Dave's diary - back on plan, back on Minimins


Thanks for you comments...I didn't take anything the wrong way....I know exactly what you mean, because at the end of the day I am my own worst enemy!!!!!!!!!
I do need a kick up the a**e sometimes!!!!!!!! Feel free anytime anyone!! hahaha
I plan to do 100% this week....
Even though I have made a school girl error already this morning.
Forgetting on EE you are allowed only 1 HEB I had weetabix for breakfast, that's ok I hear you say!! Well I then realised at about 11am sat at my desk that I have scan bran for my lunch....I am one of the strange people who actually like scan bran in their natural state...
So 2 weetabix synned today!!

Good luck for your weigh in this evening...Weren't you tempted to weigh last night in your friends class? I would have been!!!!! LOL


Fabulous loss on your first week...Well done!!
I hope you continue to enjoy the plan..I love it there is so much choice and you need never be hungry......
There are so many 'normal' recipes out there you can change over to suit SW also....Just little tweeks here and there, not saying all will be successful, but it's worth a try.

Good luck for the next weigh in

Dave, i take your point in your post to tfmd,and i like the tactful way you phrased it. I agree no plan is going to work if you dont follow it properly, but i also know from my own experience that a large part of loosing weight is in the head as well as what we put in our mouths, we get bored of a plan , we cheat and hope we can get away with it, and sometimes our heads are just not in the right place. But we try different things in the hope of finding our mojo again, soemtimes it doesnt work and sometimes it does and boy is it worth it when it does.
I followed ww for a couple of years,was succesful at first, then plateaued and even regain all whilst 'following' the plan. I knew i wasnt really, ww like all diets work when you stick to it,but also doesnt if you dont, so i had a change, gave SW a try and its working, not because its a better plan but something in my head has clicked,its almost coiicidental that its Sw that had kicked me up the backside, what matters is that something has. You are fairly close to the beginning of your journey, in weeks or months to come you may feel like changing to ee or red days to shake things up a bit.

In the meantime how are the boys and hows the knitting going:D
tfmd, I think we are all our own worst enemies lol, and i don't know anyone who doesn't need a good kick up the youknowwhat from time to time! As for your schoolgirl error, all that matters is that you realised it, and rectified it, so nice one for rescuing what could have otherwise have gotten you down had you found out later :)

mommyb I agree totally, I am still very new to SW and am basically as keen on it as I have been in the past with WW and various other diets I have tried. There will come a time for sure where I start to bore of planning so well which I think is the key to success. The difference for me with SW as opposed to WW for example is that with WW if you got to the end of the day, had no points left, all you could have was pretty much a sugar free jelly! Whereas with SW there is literally a hundred things I could have! My problem is one of appetite, and SW really suits me.

When times get rough for me, and I'm certain they will, I will be turning to my Consultant and also of course to Minimins for support :)

Tonight was my weigh in, and I lost a further 5,5lbs (11lbs in two weeks now), which also got me my first slimmer of the week award :)

We also had to commit to losing xlbs between now and Xmas (12 weeks) so I went in at the deep end and went for 28 haha. Wish me luck!

Well done on the weight loss..I knew you could get your 1/2 stone at least..What a fabulous result!!!!....
I bet you are well chuffed!!
I think you can do the 28lb. If you really want it you'll do it!!
Oh I should listen to my own advise sometimes!!!!!!!!!

Big thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi dave

Have been working my way through your diary this evening and i was stuck by how happy and how motivated you are! Also about how honest and upfront you are! Loved reading through about how your first couple of weeks have been and giggled at the thought of you in your birthday suit on your Wii!! LOL

Well done on your loss tonight that really is fantastic and here is to your next award!! I have a feeling it could be a soon as next week with your commitment and motivation! xx
well done, another 5 and a half pounds!!! That's amazing, you should lose 3 next week the way you are going and then you'll get that 1 stone award, fingers crossed and look forward to hearing your stories of life via slimming world this week:)
Firstly, well done Dave on your 5.5lb loss this week and you won the raffle again! So jammy..you know what ladies he swapped our raffle tickets over when he came with me to my meeting and won there too! At this rate Dave, you won't even have to do a weekly shop because you're winning so many prizes!

tmfd - thank you, it felt great to have a nice loss to start with and it's all very exciting. I'm all too familiar with the feeling once you're into a diet for a few months that you can slip into bad habits such as not planning or just having the odd treat because it won't make a difference but there's a lot of support on here if you've had a bad day or you've reached a plateau.

I love my sauces so have been doing a lot of reading up on what kinds of things I can have using low fat yogurt or fromage frais. I've found the slimming world magazine really helpful.

Meant to say Dave, when you were sitting there with your poker friends and they were having beer and takeaway and you were the butt of their jokes for taking along your healthy food, it must have felt good to know it'll be you laughing at them when they see the new, lean you!

Hope you feel better soon x
Hi all,

Thanks for your lovely comments :)

I am hopeful of losing 3lbs this week and reaching my 1 stone target but if it doesn't happen, I can hardly complain after losing 11lbs in 2 weeks lol. Any loss would be great!!

As for my 28lb target, I read somewhere that about 2lb per week was the optimum amount to lose. Last night's WI counted toward the 12 weeks so I am already 5.5lbs on my way, leaving 22.5lbs - which is only 1/2lb more than 2lb per week for the next 11 weeks so I feel it is achievable - although it doesn't allow for any slip ups so I can't take my foot off the gas. I like a challenge :)

I am feeling a little better today, hopefully I had one of those 24 hour bugs and it's on it's way out of the system now. I really don't do colds, sorry man flu, that well!

