Brain ache !- my diary !

fab news about the jeans (glad I got you into the appleade in a jug routine - hee hee, lush drink and dead cheap!)...

you'll be in those jeans so soon - you better try them on regularly or you'll find you've left it too late!!

Have a lovely evening x
feeling really crappy this morning, i'm sure there are a few reasons.
TOTM due any day which has led me to wanting to eat, yeah guess what - bread, bread & more bread, & i was doing so well at the beginning of the week.This relapse has caused +2.4 lbs :eek: , well some may be due to impending totm, but this has made me feel really low this morning.
At the moment me head is arguing with itself :devilangel: , be good, drink plenty & get back on the packs, OR, eat the rest of the rollo ice-cream & say "sod it"
really i could just cry at the moment
well i am pleased to say that the ice-cream stayed in the freezer, i'm sure the girls will finish it off later ;)
have been to the letter 2day, so thats good, hopefully i can get back on track & continue my journey !
just been out to the shops & bought those size 14 Jeans,soon i will hang them on my bedroom wall ( i have a picture rail i hang things on) & this will be my guide. As well as the jeans i got a few t-shirts (size 14) & they fit now :D , so this has cheered me up a little & made me see that i just need to stay focused for a little longer.
when i got home & phoned a friend & had a long motivating chat with her, so hopefully she feels more possitive about events happening in her life now. She is usually a "glass full full" type of person, but at the moment feels a bit "glass half empty"

delighted the ice cream stayed put... I know your friend found your chat most helpful and uplifting ! ;)

Jeans sound wonderful and I hope they motivate you - I was talking to Ailsa last night and we discussed motivation and how hard it is when you get to this stage ( almost within sight of the finishing line) to keep on trucking!

So my lovely friend, keep on keepin on, ignore that manky chatterbox nag in your head about eating crap food... remind her how good you felt sticking to SS and losing that 5lbs and tell her to get knotted! lol

(oh how much easier said than done!)

Hope tonight and tomorrow are MUCH easier for you


Hi Cheryl

That's a fantastic idea about the jeans!! Those 3/4 jeans i wore up Jennie's last week were my motivation to lose the last bit of weight (again!). Last summer they were quite loose on me and then i put on 1stone 11lbs and they wouldn't go anywhere near me!

So i hun them up on my bedroom door and used to try them on almost weekly!!

As you know they now fit!! But it was a great motivational tool for me!

You will get there sweetheart, but even so you are already looking amazing!
hiya Cheryl

Thanks again for texts etc yesterday :) As Karen says, you DO look amazing and when those jeans slip on dead easy (in the very near future) you are going to finally believe it too! (I hope). :)

Hope today is a really good one for you - can't wait to come and see you in July xxxx
thanks for your optimism Jennie, just at the moment i don't feel able to share it.
the last few days i have been the queen of sabotage, & for the life of me, i don't know why. I am having a battle, which do i want most, to lose this last bit of weight, or to eat. The thing is, for the majority of the time i havn't been eating cos i'm hungry, but because i want to eat, to feel the textures in my mouth. Then i feel bloated & yukky, so why am i doing it.
today i am trying a little different tactic - i had a cappuccino muffin about an hour after getting up, with a pint of appleade & i have just recently had a strawberry mousse. I am hoping that as i have "eaten" as opposed to "drunk" my packs it will overcome the need to eat.
i feel really drained out & lethargic today, it all just seems too much of an effort, but no chance of an early night, well not b4 10 anyway as the girls are both at youth club 2nite.
Just to add to how i feel, it's half term now, so that means a week of arguing, shouting & tantrums & thats just the girls, i will be doing split shifts, plus an extra shift this sat night & next sat night, so i can't see an wonderfull week ahead.
Oh well, plod plod :(
still feeling tired today, its work !!
set my alarm for 1pm & when it went off i thought " i'll just lie here for a sec" next thing it was 1.45 :eek:.
got up, made myself a coffee & muffin & chilled for a while.The girls decided they wanted to go swimming, so once they packed up we headed off, only to find there was a swimming gala on at the first pool :(, so back in the car & head to the second pool but that was shut - misserable kids for the afternoon then !! have prommised to take them tommorrow instead.
have been good today, just had my strawberry mousse, along with loads of water & appleade.
i predict an early night comming on
(((((((Hugs)))))))) my lovely friend. Hope that the 'eating' works for you, I couldn't get through this without it and am so impressed that you have thus far!!!

I'm off to bed now (via shower) so early night's all round :) take care honey

Hiya Cheryl - I just wanted to let you know I think you're doing great and think you're looking great too!

