Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Well done!!! Really chuffed for you. Great achievement. I hope you are going to reward yourself, some clothes or pampering or something x
Thanks so much Lisa - I know it's unbelievable when you think of it in bags of sugar!!

Hi Rach ... not sure what to do about spoiling... I feel spoilt already that I've stuck to it so far!! I have a really euphoric feeling today :bliss:
Thanks Bren... Feels really good! :)
I know Susie! Such a rush! :) can't wait to hear about your weight loss! Enjoy kitty... She will be a great little friend :)
Not a great day diet wise ... have had the 'munchies' all day - so I've been grazing almost non-stop.

Now I feel bloated and sick! ha ha ... serves me right!

Although... I've not had any 'bad' food - it just feels a lot.

B = 3 thin rashers of pancetta fried with 2 mushrooms, a clove of garlic and an egg - fried in coconut oil. plus a cup of coffee with cream.
S = cup of coffee with cream plus a small wedge of cheese
L = 90g piece of poached salmon from Tescos with one bok choy, about a 1/3rd cup of celery a tbsp of mayonnaise and lime juice
D = 2 slices of belly pork, 1/3 cup of celery, 2 mushrooms a garlic fried in coconut oil and a sliver of butter. Seasoned with what I had in the herb department - thyme, rosemary, oregano and star anise

Actually, looking at what I've had, it doesn't look too bad. I think it's because i didn't have breakfast until after 10 and have finished dinner before 6 - so I've crammed a lot into a short day. Feels better when I'm up early for work and then stretch the day out longer! lol

I'm really pleased I decided to spell it out on here... otherwise, I'd be beating myself up about going off the wagon! :)

Sounds like a great food day to me - like the lunch, lime and coconut mmm :D

And anyway if it's all legal stuff, then don't worry - the cornerstone of doing well on low carb is to eat when you're hungry! :D
Thanks Susie! At least I'm now too stuffed to eat anything else today! Lol :)
Morning Di :)
Morning Jim! I hope you're well? Enjoy the day :)
Morning Di:)

Sounds like you are doing really well - no beating self up allowed! Remember the idea that you are supposed to eat when hungry;) and start dreaming up lots of treats for yourself as you smash those mini goals:D
Thank you so much Katie! It's really hard not to do the 'beating self up' though.

I've had years of practice! :)

But, I know what you're saying and am working on it! xx
Had an Atkins shake for beeline...

Not sure about lunch as am meeting a friend in 10mins... But hopefully protein and salad ...

How's your day going ? :)
Alpaca said:
Had an Atkins shake for beeline...

Not sure about lunch as am meeting a friend in 10mins... But hopefully protein and salad ...

How's your day going ? :)

Beeline is predictive text for brekkie lol
Lunch... ended up having chicken and iceberg salad with mayo with a few olives - so everything legal!.

I have just been to Holland and Barratt and bought a carton of almond milk and also some golen linseeds - which I'll have to mill in the coffee grinder when I get home.
LOL snap on the lunch, I had chicken salad too.

U going to make some Mims? Try both savoury and sweet, but put lots of herbs/flavouring in the savoury one. I also made a sweet one with golden linseed which had no carb maple syrup (LCM) and lots of ginger in it, was really scrumptious :D
I'm dying to have a play with the linseeds - although I need to gen up on the recipes on the stickies. Quite fancy the cheesy mim... but perhaps a sweet one as well! :)