Emma's new beginning!!-Diary!

(eating mentioned)

Not sure what day im on but wk 3!!
Rightly or wrongly i made the decision to eat last night... i joined my mum and my girls for a curry, im happy that i did and only the next few days will show if it was worth it..... im straight back on the water this morning, i get weighed tomorrow so im hoping not too much damage will be done!! I also plan to work out twice today if poss to try and undo some of the damage!!
well doing well so far... iv done a load of water and had 2 shakes so far!!
hasnt been too bad ive worked out-done my biggest loser wii game... i get weighed tomorrow so i will see how i get on!!
good luck for your weigh in. mine's today. i resisted on mother's day. mind it was easy as i've a vegetarian and i cooked a lamb so no probs there. :D
Well lesson learnt, i stayed the same on my weigh in!!
im in a bad ass mood this morning so im just concentrating on drinking my water, gonna attempt a workout then shower hopefully by then i will have snapped out of it!!
im back on plan 100% so im hoping i will lose a good number next wk!!
Shame you stayed the same but if you double your water intake for most of the days this week you should loose a good amount next week......dont beat yourself up its a big commitment

Hi Emma, I stayed the same this week as well. I am considering retrying the diet (it'll be the 3rd time Ive gone through ketosis flu in as many weeks!).

I am going to give that game a go tonight and I'm going to have a play with the biggest loser as well. I've pulled something in my back and am a cripple at the minute, so not sure whether I'll be able to do it or not, but will have a play around all the same.

What settings etc do you have it on? Oh and Tesco have got the game with the camera for £25 at the min, but I'll let you know after tonight what it's like.
hey cornish iv written on ur thread..
well after a bit of a blip and a lot of self doubt im now back on track and on plan!!
its easy to beat myself up about the last couple of days but if i put it in perspective i only ate a sandwich, i didnt really want it and iv learnt from it.. im hoping with extra water and exercise i can counter act this blip and lose a good number this week!!
What you have to remember is that we are already training ourselves, because lets face it, what would it have taken to feel bad before? A giant bar of chocolate? A whole tub of ice cream? A whole deep pan 12" pizza. Now we are all worrying about a sandwich or some tuna...lol

I don't think one slip up (and a small one at that) is going to ruin all the good you have done. As long as you aren't a serial cheater like me! lol
Hi Emma

Thought I'd pop in to say hello. Just started a new diary too and its so good to get inspiration and support, the more the better. So.. oodles of support your way and I'm sure that with sticking to CD 100% now, that sandwich will come off. Good luck and will come along and say hi soon. xx
aww thanks u two... ur so right i would prob need to have eaten a whole medium pizza plus garlic bread and some chicken to feel this guilty lol

1 shake down plus on 2nd bottle of water, not good with the water but just doing as well as i can for today!! will fit in some kind of work out later that will make me feel better too!!
on another good note i found my old ww weighing card with 2 photos hidden in a drawer, omg im bloody huge in the photos and i was 19st11 on the card!!
now i feel better lol x
so all good here... yay me, did 100% yesterday.. found it hard at times but i really need to get a good loss this wk, i get weighed on tues so i have 4 more days of 100% to get through.........
i go away in 18 days and im really beginning to panick over clothes and my weight, really dont want to ruin this experience but im really worried!!
hey emma i had a blip on wed aswell ate chips and pick n mix sweets lol but have learnt from it immensely.if anything its made me even more determined to lose this weight.

amazinging how some pics can spur you on lol.i hate having a full legnth pic taken i want to be able to pose away like my friends lol. good luck on day 2 im with you too
Im on here this morning very shame faced im afraid... i stayed 100% all day yesterday until the evening when i ate.. grrrrr at myself!!
i went to my brothers to clean his house before he brought his wife and new baby home... spent 2 hrs cleaning and tidying, was absolutely shattered when finished, when he came home he said he was ordering a chinese... i just didnt want to miss out, i felt i deserved a treat as i had worked so hard!! i feel stupid today and have been through all of the emotions of why and iv ruined everything etc....
well im doing the only thing i can do to make this better, im back on my water, will exercise this weekend as hard as i can, will forgive myself and move on.. one question tho, do u think i should have 3 shakes today or should i cut down as i had calories last night?
my aim now is to stay 100% until tom morning when i will review again.. smaller steps are needed i think!!
Hia Emma, just get straight back on the diet. You have not blown it you have just had a blip. Did you eat carbs or just stick to protein?

Drink as much water as you can to flush you out and do some exercise burn off those calories. It might be tough for a day or two but you can get back on the diet.

Good luck, I am sure you can do it. Think of how much you have lost so far and how much you could continue to lose if you stay on track.

Hey thanks for ur reply, i did eat quite badly and yes carbs but in hindsight i was far better than i would have been pre cd!
I ate lemon chicken and noodles, which i really enjoyed however i had the chicken balls and really didnt like those!
i did stop when full and i didnt continue eating into the night which i would usually do!
so all in all i think i can forgive myself! im currently trying hard with the water and will jump on the wii fit in a bit!!
dont worry. just carry on with a bit extra water and the usual shakes. make sure you are 100% now though otherwise the damage will catch up with you. we'll have to deal with treats when we come off CD anyway so learning to deal with it as you go along is good practice. good luck for this week.
I think most people have blibbed once or twice, just get back on the cd-wagon and don't feel guilty about it. It's not the end. and keep drinking that water :)
hey hun glad you found me :) i blipped sun aswell ate a roast dinner hmm and now feel dreadful.i have got until thurs wi to get back on track so am on a water mission lol.

have decided to do this diet one day at a time and think i will be better that way.hope your back on it babe :)