Cassia's SW Food Diary (Starting 05/05/12)



(I've chosen to present my online food diary the same way you would on the SW food diary sheets that you are given)

Superfree Foods

Broccoli, Cauliflower, Green beans, carrots

Free Foods

Eggs, Coffee x2, Pasta, White fish, Tea

Healthy Extras

A: 250ml skimmed milk
B: None


Parsley sauce (5.0)
Crisps (7.5)
x2 Cream crackers (4)
Tomato ketchup (1)
Tsp Sugar (1)

= 18.5 Syns

(I'm on the EE plan just in case anyone was wondering)

It's my first day and I've already gone over my normal daily Syn allowance! *sigh*
I need to be more careful and aware of what I'm eating it seems...​
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Superfree Foods

Apple, Peppers, Carrots, Green beans,

Free Foods

Coffee x2, Tuna, Chicken, Baby potatoes,
Chicken stock cube (made up with water),
Natural yoghurt, Vegetable bouillon (reduced salt)

Healthy Extras

A: 250ml skimmed milk
B: 28g Oatmeal


Tsp sugar (1)
Tsp jam (0.5)
Light mayo x2 tbsp (5)
Skimmed milk x4 tbsp (1)
Crisps (7.5)

=15 Syns

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Superfree Foods

Apple, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot, Peppers, Onion,

Free Foods

Tea x2, Prawns, Pasta, Vinegar, Tuna, Baby potatoes,
Coffee x1, Natural yoghurt, Eggs

Healthy Extras

A: 250ml skimmed milk
B: 29g oatmeal


x1 Tsp sugar (1)
x1 Tsp jam (0.5)
Seafood dressing (4.5)
X2 vinaigrette (6.0)
Olive oil (2.0)
Mayonnaise (5.0)

= 19 Syns

I ROYALLY screwed up with my Syns today! I'm not happy with myself at the moment! :mad:
My partner bought me two ready made salads and didn't look at the ingredients to see how many of those ingredients would have to be Syns lol! But it's not all his fault, I could have just eaten one for lunch and saved the other for tomorrow... I didn't, which meant I ate allot more Syns than I'm supposed to!

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Superfree Foods

Apple, Banana, Pineapple

Free Foods

Natural yogurt, Tea x1

Healthy Extras

A: 250ml skimmed milk
B: None


x1 tsp jam (0.5)
Fried rice (4.0)

= 4.5 Syns

I was at work today so I didn't really eat allot. Need to make sure I'm eating more Superfree foods and Free foods even if I'm busy!​