I hope you have a good week (despite the half-term angst .. eeek!)

Looking foward to seeing you again soon!

thanks Mandy & Sharon xx
as has been well documented here i'm struggling with my head on the "last bit" issues, so i thought i'd have a chat to my CDC tonight about moving plans etc. I have to say tho i didn't come away feeling any clearer than b4 i went in. She thinks i should just stick to SS till i get to goal, yeah i know its only 7lbs but i just can't get into SSing again, i manage a couple of days & the desire to eat becomes overwhelming & i give in :eek:, thing is i then feel guilty & thats so destructive & not what i want & not what is going to help me.
Luckily there was a 2nd CDC there helping out & between us we planned i will 790 for a week & see how i get on. My CDC questioned whether i would even lose weight on 790 :confused:, i thought at that calorie intake you couldn't fail to loose, maybe i'm wrong.
Anyway i came home & had a lovely tuna salad & tonight going to have a bit of a pamper. I've just had a nice hot bubble bath & soon i'm going to paint my toe nails :)
salad and pampering sounds wonderful.

I struggle to lose on around the 790 mark - it's crazy isn't it!! For some it works and others it doesn't I guess, but I tell you what, I can't face the prospect of forever having less than 800 calories a day lol - can you???

Seems odd to me!

Glad you had the 2nd CDC there hon. :D You DO look fab, I just love that pic of you... you should use it as your avatar now ;) It's small enough... Pierce would do it for you if you asked him (he's good like that, lol)

Have a lovely evening. xxxx
Hello my lovely. I'm so sorry I've been AWOL when we've both being feeling low. I made you promise to text or call me when you struggled and what do I do, but run to the hills myself!

Well done on the size 12 jeans hanging up for motivation. I dug out my size 12 Warehouse "belt" and have hung it in the kitchen and done everything in my power to ignore it all weekend!

Have decided to do a Slimfast type diet for the time being and see how I get on. Can't be any worse than the abuse I'm putting my body through now by alternating between SSing and binging!

My original goal was to be 11stone exactly or just under for Dublin/your party but I might have to face reality of not being there by following a slower path, but better to be happier and all that, as you said......

Chin up hun, you sound more positive today with a new tack, bit like me. I think that I just have to admit that SSing is not for me anymore!
morning all :)
having a bit of a lazy morning here in sunny but chilly Bournemouth !!
actually it may be physically lazy but the brains been working some :rolleyes:
i have been trying to work out exactly why i am preventing myself from getting any nearer to my goal & have had a few ideas
1 - my CDC has decided i am going to be a CDC myself, to be fair to her i thought it sounded good when i agreed with her some months ago, but now i'm not so sure. I'm the type of person who does anything for an easy life, i don't like confrontation & will back down to avoid it. I also don't like letting people down or upsetting them. Maybe i'm preventing myself from getting to BMI 28 so i can't be nominated as a CDC & then i don't have to tell her i'm not sure about doing it ?
2 - could i be frightened about being a "normal" slim person ?
3 - could i be ok with "picking" & maintaining, but affraid of going back to eating 3 meals a day & maybe putting weight on ?

On a different note, i've been surfing a bit this morning, checking out abdominoplasty, both here & abroad & Prague looks good. I could actually have my boobs done as well for less in Prague than just my tum in UK, how mad is that eh ?
Thats a bit down the line yet, but i thought i'd get an idea.
Hey perhapse thats another reason, cos if i had it done i'd be comfortably a size 14 without having to lose any more.

oooohhhhh me brains aching now :rolleyes:
Cheryl - I think you'd make a great CDC too .... and i've never met you, only read your encouragement to others on here! Go for it!!!

And Prague is a lovely place - so 3 things in one ... boobs, tum and visiting a lovely place!
Hey hun!!

Well for what it's worth i think you'd make a wonderful CDC!!! You know exactly how difficult the journey is and that is priceless for CDC customers!!

Surgery? Scary!! Pricey!! I don't let myself think about that these days!!! Well not until i see somegirl gorgeous girl with a flat stomach anyway!! lol.

UK tum = £5,5oo approx
Prague tum = £2,500 approx, with a boob job, £4,400
most deffinatly, being a nurse i have no fear of surgery or hospitals, its all as they say, in a days work for me (or night lol) I really do hate my tum & even if i became a stick insect i recon it would still be with me, its my "problem area" & as you know i love my big boobs, just wish they were where they were meant to be, although with a good bra i'm 50/50 whether to have them done too !