congratulations for making it half way through. I went for two runs to try work off yesterday's binge- it was beautifully sunny but I was a bit too tired and feeling a bit stressed during the second one. I'll hopefully go for a walk this evening. I might have tomorrow (my birthday) off from...
  107. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks guys, I went for two runs (30 mins running with 20 mins walk either side & 17 mins running with a little walk beforehand) to try to work off yesterday's cals! I've decided to try to be as good as possible tomorrow and see if i can have a stay-the-same day rather than a gain day. How...
  108. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    yes, that's probably the best plan. I'll try to do 1500 today (or less but that's unlikely!) and then have up to my TDEE 2300 tomorrow (I'm having pancakes for breakfast, going out for a coffee & cake and an Italian so that's probably the lowest possible!).
  109. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I binged last night :( It was a proper binge but not a massive one (multiple pieces of cake & chocolate). I'm now not sure whether to try to be good today and then have my birthday off or try to be good both days or just eat whatever I like for 2 days and then start on 5th March and try to lose...
  110. Bella-slimmer

    Becky's Diet Diary

    Inspiring before & after pics! Well done on your amazing loss and great tenacity and motivation!
  111. Bella-slimmer

    Back at target, still thinking...

    You are doing so well despite the hunger! sticking to under 1400 cals a day is really good. If you do find yourself feeling ravenous in the mornings then maybe just split your lunch cals into breakfast and lunch for that day and then do a 'Breakfast-free' day when you're feeling better. :)
  112. Bella-slimmer

    March Challenge!

    Me please, I'd like to lose 8lbs but I've been so off-track recently so maybe I should aim for 4lbs! Isabella (0lbs lost, 4lbs to go) Zeke (0 lbs lost, 6 lbs to go) Josephsmummy (0lbs lost, 3lbs to go) Blubex (0 lbs lost, 6 lbs to go)
  113. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Oh good, will look now. I'm thinking of starting 5:2 at some point so it would be good to get some more inspiration for fast days! My day Exercise: a nice long run in the sunshine, a very short time on the exercise bike and hopefully a walk later. Food: My meals have been ok but I've been a...
  114. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks for subbing guys, Katie'sWorld and SilvermMoon do you both have diaries? Kiki, sadly no, it was an Innocent smoothie- very yummy tho! :)
  115. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hopefully recording what you're eating and how you are on on here will help- I've stayed the same for a couple of weeks but find Minimins really useful for reminding me to get back on track and stay motivated!
  116. Bella-slimmer

    February challenge!

    Well done everyone :) Sadly I stayed the same! I'm aiming to get back to it and lose weight by Easter.
  117. Bella-slimmer

    My 12 steps to goal.........................

    Ooh Wed-Monday of birthday celebratory time without work sounds lovely!
  118. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Sorry to hear you've been poorly this week. I hope you have a nice meal and cocktail evening :)
  119. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Kiki, One thing to bear in mind is that if you have a tendency towards binge-eating it is best to avoid being overly restrictive with your calorie allowance because it is known to lead to bingeing. You could try to stick to 1200 cals but allow yourself 1300 so that you don't feel as though...
  120. Bella-slimmer

    My 12 steps to goal.........................

    5lbs is fab! I'm on 2000 calories so far today, c la vie. Poor you for working Sundays, at least you have a nice week to look forward to!
  121. Bella-slimmer

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Well done, that's fab! I haven't lost for 2 or 3 weeks now, I need to get motivated again. The chicken skewers sound nice n healthy!
  122. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Today's food Breakfast: Scrambled egg on toast with a glass of mango smoothie Lunch: Vegetable soup. Beans on toast Snack: Banana Dinner: Tortilla with beans, chicken, low fat cheese, salsa, tomatoes, salad and a teaspoon of sweet chili sauce. Dessert: chocolate buttons
  123. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Honey-J, I really don't think I could stick to it. I might give 5:2 a try though; although 500-600 cals might have a similar effect on me just now! I tend to eat multiple bars of chocolate, pieces of cake, sweets etc. I've managed to avoid bingeing for a few days but have eaten around...
  124. Bella-slimmer

