¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Morning Linz, glad you're feeling good today :D xx

I had to laugh, I've just read an article in Daily Mail online about a 47yr old man who had a gastric bypass. He was 24st, diabetic & having mini strokes & heart problems. He's now trying to sue the NHS because he has lost 12st & can't eat much. 'Going out & eating was his life'. Some folk are never happy ;)
Morning Linz, how are you this morning love.

I'm good this morning thanks Jim! My house is full of emotion today, its my Mum's birthday, My dad is retiring today (which was meant to be a celebration), My Dad has his op tomorrow & how ever hard he tries to hide it he seems very vunerable today & they were meant to be going to Cyprus tomorrow for a holiday with 8 of Dad's friends to celebrate him retiring....

Its all gone a bit Pete Tong!! :(

Bet yr glad you asked now.... ;)

Morning Linz, glad you're feeling good today :D xx

I had to laugh, I've just read an article in Daily Mail online about a 47yr old man who had a gastric bypass. He was 24st, diabetic & having mini strokes & heart problems. He's now trying to sue the NHS because he has lost 12st & can't eat much. 'Going out & eating was his life'. Some folk are never happy ;)

How ridiculous.. its not like you don't know what yr walking into!! besides you can still go out & eat & enjoy food, just in smaller portions & different things than before!

How are you today Sharon? xx

Morning Linz, am doing fine, ta for asking xx

Morning the rest of you rabble :D

And what a rabble they are!!:D
morning all. linz im so glad your feeling good.
im waiting for job news and have a day off....so having nothing to do is doing my fruit in!!!

catch ya in a bit x
It must be so difficult for you all at the moment, so many emotions. Sending you hugs & I hope it goes well for your dad's op tomorrow xx

I'm great thanks, 3lbs down so skipping around :D xx
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Haven't they let you know yet Missy? It must be driving you mad mate! x
no hun, i had a call yesterday advising it would be a 6 month contract and would i be happy with that, he said he didnt want to call me and offer me the job then say oh yeh and its a 6 month contract to start with...positive? yeh?

so i have let him know im happy with the 6 month contract lark....so make me a formal job offer!!! argh, he still hasnt called :(
Everything crossed for you linz, and missy. This is proving to be a tough week all round. Hopefully next week will be full of positives and happiness.
Morning rabble? oh well. :)

Good luck to your dad for tomorrow Linz and happy birthday to your mum.

Missy, I hope you hear something soon.
Hey lovely!! I know I can't wait... I'm actually pretty ok up to a size 14, then I have nothing but I can't imagine getting any smaller than that!

Hows you? Nice time with the kids? xx


Well you know that Sam's between a 10 and 12 now so maybe you need a re-think? ;)

I'm great thanks, a good time with the kids... just had 2 bites of the choc birthday cake (things often don't taste as nice as you imagine they will)! Have a lovely, peaceful, relaxing day babes xxxx
morning babes x love and hugs to you today, hope the op goes well tomorrow x
well done sharon!!!
Yes missy let us know when you get this offer!
I'm good this morning thanks Jim! My house is full of emotion today, its my Mum's birthday, My dad is retiring today (which was meant to be a celebration), My Dad has his op tomorrow & how ever hard he tries to hide it he seems very vunerable today & they were meant to be going to Cyprus tomorrow for a holiday with 8 of Dad's friends to celebrate him retiring....

Its all gone a bit Pete Tong!! :(

Bet yr glad you asked now.... ;)

Happy Birthday to your Mum (tis my sis-in-law's today as well) and good luck to your Dad for tomorrow - hope he has a really good outcome. Hope you are still taking it easy!
Bren xx
no hun, i had a call yesterday advising it would be a 6 month contract and would i be happy with that, he said he didnt want to call me and offer me the job then say oh yeh and its a 6 month contract to start with...positive? yeh?

so i have let him know im happy with the 6 month contract lark....so make me a formal job offer!!! argh, he still hasnt called :(

Tell em to hurry up - the suspense is killing us too! xx
Aw Linz,
I reckon if you can get through this week, you can handle anything. What a rollercoaster of emotions you must all be on. God love you.
How are you finding the food thing - psychologically? Just wondering if its hit yet?
Hugs. xx
Hiya chuck..
Happy Birthday to Mummy-i-loo
Hope all goes well for your dad too tomorrow hunny...can they rearrange the holiday for later on?
Glad youve been out for some fresh air you are a supa ladeeeeeeeee xx
Nope.. today I've had a protein vile vial, look at that as medicine as its 42g of protein in a ridiculously tasting tube only 86ml of liquid.
Lunch was 2tbs of 3 bean soup & I've just had a small ramekin of sugar free jelly. Dinner will probably be 2tbs of cauliflower cheese & I'm aiming to get 2.5 litres in me... have to drink it hot as it goes down much better that way!