Atkins with one eye on the calories!

It's difficult to say isn't it Hooya as you can't predict where your size will be in comparison to the weight ratio. I'd love to be a 14 but we'll see. I'm sooo fed up with the gaping bit at the back of trousers though, after so many years of the shape you just get so fed up of things not fitting properly. My waist at the smallest part is 32" and my hips measured just on the hip bones is 40"!! Around the biggest part of my bum it measures 45"!! Which is some damn difference from 32" waist! Have just checked my chart from cd and when i started that back in feb my waist was 43" so i've lost 11" from it in total which is cool!
Just been nosing in another forum and one lady is chuffed as she's managed to get into 16's from tesco n almost got into 14's, which is great, good going on her i say! However, what i don't get is that she weighs 203lb and is 5"4 (if i remember correctly) with a bmi of 35ish so how on earth can i only just squeeze my fat ass into the 16's at over a stone less in weight and taller so bmi less? It just don't make sense i tell ya.. damn the curves. Humph.
It really makes no sense does it! I have a friend who is the same height as me, about the same shape and build, but weighs a stone more!

I looked up measurement guides to try to set targets, but according to them, if I wanted to be a size 8 (skinny minny I know!) I'd need to measure 33 / 25.5 / 34.5. I'm there on the first 2 but 3.5 inches too big on the hips! Somehow I doubt the gods of dieting will let my hips shrink but keep the rest of me intact!

Maybe hips was the first place I put the weight on and so will be the last it comes off.... I can but hope :D
My waist at the smallest part is 32" and my hips measured just on the hip bones is 40"!! Around the biggest part of my bum it measures 45"!! Which is some damn difference from 32" waist!

Hmmmm, now that's curvey Claire. Most guys would really appreciate that love.
Hmm, well I'm all top heavy but have straight hips and no discernable arse - it's not small, just almost completely flat, not a good shape at all.

Maybe I could get into Jeff Goldblum's teleporter with one of you hip-curvey sorts and we could both come out the other end more evenly proportioned? ;)
and no discernable arse - it's not small, just almost completely flat, not a good shape at all.

I feel ya sister!! me too :-(

Maybe I could get into Jeff Goldblum's teleporter with one of you hip-curvey sorts and we could both come out the other end more evenly proportioned? ;)

And im right behind you, infact i might push infront lol
Hmmmm, now that's curvey Claire. Most guys would really appreciate that love.

I used to think curvy was ok, now i'm just fed up of not fitting into normal clothes. I guess you're right in that some blokes wouldn't mind the curviness however after so many years of being called names like fat arse, tree trunk legs etc it kinda seems hard to believe there are people out there who would like it! I was watching something on tv yesterday, can't remember what show and they were saying how the term 'curvy' has been misused over the years to basically mean a nice way of saying someone's fat. Eg, maryln monroe is curvy, i am fat.

The merging machine sounds great to me girls!!
Curvy is fine Claire. :)
I think curvy insinuates you have lots of boob, hip and bum. Nowt wrong with curvy. More feminine than staight up and down. Guess we just need to work on toning and redistributing the curves haha.

Actually as i child i used to imagine that if i had a super power it would be the abilty to mould myself into any shape i wanted. It always ivolved being taunt and slim with curves...of course at the weight i was i would have been about 8ft tall to mould the excess lol
Hahaha, you're post has cheered me up thanks viks! I always wanted the ability to fly! I used to dream it all the time! Strange that i joined the raf, lol..

I guess i just get frustrated that i will never be a dainty, toned, slim gal. I think it runs in the genes to be honest. Country bumpkin! I suppose that i wouldn't want to be too little anyways as i want to be good at my job and be able to stand my ground as good as the blokes. Some things just cannot be changed and it frustrates me trying. The comments along the way don't help either lol! I blame the comments from the likes of my grandparents at the tender age of two etc to contributing to how i feel now. How can a two yr old possibly have fat stubby legs from anything they've eaten wrong through choice!? Then again grandma, much as i love her, came out n said the other day 'you're doing brilliantly but lets face it you'll never be a goddess'.. lol. Don't know whether i wanted to laugh or cry!
I agree Claire, you wouldn't want to be too dainty in your job.
Claire your granny said you'll never be a goddess? she really knows how to boost your spirits.... I only can imagine beenign called tree trunk legs at such an early age can definitely have an impact on body imagine...

I say you have to try and not listen to other people. First you have to learn to love your body and feel comfortable with it. I know it takes time I'm starting to love my body and feel comfortable with it.. I think your measurements are nice. I'll rather be curvy and have an arse and hips then look like a bean pole anyday.. I learned to love my curves, considering my mom and sister are both petite about 5'1 and weights around 100 pounds and they eat everything and anything and dont gain a pound. me on the other hand got the same body as my grandmother small waist and hips... I've just accepted that I'll never be like my sister or mom..
LOL, i think she just opens her gob before thinking most the time. I don't think there was anything malicious in it but it still wasn't pleasant. I've been doing this for myself (and getting into the police) all through since feb, if i had listened to the family i'd have given in ages ago. They thought i was nuts doing cd and not eating but i knew it would work for me as a shock tactic, taking away any temptation and fast results. Now they critisise low carbing saying why don't you just have cereal/toast for breakfast, a salad for dinner n a healthy balanced tea. They just don't get how being in K can help the cravings etc.
You're doing really well to ignore all that, Claire! I honestly don't know how I'd cope with such carping. But your weight loss success speaks for itself.

In my experience, such things are usually only said out of insecurity.
Good post Claire, well done love.
Claire, we've all seen your photos. You look like a goddess to me! In a totally platonic way of course! :)
At least your nan is more of a foot in the mouth person. My nan actually means it when we're shopping and asks if I want a bigger size! I know what size I am! I don't plan to see her til xmas, by which time I'll be at least 2 dress sizes down! Grr. :mad:
Rant over - Claire, we all commented on how lovely you looked in your photos. Remember that when you feel a bit down. And curves are fab - why do you think there's page 3? They all have boobs and hips! Or do you want to look like a beanpole boy?:D
You're on a roll today Jar, dispensing wisdom and good advice all over the place. Good for you love.
It's the prescription drugs Jim!:D
Thanks though, I do my best. We all need a lift, and thats what this site's for - I think we all do a brilliant job!
*Gives everyone a virtual pat on the back*