    Weight loss & periods

    Hi, Congratulations for the weight loss! Anything that causes stress to the body, including very intense exercise and calorie restriction, can disrupt the menstrual cycle but if you have been sticking to a reasonable calorie allowance (i.e. above 1400 calories) then it's probably less likely...
  125. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    An hour and 5 minutes of high intensity exercise!- that's brilliant :)
  126. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    You've made a great start! :) And it's a good idea to measure/weigh. The Paleo diet sounds quite restrictive. It is fab being able to eat anything you want within reason/with portion control! I occasionally count my calories in 60 calorie units (the older pre-propoints Weight Watcher's...
  127. Bella-slimmer

    Binge Eating issues/ possibly non-purging Bulimia

    Aw sounds lovely! I think I'll be trying to resist eating cake and chocolates at the weekend too. (I wrote a reply to this about 2 days ago but it's not showing for some reason!).
  128. Bella-slimmer

    What's for lunch?

    Carrot soup with a smoked salmon and lightest philadelphia wholemeal tortilla. Oh and a glass of smoothie :) yum!
  129. Bella-slimmer

    Operation Skinny ***** ...

    Having a little read of your diary :) I hope you have a nice weekend with the drinks & baby shower. I have a few 'not fit for public viewing but fitting better' dresses too, can't wait to slim into them!
  130. Bella-slimmer

    Sarah's first attempt at calorie counting

    Hi Sarah, Welcome to the Calorie Counting threads! I think it really helps to have somewhere to record what you're eating and how things are going (and somewhere to be accountable when things go a little bit wrong some days!). I'm approaching my late twenties too and I've been yo-yo dieting...
  131. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Okay so I have been up and down weight-wise for 2 weeks (I was 10st 9 at one point, then 10st 12, now I think I'm 10st 10); I've been bingeing (and forgetting to record it!) and exercising and then trying to regain some control. I was going to try the 'How the rich get thin' diet again and do...
  132. Bella-slimmer

    My 12 steps to goal.........................

    Hi DollyRocker, I hope today is going well! Not long til our birthday! :) (birthday calories don't count so we can just stick to plan until then!)
  133. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Wow, were you exhausted after all that?! I hope the Gym weekend goes well!! I went for a fairly quick run today but sprinted up hill for some of it, it's my star week (I think that's what Slimming World calls TOTM!) this week and I'm in a bit of pain so took ibuprofen, paracetamol, magnesium...
  134. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Red grapes and a boiled egg.
  135. Bella-slimmer

    Rachella's calorie counting diary - 'getting the old me back!'

    Well done for this week's loss & the 50lbs!!
  136. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Well it had a chocolate (beetroot based) brownie in it! and yeah tons of almonds, peanuts (and some mixes with chocolate buttons and honeycomb)!! lol, I knew it wasn't healthy but decided not to care (*until 5 mins after eating it!). Breakfast this morning: 125g red grapes- 85 calories Might...
  137. Bella-slimmer

    My 12 steps to goal.........................

    Hi DollyRocker, I like your idea of losing weight in steps :) Well done for getting back on track!
  138. Bella-slimmer

    Binge Eating issues/ possibly non-purging Bulimia

    Ah well done! yeah I've been ok today and was quite good yesterday. I know, exciting times! I'm going for an Italian and a few drinks with my friends. What will you be doing? :) Bella xx
  139. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Urm most of a Graze box! (650 cals and in retrospect not the best decision!). It was yummy though; an 110-cal beetroot based choc brownie and two and a half punnets of other delicious snacks! I'm still within my calories for today because I went for two separate runs, cycled and went on a brisk...
  140. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Oh no! poor thing, I hope she's feeling better today and that you get a nice calm night tonight. :)
  141. Bella-slimmer

    Easter Challenge

    Well done on all the losses (12lbs lost in the group so far!). I'd love to join. I'm having some major issues with binge-eating (multiple times last week) but need to try to get slimmer by Easter (and then try to avoid undoing all the work with Easter eggs!). I was 10st 11 today (up about 2lbs...
  142. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Oh dear, why were you at A&E? Walking still counts :) Today I went on two short runs (20 mins each- the first one I was trying out my new running shoes and found them a bit awkward to run in so then did another with my old grubby trainers on),I walked for 40 mins and spin-cycled for about 15...
  143. Bella-slimmer

    What's for lunch?

    A bowl of carrot soup- nom nom
  144. Bella-slimmer

    Back at target, still thinking...

