Abbies Diary - Now Mummy To Gorgeous Baby Ethan

Eek 2/3 of the way there, how exciting for you, and all your scans will make the next few weeks go so quickly, your little boy will be here before you know it :)
Abz your new MW sounds like a right 'un, if she behaves the same way next time politely but firmly tell he you are aware of the risks associated with being overweight and pregnant but in line with your PCT and NICE guidelines you aren't considered high risk for the problems. State you're aware of the risks, the symptoms associated with the conditions and will attend all your pre-natal appointments and ring the PAU if you're worried. If that doesn't shut her up get onto your local PALS and complain. (I'll post this in your diary too in case you don't see it)
How's it goin Hun!? X
Hey Lauren,

I'm OK hun, just muddling through each day. Got a scan on Thursday and looking forward to seeing my little man again, I wonder if he'll wave this time lol!
How are you settling in with your little princess Lissy?

ooh, good luck with your scan hon :) wish i had another one to look forward to. it is so long since i last saw her :(
Thanks Abz hun, how are you getting on? I can't remember if I posted on your thread or not regarding your horror of a midwife. I hope things are better for you.
Well if she gives you any grief, put her in her place and then put a complaint in about her. It's not on, the way she's been with you xxx
I had my 28 week scan today and I have to say I fall in love more and more with this baby every time I see him :D
He has gotten so big, based on the measurements, he weighs approx 2lbs 4oz at the moment. The sonographer said he's a little bit skinny in the tummy area but thats because she reckons he's going to be a long and lanky baby, which is what I suspected a fair few weeks ago because I was feeling kicks high up and thought it was unusual, so at least I was right about something lol!
He looks perfectly fine and she seems quite happy with him. So I'm looking forward to the next scan in 4 weeks. :D:D:D
Oh and he is doing some kind of yoga position, he has his legs and feet right by his head. Looks mighty uncomfortable to me, but he seemed quite happy and comfortable himself. :D The sonographer assured me he's safe because I seemed a bit alarmed and scared, but she said that the baby wouldn't put himself in a position he wasn't comfortable in and as his spine is still so bendy and supple, he's OK. :) yay!

So all in all, I'm a happy mummy today. :D xxx


  • Ethan at 28 Weeks.jpg
    Ethan at 28 Weeks.jpg
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Craving sweets at the moment and hoping it's just a small phase like my other cravings were.
Yesterday he was very active, I think trying to change his position but my goodness, I felt like he was trying to boot my spine in or come out my butt. Then at other times, he'd go for it on my bladder. Was highly uncomfortable lol!
Oh well, as long as he's had fun lol! Feels so odd at times, it really does, but I love feeling him move.
lol ahh I remember those feelings... enjoy every one! even the ones that make you cringe! lol
Funny how you can miss them afterwards yet baby is there in your arms. lol

Glad you are doing well and a lovely scan pic too! :D
Thanks hun, can't believe Catrin is 2 months old already! It's amazing how time flies. :D xxx
My ticker is an hour fast Kirsty, still have the whole of Tuesday to get through lol, then finally in the last week of the 20's from Wednesday :D

It's amazing!! Can't believe it. Eeeekkkk!! In as much as 13 weeks, I'll be a mummy. EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
i'm having the same kind of realisations and thinking about all the things we haven't done yet that we need to before this baby arrives. the list is FAR too long!! the feeling of time vanishing with lots of things to accomplish reminds me of my wedding last summer. and if THAT happens again (time just disappeared) we have no hope, ha.

i've started feeling her trying to roll around and what feels like a knee or an elbow scraping it's way down my insides. tickles like mad and makes me feel sick all at the same time :D and i love it :D

abz xx
Your scan pic is lovely, funny how big he seems now, his head doesn't even fit on the pic. Just 16 weeks ago his whole body did, such an odd thought! Hope you and your lanky lad are doing well :)
We're doing fab thanks chick! He's getting bigger each day and I feel him move a lot now.
Seen my tummy move in all kinds of directions and my bladder receiving a battering at the same time. It's so cool but sometimes highly uncomfortable haha!

How are you getting on? xx
Aww watching your belly move is definitely one of the best bits of pregnancy :)
We're OK, getting bigger by the day though lol :eek:
I just ate my own version of a McChicken sandwich lol! I got those Birds Eye chargrill chicken things, got my bread, buttered it, put lettuce at the bottom, bit of cheese, then the chicken, then tomatoes with a bit of mayo on it! Was YUMMMMMMMMM!! Mmmmm, I could have another but I won't be a greedy pig lol.
My weight is starting to come on a bit now, but I've not done too bad. I've only really gained just over a stone since my weight settled down after gaining a stone in 3 weeks after coming off Lipotrim when I found out I was pregnant, so thats about a stone in 5 months. :D
Feeling so crap today. Was sick last night and I put it down to a dodgy milkshake I got as we'd all eaten the same dinner last night and no one else felt ill, just me because I'd decided I wanted a milkshake.
So cue a few hours of me trying to get better but by 4am, I just couldn't handle it anymore and was really sick.
Not feeling too bad now, still feeling a bit eurgh, but not feeling sick, just all tired and achy.
I had soooo wanted to be able to say I got through my whole pregnancy without being sick once but what you gonna do? lol!!

Hope you're all well and have had a good weekend