¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

Oh yes ready for cocktails Linz. Yes those piccies are amazing and you have the most beautiful kids Linz, you really do. :D
Ok ok.... an update on photos!

My before & during pics... at my heaviest & halfway, still a long way to go!

Before... and halfway.
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omg Linz - you are a different person!!!! your face, shoulders legs are so much thinner. absolutely stunning! you are lloking amazing babes! what a difference! Im so proud of you!
:cry::cry::cry: can't see photos cos I am at work :cry::cry::cry:

Will fire the laptop up when I get home :D
Hope you are feeling less like you have been hit by a bus - that earl grey must be some strong stuff!
Gosh amazing pics Linz - you are doing so well :)

Wise to watch the red wine - I had buckets of it last night - big work party from my last job, lots of people I hadn't seen for ages - but today oh my head! No problems in doing my 2 litres :)

Have they given you any rules on when you can introduce it or is that what you feel comfortable aiming for?

They're general rule is none for the first year as it hampers weightloss coz of empty calories & also b'coz we won't be having enough foods to soak it up so to speak!

Some people who had their op after me have already tried alcohol but it'll be a nice treat for my at Christmas time I reckon. x
Dear me drinking on a school night!!!! hope you feel better soon. Oh yes Linz get yourself a really gorgeous bottle of red and just sip it slowly!!!
oh yes! one glass of wine husbands xmas party and Linz pukes all over the bosses wife and passes out ;)