    Hi Scrumbles, I'm the same as you in terms of morning hunger- I can usually get to 1pm without much hunger/bother and when I'm busy doing things I can forget to eat until 2 or 3pm, although I've been eating breakfast recently as binge-prevention. It's good that you can stop at one biscuit...
  145. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Brunch: Graze box- 630 Carrot soup- 120 850 cals Dinner: Small lemon sole fillet- 90 cals Onion rings- 200 cals Vegetables- 50 cals Sweet chilli sauce- 27.5 cals 367 cals 1217 urm still overeating- 2 creme eggs- 354 1571
  146. Bella-slimmer

    Binge Eating issues/ possibly non-purging Bulimia

    Ah wow!! binge-eating 4th March-ers!! yay! How are you? have you had any problems today or has it been binge-free? I had sooo much to eat this weekend but am trying to regain control today xx
  147. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    I hope your week is off to a good start? I've tried Slimming World and Weight Watchers- I found that WW had too low a calorie allowance too but I always had to many 'Syn' foods when following Slimming World, even when I was within my calorie allowance!
  148. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Today I've been OK diet-wise- had a reasonable breakfast, lunch, tea and a healthy snack. I'm just going to add up the cals and if I have any left over I'll have some chocolate!
  149. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks H-J! I wish I could but it's been both my parent's birthdays this weekend so I've had far too much to eat (a meal out involving Vegetable Lasagne last night, lots of cake both days and chocolates, a jam tart and a cooked breakfast today). I've also had two rest days from running (although...
  150. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Thanks Systema! I'm going to try some fruit teas tomorrow :) I had cinnamon teas for a while, which were nice. I might start drinking more hot choc to cut back on the choc bars! I love eggs and cheese too. I will have a look at the Linda Sansone DVDs- thank you!
  151. Bella-slimmer

    What's for lunch?

    Smoked salmon sandwich made with wholemeal bread & a bowl of vegetable soup
  152. Bella-slimmer

    Binge Eating issues/ possibly non-purging Bulimia

    Hi :) Is anyone else struggling with binge-eating? I've had four binges this week and have been trying to exercise them off (running, cycling, walking). I'm not sure if I have Binge Eating Disorder or Non-purging Bulimia (yes that's a thing! and sufferers are usually normal or overweight). I...
  153. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Toast with jam (125 cals) Black coffee (0 cals)
  154. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Hi Honey-J, How has your day been?
  155. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    I'm not managing to stick to calories very well at the moment! Breakfast: A quarter of a baguette with flora and jam Lunch: Salmon sandwich and vegetable soup. Snack: ooh dear- choc spread sandwich Dinner: Chicken, vegetables and new potatoes I'm quite stressed out at the moment but want to...
  156. Bella-slimmer

    5:2 to a wedding body!

    Hi Nikki, Good luck! The good thing is you know you've managed to lose weight before so you can do it again and there's a lot less of it this time!
  157. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    That's fab, well done! Also cleaning the living room will burn cals too. I think you're right that I should mix up walking and running, I think my heart rate just spikes going uphill and I live in a really hilly area. Haha, totally worth it for the 568 cals though definitely! I ran for...
  158. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Amazing!! well done! Lazy day for me today- went out for my run but hated it cos it was raining and I got splashed by a car so I didn't go on a very long one; all week my heart rate has gone up to 207 when running and I think that's a tiny bit risky so maybe it's good to have a break (max...
  159. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Zeke, That's a good idea, I might start doing that from tomorrow and only eat chocolate/sweets at 9pm. Earlier I had half a Millionaire's shortbread (about 150 cals) but I accidentally skipped breakfast so I'm still on track. Food We're having Spaghetti Carbonara for dinner, made without...
  160. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    They were delicious! and massively high in calories once coated in chocolate and sugar- I planned to have two pancakes with a little bit of topping but ended up having five! so I had a 'stay-the-same' day yesterday, which is better than a full-on binge anyway! My major issue at the moment is...
  161. Bella-slimmer

    Rachella's calorie counting diary - 'getting the old me back!'

