100 sit ups a day challenge??

I'll do it. I joined a toning class tonight so I have done my 100 for today.

Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues 40:D
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)
Sounds like a good plan :D.

Did anyone else get sore muscles? Or was it just me :D, I can still feel them now after doing todays sit ups.

I am a bit confused about what the difference between a sit up and a crunch is? I googled it, and here is one answer.

"A sit up is when your upper body rises off the floor completely and you are sitting on your bottom and a crunch is when only your shoulders come off the floor approx 4- 6 inches. Crunches use only your abdominals and sit ups use your hip flexor muscles as well as your abdominals.
your abdominal muscles only have a small range of movement and therefore cannot lift your upper body completely off the floor without the help of your hip flexors."

Then I definitely did crunches :D! I have been going to aerobic classes for years (not during CD though), and all we ever do is crunches. Thought the sit ups were bad for you back? And that crunches was sufficient for the goal of getting more tummy muscles.

What do you think? Is sit ups better?
Yep, I'm doing crunches and hey I've just another 60, 3 sets of 20 Huray. So that's 100 done for me today. Didn't think about doing some first thing and evening. That was fun. Right I'll update the list.

Looks like we're all doing them xxx
Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues (100)
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)
Me too, all done, though Eastenders tonight was hard not to watch, so nick cotton was in my eye a lot of time while I was crunching, lol..

So far, this week:
Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues 40:D
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100), Tues (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)

Keep going girls.. Asa, I got a slight ache this morning, but feel like it must have worked. Sit up's if you have a back prob isn't good, but crunches really work. x
I can definatly feel it in my abs but that's a good thing or they wouldn't be working. This was such a great idea. I alays forget to do crunch's\sit ups....hardly ever even do them at the gym. Thanks x
I agree this was an excellent idea! Good thinking Eternalflame!
Yes I'm doing crunches too - ooooh the burn!!!
And watch out, go slow - if you rip your muscles too much - the next day you wont be able to sneeze without tearing up with pain :D
ooh the sweet pain of ripped muscles.:character00115:
Hi all,

Have just done my for today too:

Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues 40:D
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100), Tues (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100) Tues (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)

My stomach muscles are a little uncomfortable today too, but carried on anyway!

I prefer crunches to situps myself, situps tend to hurt my back too much so I try and avoid them!

Hope you're all getting on ok.

MrsJ x
Boo, everyone's copying the old page thats says I've only done 40 :) I've done 100 now so i'll post it again here for everyone to copy and add theirs too. I know BB you should actually do them every other day to give the abs time to rest but hey ho!!!!!

Most up-to-date list:

Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues (100)
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100), Tues (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100) Tues (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)
Glad everyone is enjoying the challenge. We should think about our bodies while we shed the lb's, add's another distraction, plus speeds up your matabolism :) and that burns cals, which is always a good thing. I think any exercise is good for you, but we do have those problem area's.. ie Tummy's and upper arms. That would be a good thread too, upper arm exercises.. Will have a look to see if anyone is doing them. Does anyone know of any good ones for those Bingo Wings, lol. I have in the past used the stairs or chair and lean back on that and drop the arms down and up.. That always kills my arms after, but it must be because they are working.. x
I have these resistance tubes that is still sitting in a box, I would love a simple program and a challenge to go with them :). Seems like I only get active when I have some pressure to report.
hi one of the other girls on here mentioned twohungredsitups.com, its great it tells you what to do and how, and helps you learn how to do more comfortably, i didnt think i could do them atall, but ive been giving it a go xx
LOL!!!!!! eek x

Yep, not that i'm doing this at the mo but a really good one for the bingo wings is this...........

hold a weight or your bottle of water (the heavier the better) with two hands at the back of you head. Take the weigh to the nape of your neck and raise the weight up high and back down again....keep repeating 3 sets of 10 lifts. It's brilliant xxx
Claira - Mon (100)
Asa - Mon (100) Tues (100)
Sunshine Singer Tues (100)
Alexmummy - Mon (50) Tues (100)
Eternalflame Mon (100)
Binibikini (100) Monday
Mrs Justin Mon (100)
Witchy Tue (100)
shopaholic - Tues (100)
Mia - Tues (100)

I made my friend sit and watch me so I didnt cheat, my arms were killing me by the time I hit 90 as the machine im using, i have to lift my own weight by pulling myself up with my arms, so good for the tum and arms.

Well done everyone xx
Its really good, it doesnt hurt your back or neck and helps me, well worth the purchase:)