Em's First CD Diary

Good morning world!!

Well I've been ill again had another nasty cold knocked me for six again :( I've eaten a bit drunk a bit and the scales haven't really moved....possibly another half pound on so I'm going to say 2 pounds on to cover myself. I've just had a shake so trying to get back on to the diet as much as possible now!!

I must say my tastes have changed so much, I'm really not enjoying chocolate it's very very sweet, how could this happen to me lol!!! I also made myself feel soooo poorly Christmas day night by having a few glasses of wine and nibbling on nuts my poor tummy wasn't used to it!

Anyways back to normality now and downwards towards my official weigh in next Tuesday!
Hello all, well I'm trying desperately to get back on track I was very very good yesterday, had a normal chicken and veg dinner last night while the family tucked in to chicken pasta with garlic bread :(!!!
Also went to a family party last night and I just drank water :)

So today I checked my scales and they still say 13 3!! But I'm still going to assume I've put on a couple of pounds, I'm really trying to balance out any bad eating last week with healthy this week.

I said I wanted to try and maintain over Christmas and looks like I'm pretty much there......phew!!! Now I just want to go back to the normality of my Cambridge diet week!!!

I just want to add I have the biggest respect to those of you who stuck to the diet you are so much better than I could ever be!!

Hello all !!!

Well it's official weigh day today for the first time in nearly 3 weeks !! To say i'm nervous is an understatement lol......my scales still say 13 3 but i'm beginning to think they must be broken i guess we shall see in a couple of hours.

Trying so hard to get myself back on track but failed last week with new years etc. So since yesterday i've been 100% ready to get myself back into ketosis.

I feel really bloated as i've not been to the loo properly for a few days....not going to help the scales either, oh well things can only get better from here.....i want to get into the 12's next week so going to push myself hard to get my motivation back !!

So official weigh in i've put on 1 and a 1/4 pounds over the three weeks !!! Lets just say i'm DELIGHTED !!!

Now to get back on it properly and get this few pounds shifted so i can get into the 12's !!
Hey all, i'm feeling very sorry for myself, i've been porrly sick this morning :( I felt bloated when i got up but thought nothing of it, i had a cup of green tea, shower dressed and other half was just reversing off the drive when i had to open the door and throw up :( I now feel dreadful my tummy is really sore and bloated and i just want to be sick.......sat here feeling very sorry for myself !

Oh well hope you are feeling better hun! Happy new year!
Hello chick !!! 5 lbs isn't soooo bad.....i'm sure you can lose that this week and next no problem !

Not feeling too great tbh, my tummy hurts it's really weird like a bloated feeling and pain just below my ribs like really bad indegestion.....tried not eating....then eating makes no difference !! I'm at work but feel very uncomfortable just want to go home :(

Sorry for being miserable, hope you had a fantastic Christmas xx
Had a lovely, Xmas, New Year and Birthday so i'm happy! I have been thoroughly spoilt. I reckon I can get rid of it in a week so it doesnt matter! Back to the gym tonight and I bought a cross trainer so will be trying to do at least 30 mins of exercise on the days I dont make it to the gym.

Sorry you are feeling crap hun, its horrible when you feel like that, I have a really bad cold and am drinking benylin like its water. Ended up in A&E with a bad ear infection on Xmas eve so have been on antibiotics too. It makes you just want to go to bed doesnt it :(
Right i thought i'd best update seeing as i'm on page 3 !!!

Was mostly good last week seeing as it was first week back on the wagon, but i had a small slice of toast.......i HAD to have it lol I think it's PMT to be honest.....

So first week back and i've lost 3 pounds, that was in 6 days and i'm hoping for the same again next week !!

Got to get my big bum into my wedding dress......it's worrying me :(
Hello, well i cannot believe it's been a week since i updated my diary.......well the last week or so i still get my period until today i seemed to have symptoms for about 3 weeks !!! But anyway it's my second natural period in a row....and a respectable-ish 40 days go me !! (sorry for tmi)

Anyway this week i lost 2 pounds and i'm definitely lucky i had an unplanned break on Saturday for my Nan's 80th birthday party....ate a plate of buffet food.....naughty me :( But back on it 100% now as i realise it's only 71 days until i get married eekkk !!

Last night i had the most amazing news, i went to see my conultant ref IVF it was my follow-up appt after all my tests and he was really happy with everything and has confirmed we are ok to start IVF and more importantly to us we can egg share :D This should save us thousands.......

To say i'm happy right now is an understatement, this weight loss will help me no end xx
congratulations! are you going private, then? if so, ignore my questions on the other thread...:)
cool. I'm so desparate to start. i fear that with waiting times i may raun out of time (our HCT says you must start treatment before your 40th birthday - i'm 38 next week, but you know how the NHS can be...
Our PCT is awful one of the worst in the country for their criteria.....I'd say once you get close to a BMI of 30 go and start getting your Dr to refer you for your blood tests and scans etc as it's those that take the time.........i'm sure you will be able to get referred soon anyway seeing as there will be a wait.
mm - i checked, she won't do that - but she is sending me for another set of blood tests next cycle. She can't refer me for scans, though - because those are done through the ACU (assisted conception unit). And they won't see me til i get to the magic BMI. Even for tests!

Because of that, I shelled out nearly £600 last year for two T-V ultrasounds and a HyCoSy... which is how I know about the knackered tube and that i def need to go for IVF. If i hadn't know that stuff, id likely still be fat and trying.
Hey Spangles, so sorry they won't sen you for check's even after the amazing weightloss you've achieved......how tight are they ! I'm sure you will be fine as it's not going to be long before your BMI reaches that magic 30 and you will be referred then and be on the list.......have you rung and asked how long the waiting list is they will usually tell you over the phone.

Well i sneakily weighed this morning and i've lost 3 pounds so far this week, it's the water i was holding onto because of my monthly....but all of a sudden i feel really slim it's strange !!

I'm just praying i'm doing enough for my dress to fit without alterations, i've got until beginning of March for my fitting.....!! I really want to be in the 11's by then....me in the 11's i really will not believe it until i see it !!

Wedding plans are in full swing now, we are going out for a long walk this weekend to find a branch to make a wishing tree.....i'm making love bird tags for people to fill in which is keeping me busy. I'm also going to attempt to make 2 marshmallow sweet trees for the sweet buffet......

Nothing like adding in a bit of stress is there !!