    Hi Rachella, I wrote a reply on here earlier this evening but then my computer went a bit nuts (bubbles appeared on screen!) so here I am again, subscribing. You have done so amazingly well against the odds (with hypothyroidism and stressful life situations) and I'm really looking forward to...
  162. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Totally agree, who thought of labeling foods as 'syn'-ful?! (apparently SW did originally have 'sins' but relabeled them 'syns') and why should people be forced to eat just 1080 cals a day (WW propoints= 28). All food just provides amazing energy for the body. Maintenance is probably going to be...
  163. Bella-slimmer

    My lifestyle journey to 10.7 X

    Here to subscribe! I hope you have a lovely time at Nandos, what are you going to see at the cinema? It's good that you've got the Mexico trip to keep up the motivation! 4lbs is a great loss so far, make sure to measure your waist too because it's nice seeing the number going down! What does...
  164. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Wow, so jealous! 4lbs is brilliant. What do you usually eat on fast days? I'm definitely going to give 5:2 a try in a couple of weeks (it's my birthday a fortnight today so I'll probably start the day after!); I was thinking porridge, soup and salads for fast days? Also I was looking at the 5:2...
  165. Bella-slimmer

    Mission to lose 5st (10/70 lbs and counting)

    Ah wow I like the spreadsheets and the BMR table! It sounds like you're doing well, motivated and heading towards your goals. :)
  166. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Honey-J, That sounds like a good plan- how many calories do you have on feast days? I'm considering doing 5:2 to speed it up a bit. I've been quite bad for a week and binged 3 times! (the Very Hungry Caterpillar and I have a lot in common). Today I've been quite good, I've only really...
  167. Bella-slimmer

    100 days of exercise!

    Hi everyone, Can I join? I usually run daily and go for an evening walk but occasionally (once a fortnight/month) have a walking only day or do a Rosemary Conley workout DVD. I got a folding exercise bike last week and still haven't put it up but am looking forward to using that too! I also...
  168. Bella-slimmer

    February challenge!

    Hi Zeke, I'm really sorry I somehow copied and pasted the list without your name even though I added it to the top before! I'm 10st 11 this morning (a gain after massive binges), going for 10st 8 by the end of the month. How are you getting on?
  169. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    A banana after a big binge yesterday. Binge consisted of: chocolate buttons, 2 chocolate egg'n'spoon eggs, a bag of crisps, a cupcake, a millionaires shortbread, a tiny bag of haribo, lots of nutella and probably some other things that I'm forgetting. :(
  170. Bella-slimmer

    The 5:2 Diet - My Feasting and Fasting Diary!

    Just read about your massive loss in the Monday W.I. thread and wanted to see how you've done so well!! I'm not sure I have the will-power to stick to 5:2 but you're doing amazingly! Do you have 500 cals for fast day and 2000 for feast days or do you eat a lower calorie intake on feast days too?
  171. Bella-slimmer

    Monday W.I.

    I can't remember if I've written in here before or not! I weigh myself about three times daily but record it on Mondays! I haven't lost weight according to the scales this morning (from last week) but about four days ago the scales showed a 1lb loss from last Monday. I have had two major binge...
  172. Bella-slimmer


    I love running so try to do that daily, although I like fartlek (funny name, means 'speed play' in swedish) training where you run at varying speeds like sprinting, hill running, jogging and sometimes I mix it with some walking so I'm not sure if I can actually run non-stop for longer than 5k. I...
  173. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Not doing too well with my diet! I was in a rush to go running again so I grabbed a teaspoon of nutella and had a chocolatte (nesquik, skimmed milk, 3 teaspoons of coffee) beforehand and a small glass of smoothie afterwards. I think the nutella is 85 cals, the chocolatte is 180ish and smoothie...
  174. Bella-slimmer

    February challenge!

    zeke (5lbs lost?, 3 lbs to go) trying_healthy (0lbs lost, 8lbs to go) Sammyzip50 (1 lbs lost, 6 lbs to go) ali28 (1lbs lost, 9lbs to go) Hoz (3lbs lost, 3lbs to go) Joanne (1.6 lost 5.4 to go) Hi, I know there's only 13 days left in the month but I'm really struggling with...
  175. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Thanks Rachella, my weight has been up and down this week and I had a binge day the day before yesterday (a serious marshmallow, cupcakes (x3), chocolate bars etc blowout). I'm running for longer periods of time but really hungry; when I run I can eat 1800 and lose but sometimes I've exceeded...
  176. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Ended up bingeing yesterday- had 3 iced cupcakes, a nesquik shake, a galaxy ripple, a crunchie, a few handfuls of marshmallows etc etc.! Today I've tried my best to avoid bingeing but still eaten a lot! Breakfast: Yoghurt and toast Lunch: Leak and potato soup. Smoked salmon & salad tortilla...
  177. Bella-slimmer

    How Much Do You Weigh and What Dress Size Are You?

