¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

omg Linz, doesn sound very enjoyable LOL!
when are you able to eat normally again?
I don't feel the need to enjoy it if that makes sense? Its just fuel... it really is like a switch has been flicked in my head!

I move onto mash food the day before my birthday!! Then at about 3 months post op normal consistancy food but Chew, Chew, Chewing!!
Cheryl im exactly the same. when i eat these pains go away lol!
Lol. I know you wouldnt hun and i love you for it but i think it came in one of your text messages coz ive not been able to stop (could also be my hormones lol).
Sunday Vic and i are going back on our strict diet together. No cheating.
Thats the bit for mega rich people! Yes we can walk to the affordable part of town from there......................its all up hill!
Morning Linz,

It'd be really nice if you could all meet up wouldn't it.
What pains chick?? xx

Originally Posted by cherl889
Haha. Well roll on sun


Originally Posted by LVLLT
I know!

Know what?? ;)

yes me and Cheryl going strict again on sunday!!!

keep getting tummy pains like indigestion bout hour after eating :( maybe im just coming out in sympathy for you
yes we need to meet up :D
me and caz could always get the train down anyway !!
hi linz. i know this is a ridiculous question but i don't actually know what kind of wls you had? did you get the sleeve that you were thinking of originally?

hope you are doing ok honey. big hug from me.

abz xx