Definitely Up For The 10s This Week!!!

Awww bless you rainbow..i bore myself most of the time..

Sandrah, I am very proud of your binge.. you handled it reallllly well .. :happy096: xxx
thanks - feel bloated and quite sick now - I feel a nit of ebay therapy coming on lol
Morning - feeling much better today. The scales have jumped up dramatically but I know that they'll plummet as fast once I start eating from the plan again today.
I'm looking forward to my weekend away now, not dreading it as I was. I will definitely lose weight for next week - fingers crossed for a biggie.
Good on ya huni

I had a binge too last night as was so late home and all that rubbish no excuse really but hey ho!

We will see what the scales say next week!?
Hi still1. Sometimes after being so good for a long time it can feel quite liberating to have a bit of a pig-out and then just get straight back on plan after. It can also boost your metabolism prompting better weight loss
i think i've been too rigid with myself in the hope of better losses and the first pig out in 19 weeks is pretty good going. I'm going to try to be less uptight about it so that when I maintain for no good reason it won't bother me as much.
I think if you put too much effort into being 'good' it can have an adverse effect. It can stress you without you even realising and stress produces cortisol in your body which will hamper your weight loss. Relax a little and enjoy the ride. Treat yourself whenever you feel the need
Top advice that I will listen to!
well i cant see the harm in that as long as you go back in line, i have my favourity food, snack, and dessert once every 4weeks, with no guilt, in fact it make me feel sooooooo good and i always looking forward for the next 4 weeks treats, without cheating.
I've stuck to the plan rigidly for so long that I think I deserved a break, I'm back to it now so I'm sure one evening won't undo all my good work and no matter what I am still one of the biggest losers at my group! I joined on the groups first night!
Well, I had a great weekend, I've tried to update my food diary but can't give any syn values for most of the stuff I ate yesterday so I'll leave it aside and carry on counting from today.
I even managed a few lengths of the pool too.
Its WI time again tomorrow, my scales are currently show 0.5lb gain and whilst it's not the end of the world there's always tomorrow to make a difference lol. If I do gain tomorrow it will my first since joining so it's not bad at all. Wish me luck.
I can't believe I lost 1.5lbs, I had my mind set for a gain so it's a great suprise.
The lesson this week is to stop the stressing and start the slimming. I've get very anxious about losing weight when I set targets, obviously because I want to hit them - this stress has a negative effect! The past week I knew what I'd done (the chinese & chocolate on Wednesday and the unknown number of syns Saturday) and thought, 'what the hell' because I knew I'd stick to it before and after my 'treats'. The weight will shift if I don't allow myself to stress over it! Let's see what happens next week.
brill news, love the saying also, must remember for my WI tomorrow.
me too - i feel so much better. I'm focused and positive for the week ahead!