    Weird but my weight has dropped to 10st 9/10 and my size hasn't changed significantly? I'm 5ft 6, moderate build with hourglass shape and F bust- not sure why I'm not a proper 12 yet!
  178. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Yesterday I decided to bake and ended up eating 3 un-iced cupcakes- oops!! I still had my usual after dinner chocolate too! c la vie. Breakfast: Egg on toast with flora light Apple juice A banana An 0% Activia yoghurt Lunch: Smoked salmon on toast Cinnamon tea with honey will work it out...
  179. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    That sounds yum- did you poach/dry fry the egg? I have a plan for tomorrow now! I think I remember that spaghetti hoops actually count as one of your five a day because of the amount of tomato sauce that they're in! Hoz, the pizza toast sounds good too! Beabeas, I'd like to say that's the...
  180. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Breakfast: I needed something quick, high in energy/cals and light-weight before running so I actually wolfed down a Galaxy Ripple bar! oops! Lunch: Carrot soup (1/5) Small portion of brie on wholemeal toast A glass of blueberry smoothie (2/5) Snack: Wotsits Dinner: Fish fingers, baked beans...
  181. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Urm a wonderfully nutritious Galaxy Ripple bar (175kcals) but followed by 35 minutes running at 80-95% HR (which probably just about got rid of it!). Tomorrow I'm planning to have a boiled egg and toast.
  182. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    I had a slightly weird combo this morning- Smoked salmon pate on toast- 180 cals Smoothie- 130 cals Quite a high calorie breakfast but great fuel for my run :) Food = fuel.
  183. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Well done Hoz, that's fab, it feels so nice to get to the lower 11s, after being in the 12s doesn't it? I'm 10st 10 now according to our new (closer to weight watcher's, so hopefully more accurate) scales and have been running each day for 15-35 mins. I'm 26 and freaking out about my age a bit...
  184. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Definitely! It's really good to have something to work towards and Mexico sounds pretty exciting! Tbh if I ever go to New York I have every intention of eating my weight in doughnuts, pancakes and general junk too- I've never been to America but have family over there who say the portion sizes...
  185. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Honey-J, I like your positive signature! is your goal 19th August for a special event? I've been losing the weight by Calorie Counting although I lost about half a stone with Slimming World to begin with. My weight had stayed around 12-13 stone for a few years until now so I'm feeling...
  186. Bella-slimmer

    Isabella's journey (taking the scenic route) to 9 stone

    Hi Everyone, I decided to start a new diary because I like reading other people's and I've realized I keep forgetting to log a couple of my food items each day and the calories will add up! 9 months ago I was 13 st 5, now I'm 10st 13.5 and I'd love to be around 9 stone and a size 10. Oh also...
  187. Bella-slimmer

    Dieting with mental health issues?

    Hi Pikachu, I hope you're feeling better today. Did you find anything that helped? I've had a few days feeling v low so I've only managed to eat my 'stay-the-same' calories (i.e. 2220!!) but I'm hoping to stick to my calorie count tomorrow. saraphoenix,hope you've had an ok/good weekend?
  188. Bella-slimmer

    Anyone else doing Couch25k?

    Hi VerdePurdy, I run each day but started off with really bad shin splints for several months and was at risk of developing tibial stress fractures. I had them because I was doing hill running (which puts pressure on that part of your leg), also because I was overweight (again pressure on the...
  189. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Yay! well done Rachella and Hoz. I'm having binge-eating issues again :( so might gain this week (Monday= weigh day). Today I've had a Mars, a Crunchie, some Creme Brulee cheesecake, Wotsits etc etc. I ran for about half an hour and did a Rosemary Conley DVD so I'm hoping that that counteracts...
  190. Bella-slimmer

    What's for lunch?

    A bowl of Carrot soup- 95 calories Warburton thin with 1oz Brie- 195 calories A lovely cup of black tea with sweetener 290kcals
  191. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    Ooh or might try this!
  192. Bella-slimmer

    What's for breakfast?

