Bobbi's Diary

You've done well Bobbi.

I am also feeling really, really hungry. I had a shake for breakfast, a soup for lunch and a soup for supper and I am absolutely famished. I don't think I've had enough liquid, so am trying to fill up with another few cups of weak black tea. I find it hard to drink water in cold weather, and only like it hot with a squeeze of lemon which I know I can't have.

After reading the other replies, if I am still this hungry in an hour I will have half a Exante bar. Otherwise I am worried I will weaken and have something I shouldn't.

Tomorrow I will try and drink a lot more earlier in the day in hope it staves off the hunger pangs.
I got through, I had tea and some coke Z which I bought today. My head is sore again but not so bad, oh boy I hate this part but I am determined to stay in K this time. Thankyou for everyones supportive replies.
The good thing was that hubby was working late so I didnt need to cook for him, the kids had asked for scrambled eggs and cheese & ham so that was a no brainer tonight. If I had to cook something proper then I am not sure I would have had the willpower.
Well done for getting through last night!
Woohoo Bobbi just noticed your half way through your weight loss journey, well done and i'm pleased you managed to stay on track.
Well done on staying strong. I'd get hubby to cook for himself!!! ;)

Aww Kaz thankyou, I did post some before and after photos the other day and I have say (without sounding big headed) I am pleased with how far I have come. This time last year I hated myself, I saw my photos and I was so angry and upset that I got like that. Now, although I am not happy with how I look at least I dont need to be embarrased to go out of the front door any more.

Toots _ I wish he would cook for himself! If I leave him with nothing to eat he goes for a chinese, we have a gorgeous one near us and its too easy. If ever we go out for a meal we like to go there. Of course if he brings chinese home then my willpower has left the building lol.
Speaking of chinese, there was one day over christmas where I just got a starters instead of a main meal to eat :D ...thats called damage limitation. LOL

I tested my urine this morning, first time in ages and I am in the pink - wooooooo - its only been a few days since I have been 100% again so I am really pleased. I even told hubby that I dont want him bringing any carbs home with him to eat today. Hubby has gone out with the kids so I can get some stuff done, actually my eldest is studying for his GCSEs this week and he needs a quiet house too so I am taking advantage of that and doing laundry ...honestly I am, this is not me on here this is my invisable twin sister.
lol i know minimins is addictive and keeps us motivated.

Chinese and Indian will definately be my tests. Have to try and keep hubby off them till at least June lol

Off in hunt of your photos
Yay hubby just called, he's on the way home with the children and they ate out. That means another night I don't have to cook, I am so happy about that. And now I'm in the mood for a bar.
That was nice of hubby, it's always preparing meals that are my most trying times
This is going to be another meal prep free day for me. Hubby is going on a course tonight and they provide him supper. The kids, well they have 'invented' a pizza they are going to make and bought plain pizzas to do it with. I love these says when I don't have to touch the food.

I feel good this week hunger wise, in orherwords I am not hungry, must be the old K working. I haven't tested, I don't think I need to. I know already mentioned it but this was my last exante order, I'm determined that I won't need any more. My clothes are loose on me and I'm soon going to go down another size. I'm figuring the exante I have will take me down another size and then i will be slim. I'm so ready for being slim, this is it for me. I'm in a good phase and wo betide anyone who try's to throw me off my game.

I am tired today, didn't sleep too well last night. I felt so cold my legs hurt, I guess ole K has helped that happen to me, it wasn't fun. I'm going to try to get out to Argos later and pick up a new quilt for my bed, it's about time I got a new one anyway.
Yay - loving the positive attitude

I am still here, still here <bouncing up and down>.

I sort of slipped of the face of the earth for a day or two, just got busy. Probably thats the best thing with regard to not eating and just getting on with life but its been a bit stressfull as well. Once tomorrows day of rushing about is over I will feel more myself again.

I was wondering how long its going to take me to goal, okay I keep rattling on about this but I am geting impatient. theres so many things I want to do, well not really but I just want to go out there in the big world and show everyone the new me. I just want to be there now, I think I am probably feeling alittle more confident these days, I work skinny jeans today and heels .... I looked down and actually thought my legs looked thin. Thin legs OMG what are those, it has been 6 years or more since I had thin legs. they arent thin really but thin compared to what they were. when I started on exante the skin on my legs was so taught when I bent down I actually felt it stretching, like it could stretch no more I was so over weight. Its not like that now, I can sit with my legs folded and tie my laces while standing up and bending over, I dont need to pull on my trousers to bring my feet up to reach my feet and put my socks on. I can do all that now, I feel better. I am going to weigh myself very soon. I am almost into my 14s (i think) I think I am going to have a trying on day very soon too.
Was up far too early this morning. Yawn.

My other half took eldest child off for his exam, I'll drive to meet him afterwards. We leave at 9:30 and will be gone all day. It's going to be a challenge for me as after the exam we will be with a group of people we know. I'm under the impression that lunch is being provided but I'm not sure on that one so I'll make sure i have sandwiches made for the other children. If there's no food thrown on that will be good and I can eat a bar at lunch time, otherwise I'll just have to wing it and hope I stay strong.

Just thinking, you know how I am overweight? My children aren't they eat properly because I provide that for them, I need to ensure afterwards that I eat the same. But do you ever stop to think about comfort eating? Since having my youngest I became very aware of the actions of me as a parent and how they may influence my children in years to come. Have you ever noticed that when your children are crying for what ever reason that you tend to distract them with food or drink to make them feel better. Yes they get cuddles but when the cuddles are done it's a drink or a piece of chocolate or something, sometimes it's a banana but it's still calories they wouldn't have had. It's very subtle, I didn't notice it for a long time but when I did I became really conscious of the sticking plaster I was applying to their tears. It's something to be mindful off that accidentally I could be raising another generation of adults with weight/mental issues with regard to food.

Okay it's a bit early for deep and meaningful stuff, I need to get off and get ready to leave.
I think like that all the time and others probably view me as a hard mum as i try not to use food as a plaster so to speak. Bad habits are hard to break so trying my best not to start that one.

Hope you have a good day and avoid the food
It is a valid point. In the same way we use food as treats for special ocassions - Im very guilty of that one.
I ate today. I can't even explain how bad today was, it wasn't comfort food but food in the terms of necessity. I will come back to this as something happened this morning that threw everyone in a loop.
I ate a pananini with chicken breast and rescurrant jelly and had a cheese string btw. So tomorrow is day 1 again *sigh*.
Hope everything is OK, Sweetie
