I loved lamb to but Chris I had it a couple of weeks ago and I could not eat it, its too fatty and it looked so lean xxx
Hope your day was good Chris...... x
How's it going missus xxx
Hope you're having a great Mother's Day Chris x
Hi lovely - not heard from you for a few days - Hope you are being spoilt rotten by the gang and all is good with you! xxxxx
hope your feeling better Chris xxx
Im OK thanks been cream crackered and not felt like being on the comp. Full of a cold, one of those head colds that make your eyes water and every tooth in your head is aching, cant stop sneezing either, I feel S**T tbh. Dukan gone out the window the past few days not really eaten anything. My daughter is cooking roast dinner for mothers day and hope I can do it justice. Hope to get back to Dukan soon. Had half a day sick in 2009 ........... so can't be off, hope I'm ok tomorrow short day anyway. Appointment through to see consultant about my painful feet on the 26th so thats good news - feel like its been all doom and gloom recently

Hope everyone else is OK and you've had a fab day whether your a Mum or not.
my friend had the injection last week Chris and shes no better. Looks like surgery is the answer xxx
Ah sending you feel better vibes Chris - lets hope they get your feet sorted soon and in time for the summer walks xxxx
my friend had the injection last week Chris and shes no better. Looks like surgery is the answer xxx

I was told it could take up to 4 weeks before any improvement so she may find they improve in a few weeks. I've been told since by my Doc that I've had them a long time and it would have been unlikely the injections would have worked (wish they'd said that before) :)
Sorry to hear your poorly as well Chris xx hope you feel better soon
I don't get grumpy just emotional lol.... Every time I coughed yesterday I cried... I've had enough now
awww bless xxx any better tonight ?
I don't get grumpy just emotional lol.... Every time I coughed yesterday I cried... I've had enough now

Yep agree with you Ellie - all the skin around my nose and mouth is like a brillo pad looks like Ive burned my face. Just wish I could hose pipe my head out - ugh! Hate to moan and give in to illness but my darlings here must feel sorry for me they cleaned the house from top to bottom yesterday. I just need some good sleeps this weekend and then I will be fine, one more week then off for 2 whole weeks. The little black book is getting full of lunch dates etc catching up with friends I don't get to see a lot :)
sometimes our bodies need us to give in so it can stop fighting and allow it pass out of system. Good family you have there Chis, allow them to help.....guilt free. Have a great day xxx
Yes rest up Chris, take it easy x