    This morning I had French Toast (aka eggy bread!) with a teaspoon of golden syrup- was v yummy! Tomorrow I might have fried egg (fried in Frylight/ low cal spray) on toast. Having a substantial breakfast with protein seems to help to prevent me bingeing!
  193. Bella-slimmer


    Hi, I hope you're okay. Coming off anti-Ds can be really difficult for a while but it sounds like a good idea if the weight gain was making things worse. You're doing really well so far! Do you go to Weight Watcher's meetings or do WW online?
  194. Bella-slimmer

    10 stone something getting into the 9's

    Hi Nikki, That's great, did it feel nice being in the 9s?! The smallest I've been in my adult life is 10st something but definitely hoping to get to 8 or 9 stone :) How's Slimming World going? Is that how you lost weight before?
  195. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Yay! that's great BinkyBonk! I posted in the 10 stone to 9 stone group because I found out that our weighing scales weigh 3.5lbs heavier than the local Weight Watcher's scales! (which would put me at 10 stone 12) but the thread seems to have been inactive since 2013.I think I'll still post in...
  196. Bella-slimmer

    Dieting with mental health issues?

    Yeah I'm the same, PMS is making me crave onion rings and doughnuts just now. I'm sorry you're feeling low but it's pretty good that you've managed to stick to S.W despite it!
  197. Bella-slimmer

    10 stone something getting into the 9's

    Hi Future 10 to 9 stoners! I'm really hoping we can open this thread up again (it's been inactive since Nov 2013). On the scales at home I weigh 11st 1.5lb but I found out today that the very expensive, centrally calibrated Weight Watchers scales at our local group weigh 3.5lbs lighter, which...
  198. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Hi, I was just wondering how many calories each of you stick to each day? I've found I lose weight on 1800-2040, as long as I run and walk each day but I'm wondering if I should go lower than 1800 (I know a standard diet is usually 1200-1500. When I was younger/in my teens I could stick to...
  199. Bella-slimmer

    Dieting with mental health issues?

    I hope it goes well :) I like how you never have to feel hungry with S.World and can have Flexible syn days- I might give S.World online another go if I start struggling with bingeing again.
  200. Bella-slimmer

    How Much Do You Weigh and What Dress Size Are You?

    I weigh 11 stone 2 and am a size 14, BMI 25; I'd like to be 9 stone and a size 10! :)
  201. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Hi Rachella, That's brilliant that you lost another pound despite having a difficult week. Binkybonk- that's fab- a massive loss!, I hope to join you in the 10st group soon, I'm 11 st 2lb, although my weighing scales aren't great so I'm worried I could go up for no reason! Hoz, 8lbs since...
  202. Bella-slimmer

    Dieting with mental health issues?

    Hi All, I have a disorder and spent 3 months having CBT in hospital from October 2013 until January last year (I've never had psychosis or been suicidal so I'm lucky in that regard but I needed in-patient ERP treatment). My weight is up and down a lot and I have a tendency to binge-eat but...
  203. Bella-slimmer

    Monday 5th January 2014 - New Year New Me

    Good luck :) It's good that you're starting your diet 5lbs lighter than last year. I hope you get to your goal for your New York trip!
  204. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Well done Rachella! I'm down to 11 stone 3 & 3/4 after losing my Christmas weight (I went from 11 st 6 to 11 st 10 over Christmas but some of that must have been liquid weight). Binkybonk- how are you getting on?
  205. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    :( I'm 11st 6 and a quarter this morning, thought I'd been good this week! I'll maybe have to lower my calories a bit further!
  206. Bella-slimmer

    How Far Are You From Goal?

    Hi, I'm 11 stone 5.5 and my goal is 8 stone 13 so I'm 2 stone 6.5 away from goal. My first mini-goal is to get to 11 stone asap, preferably by the first week or two of January :)
  207. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Well done BinkyBonk and Princess_Stevie (4.5 down is amazing!). I'm 11st 5.5 but wasn't expecting any better after lots of binge eating- when I get stressed I can easily get through 3-4000 calories! Today I've had 1080 cals and did my 30 min run and a walk.
  208. Bella-slimmer

    Post pics of dinners/meals for ideas!!

