claire's weight diary <3

yeah , the stuff with lewis has been so hard, but we're getting there, hes doing well on his treatment, touch wood, and is coping well. my othr son keeps me going too.

i have a contraceptive implant which apparently can make them long n heavy n painful and irregular for about a year after getting it! joy of joys and i no longer need the bloody thing!!

im in my workout stuff, procrastinating on this before doing the dirty dancing dvd - not tried it yet - was 3 quid in morrisons s cldnt resist, and then the wii fit!!

am talkin on msn to a friend of mine who lost 10 stone - am gonna meet up with him soon n get advice from him :D

Oh my goodness how on earth did he lose 10st???? Wow! Tell him to come on here and give us some inspiration. xx
i havent seen him since school but hes gotten his bmi from 45 to 25! crazy!
hows r evening going is ur oh with you for nye??

Hey hunnie. Happy new year.
My OH came over to mine about 9.30pm last night and we watched Tv. lol he had a takeaway what a sod! Whilst i was there eating my healthy chilli con carne! It was lovely though. yumyum.
How r u doing? x