beccas diary

aint posted for few days. last few days i aint calorie counted. been back to work this week after a weeks hols and really felt it.
in work yday kept getting shooting pains down below and had No energy.
im oNly 26 weeks and gt another 10 in work.
when i came home my ankles were huge.
dint think id suffer this early on in work
You need to tell your boss you need a chair or somewhere to sit etc don't put yourself at risk if you need it you need it! Hope your settled back at work soon and x
today ive had
1 coffee
2 cuppas
3 warm weetabix ss milk sprinkle sugar

egg mayo sandwich on two slices of kingsmill 50/50
aldis barbecue rib crisps
used 800 cals so far
1453 cals today so far.
ive had
1 coffee
2 cuppas
3 warm weetabix sprinkle sugar
egg mayo sandwich on two slices of kingsmill 50/50
barbecue rib crisps
sw chips made with two baking potatoes
and cheese
extra light mayo
slice of Bread

awful heartburn every time i eat
ended up goin to bed last night with heartburn.only had 1453 cals yday but maybe that will do me good as puttin on weight fast.

today ive had
two weetabix with ss milk sprinkle sugar
salad for lunch with lettuce,cucumber tomato sweetcorn onion egg cheese ham bit of ceaser dressing.
iced donut:(
Yum I love donuts, don't worry about it you were quite low yesterday so donut will just make up for that x
just got in from work and my oh has gine to work an our before i get in and he left me a Note sAying ive made ur tea its in oven and he had made a casserole dish full of tuna pasta bake he is so good.

today ive hd 1700 cals

two weetabix ss milk
2 coffees
salad for lunch
two yoghurts
iced donut
tuna pasta with onion nd sweetcorn
If your hungry baby is prob just having a growth spurt and best thing you can do is eat just try make sure it's nutritious x
been like that all day wer u eat and nothing fills u.
jus ate second plate of pasta and fullish for time being.
tryin to have gud few days as having takeaway sat and out for chinese sun
Ive been like that, just ate a huge tea and I'm still quite hungry but I know it will be baby putting weight on now not me so not too worried, I'm trying to be good too cus going out on Sunday for mothersday and having mcdonalds on Friday x
I lost 22lb's in 5 days, baby was 7.15 I don't know where it went but it gave me the motivation to carry on, I lost 4 and a half stone altogether was hard work as in hard to stick to but I did well getting weight off, currently have put 2 stone back on.1st 2 of it with this pregnancy x
wow thats a very good loss hun.
it takes me a lot to get stuck into a diet but when i get into it i do wel.
jus worried tha alot of people say they put mre on after having baby as they pick rather than eat proper meals
If you get some healthy meals in or cooked and frozen for when baby comes it might help you stay on track a bit at first. Tiredness being busy also helps burn any extra cals you might snack on, but I started by just eating healthier and didnt count cals etc or watch portions then as I started getting more motivated I swapped toast for cereal etc and watched calories etc then. It's a busy, emotional and eventful time so you've got to give yourself some space to get back on tract x