    Looks yum! I'll try to post some too.
  209. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Hi Princess Stevie, I've been off plan quite a lot recently too. At least we're back on track now :) Hi Hoz, Well done!
  210. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    I'm starting again today- had 3 choc bars yesterday! I ran for 30 mins this morning and I'm going to try to avoid the chocolate today!
  211. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Well done Princess Stevie! I literally cannot stop eating! I've had 1600 calories today... try again tomorrow!
  212. Bella-slimmer

    11 stone something to 10 stone something

    Hi All, I'm 11st 8.5, have been up and down for a long time (I was 13st 5 earlier this year but 11st 10 this time last year) but have been varying between 11st 5 and 11st 9 since July. I'd love to get down to 11st as soon as possible but Christmas is probably an unrealistic target for me now...
  213. Bella-slimmer

    Trying to slim for September

    Thanks Libby :) I'm sorry I totally forgot to keep a record on here! Unfortunately I've stayed the same for a fortnight, probably because things have been quite stressful. How is your diet going? do you have a diary? x
  214. Bella-slimmer

    Trying to slim for September

    Hello Everyone, I'm starting a new diary, trying to lose a stone or a stone and a half by mid-September. At the moment I'm 11 stone 9.5 (I started at 13 stone 2 in April). To make it simpler I add up my calories in units of 60cals (60 cals = 1 point). I would love to hear from other dieters...
  215. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    I'm still not quite managing to stay on plan, but here's today's foodage: Breakfast: Porridge topped with half a tbsp museli Small glass of orange juice- 2pp Lunch: Tomato and lentil soup- 2pp Wholemeal roll with golden syrup Dinner: Breakfast for dinner! Egg x 2 Beans- 3tbsp Quorn...
  216. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Today's food (counting day) Breakfast: Porridge topped with a banana, 1 tsp golden syrup and half a tbsp museli- 4 pp Small glass of orange juice- 2pp Lunch: Chunky tomato soup- 2pp Egg sandwich (1 small piece of french bread and 1 boiled egg seasoned with salt) - 4pp Dinner: 2 Southern...
  217. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Oh dear! I have gone completely off track over the past 8 weeks and have put on 10lbs!!! Starting again tomorrow morning :)
  218. Bella-slimmer

    Summer weight loss challenge

    I'm really sorry I've had family issues and have been away from minimins for months. It sounds like everyone is doing really well sticking to plan! Lots of stress and lack of sleep has meant I've gained an atrocious amount (10lbs!!!) so I'm starting again. I'll change my plan and aim to lose...
  219. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    So I've had a huge blip for the past fortnight and really need to go back on track. I weigh more than I did a fortnight ago but then it's my TOTM too so the water retention doesn't help! Tomorrow I will get back on track. Today I went over propoints by about 10. xx
  220. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Yeah I find it the same! on SF and slimming world it does feel like there are a whole range of foods you can't really have! but then I guess it does help guide people towards eating healthily! On the note, today is a propoints day and as it is Shrove Tuesday I've decided it's only right to eat...
  221. Bella-slimmer

    sarah's new diary sf and pp

    hey, it sounds like you're doing well! I forgot about bagels (yesterday's diary!) when I decided to do Simply filling! think I might aim to do more propoints days. How are you doing today? If you just feel like eating then the great thing is that you can! maybe try soup, porridge or...
  222. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Aw but still you've done it before so you know exactly how to lose it again :). We weigh a similar amount! My weight is up and down all the time- last May I was 13 stone something but then I went down to the 11s and now am in the 12s again! I'm just going to check out your food diary for some...
  223. Bella-slimmer

    Summer weight loss challenge

    yay, of course :) you've lost loads! how are you finding weight watchers? do you mainly do propoints days or filling & healthy? In case anyone else joins! Claireb10: 15lbs to lose, __lbs lost Bella-slimmer: 28lbs to lose, 2lbs lost
  224. Bella-slimmer

    ProPoints Monday Weigh In

    Another 2lbs off :)
  225. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Thanks :) You've had an impressive lots of losses (signature!). I just weighed in and lost 2lbs this week, despite bingeing a little again! Do you switch each day? or mainly do Simply filling? xx
  226. Bella-slimmer

    Sw to healthy and filling

    Yeah, really enjoying it :) and I know I can weigh myself weekly even if I've put on so there's no going off plan between weigh-ins. Have you just started too? How are you finding it? xx
  227. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Breakfast A glass of apple juice 10 almonds Lunch Butternut squash soup 2x Crumpets with daily spread and sardines Snack Wotsits Dinner not sure yet!
  228. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    That sounds good. I love ww petit pains and the fact that crumpets are free! (and a teaspoon of golden syrup) :) Sarah, I think it takes a little getting used to- I keep switching between Simply filling and counting. Today I'm actually counting because I've had too many non 'Healthy & filling'...
  229. Bella-slimmer

