¡¡ʎǝuɹnoɾ s,ǝpuolqǝǝzʇıp - same old, same old!

I gotcha!! What weight were you when you hit the 12's? I'm reckoning I'll have to drop a stone at least to fit in my 14's... I'm much heavier around the waist than I was at this weight last time. x
Well done on the loss Linzi - you're sooooooo consistent you deserve next week off! :)
prob about 10 7 linz. yes im much heavier round there too. nothing a bit of pilates wont get rid though!
Yeah, I'm more apple than pear now, but I was blaming that on my age. ;)
Linzi I'd say you'll easily fit into 12s when you reach goal. Start saving!
Nice recovery there Linzi.

I deffo am though.
Fab loss Linz, well done hun!

I can't even remember what shape I was when I was younger - so am actually very excited to see how I will turn out :)