¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

p.s. where are those pics you said you would do a month after wls!
Wow, who is a wee little star eh!! Delighted for you hun. xx

Thanks hun... xx

Well done mrs thats fab. xx

Yeah I'm kinda chuffed!

Wow another fab loss..well done wonderwoman you..:) x

Thanks misses. xx

omg linz fantastic. A stone a month is amazing and look at your ticker...getting towards 8 mini dachshunds loss ;)

Whoop whoop fellow loser!!:D

p.s. where are those pics you said you would do a month after wls!

Erm.... I'll see if I have a decent one. x

Fantastic loss Linz! WTG girl :)


Thanks Susie. xx
I've been to school open day for Amalie as she starts next year :eek: which was lovely & Jacob was as good as gold when we walked into his classroom, got a big beaming smile. Amalie can start fulltime if we want her too which is kind of a big decision but it means I can start thinking about getting back to work!!:D

Then I've just been to my favourite toy shop to get presents between the kids we have 5 parties this weekend!!

Now I'm going to catch up on some tv tutt, was going to do some housework but hey ho that can wait!

And am off out for some early evening drinks with some friends tonight so all in all a fab day me thinks! x
Then I've just been to my favourite toy shop to get presents between the kids we have 5 parties this weekend!!
ooh what you get?

oh bless the kids...ooh back to work for the new Linz. what you going to do?

ooh early evening drinks - sounds nice. :D
hows your food going nowadays still on mush?
ooh what you get?

oh bless the kids...ooh back to work for the new Linz. what you going to do?

ooh early evening drinks - sounds nice. :D
hows your food going nowadays still on mush?

For all 4 of the boys got them sets of this Amazon.co.uk: marbutopia

And the girl I got a flower press... don't really know her that well so was a bit flumaxed!

Jobwise I'm still quite intrigued by training to become a teaching assistant, which would help with childcare as I'd have school holidays off!

I'm on proper foods now have been for a week or so & it feels great, just have to remember to eat slowly & chew chew chew!
oh that marble thing is fab and as for the flower press, i had one as a kid and i loved it!!!!! what brill pressies. i want you as my mummy!!!

oh teaching assistant would be fab - is there much training to do?

I suppose by chewing you are making the solids more like mush but in your mouth. bet its nice though.
oh that marble thing is fab and as for the flower press, i had one as a kid and i loved it!!!!! what brill pressies. i want you as my mummy!!!

oh teaching assistant would be fab - is there much training to do?

I suppose by chewing you are making the solids more like mush but in your mouth. bet its nice though.

The marble thing is great b'coz you can keep adding to it, Jacob loved his cousins one & spent ages trying to make new combinations.. he's got some coming for his birthday from my sis!

I'm going to ask at school what training they'd look for as the course at our local college is £750!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Plus Paul reckons it could be one of the things the government will cut in their shake up!

Its good being back on normal foods but kinds scarey too... this is when the real test & learning how to live with my new pouch begins! x
they do look brill and geat if you can keep adding, birthdays xmas are easy!

wow £750! thats a lot, and yes paul is probably right, buit they have got to still need assistants surely?

do you get full after lunch and then just have your shake for tea? do you have a limit on fat and cals you allowed to have? im sooo nosey/interested!!!
wow £750! thats a lot, and yes paul is probably right, buit they have got to still need assistants surely?

do you get full after lunch and then just have your shake for tea? do you have a limit on fat and cals you allowed to have? im sooo nosey/interested!!!

I'm sure they can't heavily change the adult child ratios in schools too much & they certainly won't pay for extra teachers, but then who ever thought they'd get rid of child benefit either!!

I have my shake for brekkie, I'm so thirsty in the mornings & I can drink straight before or after it which helps, with food I have to stop drinking 30mins before & after eating.

No limits on cals but food has to be fat content of 5-8g per 100g & sugars 5g max per 100g.

My typical days are

B: actimel & shake (which boosts my proteins)
L: 2 crackerbread & pate
D: meat & veggies
S: atkins bar
W: 2-3 litres (& thats a struggle which I find hard considering I used to drink 5 litres a day!)
thanks Linz, must be difficult to start with but you seem to be in the swing of things.

Ill keep schtum on the child benefit thing :)
Hi Linzi,just catching up with your thread.Well done on your weight loss you're the incredible shrinking woman lol.
So sorry to hear about your dad my thoughts are with you,both my mum and dad had cancer its not easy.
lots of luv and hugs, lorna x
morning gorgeous how were your drinks last night ?
Wow you really talk! Lol
Hun you would be fab at ta, why dont you hold tight and see what happens. They should know by april im told. Well the police are thats why mark isnt studying for his next promotion yet s he doesnt know if it will be cut or not.
Babe your photos of before your birthday are amazing. Where did you go? I love the one of the colours on the tree. Truly captures autum, i love looking at the colours of the trees at this time of year.
AJs hair is beautiful hun. I really imagined you had cut it all off but its not what i expected. So family photos and we dont even see one with your face in it! Not good mrs. If you can take one back in the summer of you in the blue top you can def take one now! MAybe in the same pose, it will really show you how much youve lost.
WONDER WOMAN...........(you have to sing that bit for full effect)