    Summer weight loss challenge

    I wondered if anyone else would like to set a challenge for this summer! I'm not sure which month so perhaps July? I'd like to lose at least two stone by July 1st- anyone else? xx
  230. Bella-slimmer

    ProPoints Monday Weigh In

    Just 2lbs for me this week because I had two big binge sessions. I started ww online last week. Hopefully I'll lose more next week.
  231. Bella-slimmer

    Sw to healthy and filling

    I've just started Simply filling (with occasional propoints days too) and am enjoying it. I'm using WW online. Before I went to Slimming World meetings and lost between 3 and 7lbs when I went to meetings but when I knew I'd put on weight I wouldn't go at all and ended up putting most of it back...
  232. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    aw thanks :) It was actually bought soup and I should have counted the propoints! also thanks Bektoria, hope you're okay! I lost 2lbs this week, which is not that good for a first week but then I binged twice! xx
  233. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Today was a write-off! Breakfast Egg on toast with mushrooms Lunch Carrot soup Crumpet Banana Dinner Pasta Tomato Sauce Cheese Slice of garlic bread Salad Snacks - oh dear! 2 Galaxy Ripples 3 Mr Kipling Battenbergs Chocolate brownie pudding x 2 (this was 900 calories!!!, I didn't...
  234. Bella-slimmer

    Becktoria Brand New SF diary!

    Ooh are you doing the fasting diet alongside ww? How's that going? I was considering doing it but I had an E.D. (I know you wouldn't imagine it with the weight I am now!) in the past and would worry that restricting will eventually make me binge on loads (I still have a tendency to binge on vast...
  235. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Hi Becktoria, I think it went okay- although I only have 9 weeklies left until Monday! How have you found the plan? do you switch between Counting & Simply filling? Yesterday Breakfast: Porridge oats Fresh orange juice Lunch: WW tomato soup Crumpet with ww daily spread A banana A...
  236. Bella-slimmer

    Bella's Food Diary (Simply filling & propoints days)

    Hello On Monday I started Weight Watcher's online and think I'll be doing 'Simply filling' most of the time because I like the idea of not having to count! I can't even remember what I ate yesterday but here is today's food: Breakfast 2 Crumpets with a teaspoon of golden syrup and a banana...
  237. Bella-slimmer

    2 week no loss....

    Hello, I'm new to WW online but have done WW in the past. There are a few things that could be going on: 1. Your body could be at one of its set-points - a weight at which the body is fairly stable so it will attempt to stay at that weight. 2. You could be missing something when you...
  238. Bella-slimmer

    ProPoints Monday Weigh In

    Hello, Can I join? I started Weight watchers from home today- I've been stopping and starting with various diets for ages and left S.W. before Christmas because I felt stressed about meetings and would starve before them! I had my first home weigh-in this morning (it will be 11am-ish every...
  239. Bella-slimmer

    Simply filling v slimming world

    I've just quit slimming world because I was finding that I didn't want to go to meetings and would starve myself on weigh-in day until the evening session. I joined WW online today and am planning to do mostly simply filling/ filling & healthy days with a few points days where I fancy pizza...
  240. Bella-slimmer

    Restarting for 2013

    Hi everyone, I'm sort of re-starting too. I did rejoin a little before Christmas but now after the seasonal gain I need to put more effort into it! Before Christmas I was 11 stone 13 and now I'm back at 12 stone 4! Oh well! Wishing everyone good luck! xx
  241. Bella-slimmer

    Fresh start

    Hello, I started Slimming world in May but had a tricky summer so re-started this Autumn. I have a real sweet tooth so will be trying to satisfy that and reach my 9 stone target at the same time! My first target is to lose at least 3lbs by Christmas & hopefully keep it off! I might start...
  242. Bella-slimmer

    12st something to 11st something

    Hi Pinkprincess, Good luck with your weight loss! how's your week going? xx
  243. Bella-slimmer

    12st something to 11st something

    Hi Everyone, I'm 12 stone 3.5 and just wanted to say 'hi'. Hope you're having a good week Diggerby, I don't have a great deal of motivation to send but hope you find lots of motivation this week to lose! I was 12 stone 10 on the 31st October but managed to lose some weight (probably water...