dreams - not really atkins topic ;)

Or plumbers???
manager in a red porsche
taken from my dream one week ago today. The porsche was a very old one - one that my ex boyfriends brother used to have. That was how i remembered him. Ive just had to check back on this thread cos ive just found out that the ex bfs brother, with the porsche died the day i had the dream. Im freaked. :(
I dream loads and even more since starting Atkins!
Most memorable dream I ever had was the night before 9/11 - I dreamt I was in A huge city and everyone was running away from something and screaming. I looked round to see two volcanoes in the centre of the city. There were flames shooting out of them. The next day when I saw the pictures of the twin towers burning I was a little freaked to say the least! Apparently people the world over had similar dreams just before the attack!
Omg Jupiter we are freaks.
I remember locherbie - i woke up screaming (my friend told me) omg a place is crashing into the house. and then we switched the news on.
A lot of mine are about place crashes.
Not freaks, just tuned in that's all. So frustrating though that you can do nothing about it. I remember sitting up all night watching News 24 when Diana was killed. I had this intense feeling that something huge and terrible was going to happen and I just sat and waited and watched until it did....
OMG me too! I dreamed I was talking to a friend about Lady Di, and he said how fab we were born in the same month of the same year (which is true) - and that friend rang me, woke me up and told me the news....
omg. I still think im a freak though ;)
Yes you all three are slightly scary. I don't like stuff like that :(

However, I would appreciate all three of you quickly jotting down the first six numbers between 1 and 49 that pop into your head and sending them to me. :D

What does it mean if you dream your house is on fire Vicky, oh soothsayer and interpreter of dreams? I dreamed this two nights ago. I was in a kitchen (not quite my kitchen) with my two children, OH was at the supermarket (that's how I knew it was a dream, LOL) and I just took the kids outside. When OH came home, I told him I didn't want to phone him because there was nothing he could do anyway and it was just as handy for him to stay on and get the groceries? Also, I had originally extinguished the fire (in a living room, not really my living room) by stuffing pillows under the doors and waiting till all the oxygen was used up, but then it was started up again by some board game I was playing with the children. In the next room. It wasn't at all scary btw, I was all matter of fact about the whole thing!

I think that the dream is telling me eat a lot less cheese close to bedtime. ;) Any other ideas?
LMAO Water, you have such a cool sense of humour!

Here's your numbers - 4, 6, 16, 23, 37, 40 - and just remember, this psychic gift comes on a 50-50 understanding if you win :D
Yay!!! I'm gonna do those, seriously. If I ever get out of the house before Saturday.