anyone want to do an AB challenge??

Just a quick comment without looking through the others, etc...I reckon 250 sit ups per day is OTT for one and for two exercising one body part every day is not the right thing to do, you need to rest muscle groups between days...

Also ordinary sit ups are not going to flatten your abs on their own...just a thought...will now go and read the rest of the thread and have to eat my words perhaps?!

P.S. I ain't the fittest person around nor do I have the flattest tummy, BUT I only do full sit ups when doing cardio the end you seem to use your leg muscles and not your tummy muscles so the whole point of doing them in the first instance is cancelled, nulled, voided...crunches, russian twists, weighted crunches, half crunches sit ups with with barbells at arms' length, twists and weighted twist for the obliques, these are what truly shape the stomach area...and there are far more efficient fat burning exercises than sit ups...
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Great to see you! How have you been??

The thing I truly love about sit ups is the concave feeling in your core stomach area, makes me feel fit. I agree that one area to target is not total way to go and you will see that most of us/all of us are exercising as well.

I have a little tubby belly and do a variety of sit ups. Sometimes it's nice to have an achievable goal, rather than food all the time to strive for. It's also good on the days you dont have time to go exercise, or have lost your energy to get dressed and go to the gym. I use the fit ball and a combo of floor exercises (like yoga) on these days for about 30 mins.

Eating your words, I think to harsh Nex, all advice welcome hun.

Fair enough, the whole military run down is rather good if you cannot get to the gym rather than just sit ups again - sit ups, press ups, pull ups, skipping with a rope for a minute or more, star jumps, burpees, squat thrusts, none of these need equipment and they work the whole body...

The most sit ups I do in one week (I mean full feet held or propped under something) has been about 250...and that is with proper training for an event...sit ups tend to make my abs poke out rather than concave them...

I have just done my first yoga session (Friday afternoon) and am totally in wondering if I should do both sessions, Monday and Friday I liked it that not know why I have never tried it before?

Good luck with the fitness thing, we all have differing methods...

I have been training for my event this avo and just been a bot busy since Easter break.

Oh and I dont do all 250/300 in one go. I do about 80 - 100 in one go and then post in between 50 intervals.

Good luck.

Oh and I looooooove Yoga also.

yeah, good luck with octathlon,
but yeah we all do loads of other exercises as well,
and the sit up term was used broadly as we mix it up with crunches etc etc. anything that works the core muscles and as long as you do the situps correctly you will work those muscles. but yeah the best muscles to work are the corset muscles whith would include a variety of excercises. (calenetics and pilates are fantastic for this).
i love yoga and do that weekly/daily as well when ever i can fit it in, i love the stretching and release of the backache feeling that i am currently having as i am loosing weight,(as my body adjusts). i also do back exercises to strengthen. and cardio.
i would also say that this challenge was for me on a personal note to gain greater focus on doing exercise, and a comitment that i could do.