30 Day Shred Challenge

I had my first try at the shred a week ago and only made it through one circuit and some of the other strength exercises (around 10 minutes max). Last night I did it for the third time and made it through the whole thing and only stopped briefly during the second and third circuits of cardio to catch my breath. She's so encouraging that I just wanted to keep going.

I'd definitely recommend this to someone who thinks they don't have time to work out. I was redder and sweatier after 20 minutes then I might be after an hour at the gym!
Definitely need to buy this now payday has passed...have bought the weights for it, they haven't made it in from the car yet! Xx
Oooh would save waiting on postage! Will nip in tonight then!
willbefabulousat26 said:
For anyone interested I saw the shred DVD being sold for £5 at my local Tesco today.

Thank you- just got it there, plus a 10 min workout one (on offer!). Saved the postage online, and now cant procrastinate! Will start tomorrow! X
Didn't start today...will consider it tomorrow but off to a ceilidh at night! Surely that's exercise?! Does it have to be consecutive days? X
failed to start again....ceilidh after work yesterday, then a hack today and a swim tonight. not even managed to bring the weights in from the car (who puts a whole weight set in one box in the shop?!) so will need to try to bully myself into doing it tomorrow!! x
Ok so I'm finally going to start this today...think I may die!!
Nowhere near as bad as I expected! Anyone joining me on this plus dukan? X
Aiming to try to! Who knows really. Quite energised by the end of it!
Now done three days of this, two this week, and must say I'm loving it! Timing wise never managed two in a row, but managed to do it after work tonight (1030 pm!) so it motivates you! Anyone else doing it? X
Excellent Xeili! I'm totally unaware of the program. Been looking at Zumba for the Kinect but it's pricey. Maybe I'll set it for my next goal gift. I'll check it out.
Joydriven said:
Excellent Xeili! I'm totally unaware of the program. Been looking at Zumba for the Kinect but it's pricey. Maybe I'll set it for my next goal gift. I'll check it out.

It's a great DVD, I got it for £5. No idea if it'll make me lose any weight to be honest but I feel I'm toning. Once I've done it I actually want to do more- will probably regret it if I try a double session!
I'm tempted to do this for Lent - ill give up my lie-in each weekday morning to do the shred! Didn't get past day 10 when I tried it before... You definitely feel it working!