Dukan Recipe Thread

mm sounds good :)
Thai marinated chicken

Add light soy sauce, ginger, garlic chilli and lemongrass to chicken breasts. Leave overnight marinating.
Grill or pan fry (no oil). very nice. had them tonight :)
aaah these marinades... keep them coming!

Last night we had chicken breast we'd marinated overnight in fromage blanc, garlic, and Dijon mustard.

Will fry them next time though, cos I baked them in individual pyrex dishes so that we'd both have some "sauce" but it took about 20 mins to wash them up, so won't do that again!
Lol - frying pan the best (or the grill with tin foil under so less washing up!)
I was just suspicious that the chicken mightn't cook enough! And I'd not "see" in all that marinade! Also, cooking in 32°C heat just wasn't an option last night. This was thrown into the oven and the kitchen door was closed! haaaaa!
lol i dont blame you. :) its muggy and sticky here despite raining all night!
I'm wondering whether my fried steak hachés might turn into steak tartare... (raw!!)... nah!
dont you have a bbq? make OH do all the cooking LOL.
i quite like steak tartare but not too much!
small flat in the city alas... BBQ on the balcony I s'pose but not quite the same as in a garden with birds tweeting...
i was contemplating making the egg custard but ive only got vanilla extract in will it work wth just that r not ?
Check whether there's sugar in it? I don't even bother with that... I make coffee flavoured ones with instant coffee... Love them!
i hate coffee !! i think maybe i need to buy some more coz ive had the bottle ive got for ages !!
ooh they sound good. i think the one i have doesnt have sugar in.
For my baked egg custards (makes six little ramekins):
Oven 150°C, 30 mins, bain marie... (then, to get a skin, turn oven off and leave them in... YUMM!)

500ml skimmed milk
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sweetener
1 tablespoon coffee

Mix eggs, coffee and half the milk. Warm other half 1 min in microwave in jug. Pour into eggy coffee mixture, then pour all back into jug, to pour into ramekins (get it?!).

LOVELY! We have one each, for three days...
do you have a vanilla pod if you're not sure whether the essence has sugar in it?
ive been reading some recipe's on this thread and they say u can use onions but the book says u have to discard them ?

can somone explain this to me easily please !!

In attack, or PP, you can use onion for flavouring, but don't eat it if you can avoid it... You can of course swallow a little - it won't kill you - but just condiment serving, no more
For my baked egg custards (makes six little ramekins):
Oven 150°C, 30 mins, bain marie... (then, to get a skin, turn oven off and leave them in... YUMM!)

500ml skimmed milk
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sweetener
1 tablespoon coffee

Mix eggs, coffee and half the milk. Warm other half 1 min in microwave in jug. Pour into eggy coffee mixture, then pour all back into jug, to pour into ramekins (get it?!).

LOVELY! We have one each, for three days...
so i could make these without coffee but do u think i could use cocoa are not ?
In attack, or PP, you can use onion for flavouring, but don't eat it if you can avoid it... You can of course swallow a little - it won't kill you - but just condiment serving, no more

so will dry onions be on the same lines !
ive not got vanilla pods will have to buy some when ive decided wot else im going to attempt to bake

ie ur lovley muffins - i will need muffin cases .

so a trip to the shop it will have to be and that will be tommorrow now !!
cocoa you need to find the 11% maximum fat variety (Tesco's apparently sell it) and you're only allowed 1 tspsn per day... so I wouldn't! Coffee is "free", or a vanilla pod would be, so shame you don't like those!

(Vicky'll correct me if I'm wrong, cos I admit to not having read all the English book)... in the French book, the powdered herbs and spices and garlic are fine on PP/Attack. And then in PV, I use the fresh herbs, garlic, onion, shallots etc.