Today is gonna be my first day back at work on my roster for over 3 and a half months (I've been at work all that time, but off roster doing training for my new job as a High Speed driver). I'm kinda looking forward to it even though I didn't think I would be.

I'm on lates, so I'll be having a cooked dinner at lunchtime, and taking my lunch with me. It's not ideal (particularly true for my wife who has to cook dinners at different times) but there's not really a way round it.

'Lunch' is going to be carbonara, from a recipe we took from the SW website, and 'dinner' will be some savoury rice, couple of boiled eggs, bit of fruit and maybe take an Alpen bar or something too.

I didn't do any exercise yesterday as I was feeling so rough and figured it would do me more harm than good, but so long as I don't feel any worse I shall jump back on the Wii fit after work.

I have my meals/food planned for the next two days, but Thursday is shopping day and need to plan ahead for the following week. Hoped to collect a couple of recipe books I had ordered last night but sadly they aren't there yet. I'll be having a few meals the same as I have had this week (tuna/pasta/sweetcorn, a jacket spud of some kind, either a Quorn spag bol or shepherd's pie - or both :)) and try a few new ones too - gonna trawl the website for ideas when I get home. Thinking of trying the tuna patty things I keep seeing when I log on, yum!!

Have a great day all!
Hi , well done on your weightloss so far, you have done fab, keep up the good work x
I posted a long message last night and it has vanished into thin air lol...oh well.

Glad you're feeling better today Dave.

With regard to Al having to cook a meal at lunchtime can you not just work around that by having two 'lunches'. It would be easy enough to incorporate and you could still have as much. I think you would benefit from being a little more flexible even though I know you love to plan your meals rigidly.

VERY proud of your weight loss this week, well done :)

The friend you took along with you to your class, have you directed him to this site? Would be good for you to have another man's view on dieting.

Marie x
I posted a long message last night and it has vanished into thin air lol...oh well.

Glad you're feeling better today Dave.

With regard to Al having to cook a meal at lunchtime can you not just work around that by having two 'lunches'. It would be easy enough to incorporate and you could still have as much. I think you would benefit from being a little more flexible even though I know you love to plan your meals rigidly.

VERY proud of your weight loss this week, well done :)

The friend you took along with you to your class, have you directed him to this site? Would be good for you to have another man's view on dieting.

Marie x

I have approved your post Marie.

Sometimes when you are a newbie with only a few post the software automatically moderates some long posts.

Love Mini xxx
With regard to Al having to cook a meal at lunchtime can you not just work around that by having two 'lunches'.

The friend you took along with you to your class, have you directed him to this site? Would be good for you to have another man's view on dieting.

Marie x

Two lunches? No dinner? Nah!! looool

Not convinced he will be up for Minimins, he didn't even hang around at the meeting last night after signing up! We will have to see. There are a few guys on Minimins though, not just me. Although we are clearly in the minority. Surrounded by women, what a nightmare ;) haha
Well done on yet another fantastic weigh in yet again
lets hope you can keep up the enthusiasm for this plan
but like you say there is so much free food you need never eat a sugar free jelly again :):)
Hi honey I'm home!

Just back in from work, a nice short day to get me back into the swing of things. Considering I haven't driven a train alone for over 3 and a half months I was surprised at today - it was like I hadn't even been away one day! I guess that shows how good out training is. I would almost go so far as to say I missed it. Almost ;)

Got a funny week coming up ... tomorrow I am representing someone in the morning, should be a good early finish for me then if it's dry I plan on going for a ride; Friday I am working late turn and Saturday off, then next week I am only at work for two days, both on early turn! Hard life eh? haha If only it was always like this.

I have been doing long 5-day weeks during all of my training, but my normal working week in hourly terms is shorter, and in day terms is about a 4.25 day week, so I have been 'banking' hours and days off while I have been training, which I am getting back now ... the upshot being that I will be having lots of time off the next couple of months WOOHOO!!

Foodwise today I started with my normal brekkie (2 Weetabix, skimmed milk, Splenda). I had my dinner at lunchtime which was from the Slimming World website recipe - spaghetti carbonara, and WOW was it lovely!! My lunch I then took as packing up to work and it was a box of savoury rice, 2 boiled eggs, an Alpen bar and a HiFi bar (would have taken fruit but had to use some syns and they seemed as good a way as any!!). Since I've been home I've also had a Mullerlight and an apple, and I plan to eat a banana once I've done my Wii fit.

We've planned our dinners for the week ahead (ready for shopping tomorrow) and they include chow mein, jacket with cheese and beans, Quorn shepherds pie, chicken curry, gammon eggs chips & beans, tuna/sweetcorn pasta, Quorn spag bol and the featured recipe from the SW website tuna sweetcorn fritters. They all sound scrumptious!!

Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat for longer but I have a date with the Wii fit :)

Night all!
mommyb, gammon ... mmmm :) if you want some you should have some. Only question is to do it the way I plan - have my HEb allowance and maybe syn some more if it isn't much) or just have a red day and eat it for brekky lunch and dinner looool

cookieg I make you spot on, I reckon planning is the key to this, and indeed every other diet too :)

I have just finished on the Wii, set a new personal best for the half hour jog - 7484m up from previous best of 7180m! Seemed so easy too, not bad for someone still recovering from the tail end of man flu haha :)