Dannielleas diary, time for change.

Turns out I don't mind black tea! Tbh I don't miss the caffeine and one brew a day should be just fine, the things caffeine does to the body (in the amounts I used to drink) is shocking!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Feeling good now :D I have nice dark eyebrows and for the first time in a long time I was in high street stores and didn't get any funny looks some really lovely size 14 things still long way to go(not sure i will ever get back into a 10 with my mummy tummy flap/apron without surgery) but it really gave me a boost! In other news my bmi is 28.8down from 34.2 so from obese to over weight( ok over weight isn't anything to celebrate) I still feel its an achievement! Praying for at least a 2lb loss this week to get me to 11st would prefer to be in the 10s but given how slow my losses have been I'd be happy with 11on the dot :D I'm still scared of having to do step 2 for at least a week but maybe my losses would be better and i could push harder on my little runs? I think I might have a go for 2 week and see what happens! Excited about tuna and lettuce with balsamic vinegar though, I love tinned tuna! Oh and eggs I've been missing eggs!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
:D thanks Last pack of the day! Apple and cinnamon porridge, I'm going off it! Actually feeling a bit sick tbh

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
hi there

i think any loss is something to celebrate so congrats to you, fingers crossed you get to 11 or even 10st 13
hi there

i think any loss is something to celebrate so congrats to you, fingers crossed you get to 11 or even 10st 13

It certainly is! Just want to squeeze as much as I can out of last 2 ss weeks.(Oh human nature always wanting more) I do think I'm ready to have a few more calories I think the dread of oh my god I have to prepare food is dissipating, or it could just be every ones eating chips and they smell lovely.I think if i was to eat one it would make me sick thinking about that hot grease running down my throat just eww yuck no!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Haha, good method! I tried that a few times too. Whenever you start having a craving for something.. Imagine what it actually is made of..
(doesn't help when your cravings also excist of "innocent foods" like fruits, vegetables and healthy dinner but hey.. ;) )
Haha :D yeah! tbh I haven't had that many bad cravings its mainly been for salad and healthy things which is good I think you're body has a way of telling what it is you really need(if you listen hard) but it's to cluttered up by (almost) pornographic food commercials and buy one get one free offers!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Feel like crap this morning, lungs feel heavy and sore I NEED to get up and go for this run, I don't want these stupid excuses anymore I have to get out and do it!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Turns out it was all okay :) got in contact with a few old friends today was lovely! Had my 3 products chocolate shake lemon bar and toffee yum yum really didnt feel like the porridge today... Feeling better now :) roll on bed time :D

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Now what to do today? Humm my legs are a tinsy bit sore, that's means its working right? :D

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ah lovely :) the weather has been Gary and miserable up here cold in fact. Sat drinking an oxo cube not sure if it will kick me out of keto or not (CDC still away) just needed something warm and tasty and 10calories is less than the 18 in bullion so hopefully not! Getting bored now but as of Monday I will be in last week of ss then have to go step 2 I think it will get me outa my rut :) I hope so anyways

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Gosh I do not like weekends any more

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Gosh my sister is getting on my nerves saying oh you will put it back on and more... No way she knows people that have done it and not followed the steps if you aren't commuted to changing you're life what's the point? If you do what you have always done you will be what you have always been

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
she might be right but there are loads of folks who have done it and kept the weight off so dont despair this is your road and the ending is in your hands.
It is indeed, just wish she would have a little faith and stop putting me down!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
It is indeed, just wish she would have a little faith and stop putting me down!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

I completely agree! When I saw my family a few weeks ago they kept telling me what I should be eating (fruits etc) and "reminding" me about how I would put weight back on if I didn't stick to it...what I really wanted was just "well done" or "you look great...keep it up"...something motivational not demeaning and demoralizing!

You are doing great with all your runs and think how good it will feel when you show her...!