dukan food list. attack


is crazy
here is a list of the foods on the attack stage. have i missed any out?
low fat sliced ham.
seafood, prawns, scallops, crab sticks, crab meat, musscles
beef, roasted joints, low fat burgers, steak, low fat mince.
chicken or turkey, roasted, delii slices, grilled.
eggs, whole or just the whites, boiled, scrambled, omlete.
low fat dairy, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.
any fish, cod, trout, tuna, salmon, canned or fresh.
offal, liver, kidney.
I dont think you have from the list i have seen. Not sure how i'll cope on protien but it is only a few days. Poor Jim what will he think!!
Ooh Cheryl is she - do you get loads of freebies??? how exciting x

mm offal here i come ...yak
I do sometimes hun, especially when she has "blind" trials for the tried and tested pages. I get a bag of goodies sent to me to try out, creams, nail varnish, make up that sort of stuff. ALl branded but brand names hidden hence the "blind" bit.
oh wow thats fab. :D
sorry to butt in lol....I have the book here and checked for you but the dairy is 0% fat not low fat, may make a difference for you.....hope you don't mind me saying

i think we need the book. Someone on facebook said didnt need no fat it harder to get here in uk. afterall the diet is french
im waiting for mine too.
it is 0% fat yoghurt, fromage frais or quark, cottage cheese. so how I understand it no milk! But if you are getting the book it explains it in there....there are confusing bits about 0%fat yoghurt flavours!!! :)