EPISODE VI - SS'ing 7 Day Challenge

Evening all

I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. Just been out to a firework display with my kids and I swear it was colder than lapland! :gen125::gen125::gen125:

Everyone was eating burgers and the smell drove me nuts but I resisted. So I'm now sitting here with my shake and a litre of water wishing my toes would defrost :)

I think it might be time for a long soak in a nice hot bath!
haha talking to! my chatterbox doesn't respond to kindness. I think I might pop out to se the fireworks now - good idea Mochaj!
Nikki - :grouphugg::grouphugg::grouphugg::whip::whip::whip: a bit of both for ya!

Mocha, well done on the resisting the burgers. Get yourself in that bath and defrost.

Chika :whip::whip::whip: get your chatterbox told!!! Enjoy the fireworks but don't get too cold!
No, I don't know what is wrong with me... no usually this down (as I have been of late)... I think it is in my head that I am already less than I have been for years! Even though still obese (god I hate that word)... Just wish it wud click for me, cos it hasn't yet.. if only I hadn't been poorly I would of been at goal and maintaining by now!! Not fair!! Although it shows I have learnt nothing about eating!

I just need to get into a routine, hopefully once the first few days have gone past, and I manage a whole weekend without cheating then I will be OK...

Nikki have a :grouphugg:

I know what you mean about learning nothing about eating. That is my main worry about this. I know that losing the weight is supposed to be the easiest part, I'm worried what will happen after! I definitely haven't learnt anything, my big blip on Saturday night showed me that. It was like "Well you've blown it now for today so shovel everything in that you've missed!" Totally the wrong attitude! Actually maybe I did learn something, even if it's only that that was the wrong attitude to have.

I'm sorry you are feeling so down at the moment. Keep posting though and if there's anything we can all do to help then let's do it :) I hope you'll feel a bit brighter tomorrow.
Thanks Mocha J & Sarah... I am going to have an early night, so hopefully tomorrow should be a better day! Got a massive shopping list coming from tesco's and then have a skin specialist appt in the afternoon... then at night I am going to have to try and master styling my hair in anticipation for work on Wednesday... Just been gulping down some flavoured water from aldi, until I read the label and it said Citric Acid... great hey, so I have swopped for another that just has malic...

I'm trying not to be so down, cos it's not fair on everyone else...

Nikki, enough talk about it not being fair about feeling down, you can't help how you feel!

I am petrified about getting to goal again because I screwed up big time last time - same as you - I feel like I've learnt nothing!

Get that early night and hopefully you'll feel better in the morning. You sound just like me all this year - I struggled and struggled until something clicked. Can only think it was a change from normal to minipill, blasted hormones!

Please please just shout if you need help. I'll PM you my mobile number and you can text me in the day if you need, although if I don't reply straightaway it's because the Headmistress (that's what someone has helped me rename my admin manager ;)) is staring at me disapprovingly. No change there then!!!
Well I give up!!!! I dan't seem to be able to sort myself out and before any tells me to go onto 790 I DON'T WANT TO!!!! I just need to screw my damned head back on!!! I eat when I am not even feeling hungry!!!! It is so ridiculous!!!!

Any ideas of how to get my head screwed back on again!!!!
Oh Lucy I wish I could give you some advice but I am in the same boat, I can't seem to get my head round it at all... I am soooo hungry...but trying not to eat anything..

Just try and stay strong look at how far you have come, I wish my BMI was yours...

Morning girls

Isn't it easy to stay away from posting when you're not very happy with yourself? I've not been dreadful with the picking, but not exactly proud of myself either.

One of the reasons my weight crept up was that I pick in the evenings, and it is a habit I am having so much trouble breaking. I had my first CD meal at 5pm yesterday, came home from the fireworks (absobloodylutely freezing) and ate 5 cheesey ritz crackers and a heap of ham just while I was waiting for the kettle to boil to make my soup!!! Same thing happened on Sunday evening, and Saturday too.....

I need a strategy! I might try making some CD crisps and keeping them in an airtight container so at least I pick at the right thing - has anyone else tried storing them?

Does anyone have any bright ideas how to combat this evening picking?

Nikki - sorry you're still feeling down, but please DO NOT apologise to us - keep posting the good and the bad. Do you think it might be seasonal? I bought my partner an alarm clock last year that wakes him up with simulated sunlight before the alarm goes off and he thinks it helps him a bit. I got it from Boots - they have a 1000 point bonus on them at the moment, although with a little one you'll probably have to set it for the middle of the night for it to wake you up before he does!

Mocha - why is it we go off the rails after weigh in? I guess it is our chatterbox telling us we have a whole week until the next one, so we can cheat now and make up for it later....... Well done for being back in ketosis though.

Chika - sorry about the job, but IT IS NOT an excuse to start eating:whip:. Stick with the packs - you have done so well already, just think how stunning you're going to look for all the Christmas parties if you stick with the programme!

Sarah - Brilliant weight loss - I am so jealous - it takes me weeks to get that amount off - I can't imagine losing 9 lbs in a week, but I'm going to try a bit harder!

I'm having trouble drinking the water when it is so cold outside - the only time I manage to drink loads is when I am driving, and then the wee wee stops become a nightmare!

Hope you all have a good day today - I'm feeling quite positive, so sending out some good vibes :vibes:

Oh Lucy I wish I could give you some advice but I am in the same boat, I can't seem to get my head round it at all... I am soooo hungry...but trying not to eat anything..

Just try and stay strong look at how far you have come, I wish my BMI was yours...


This is the annoying thing I know I am not really hungry.... If I really look at how I feel I know it's not hunger it's the damn Cravings telling me to eat and then once I start that's it!!!! I just want to cry today Nikki! I have just read your previous links and I get the feeling we are both in the same stupid boat which I am sure is caused by carb slumps!!!

What can I do??? Why do I keep sabotaging myself??????

I think I started sabotaging myself cos I got it into my head that after weigh in's I deserve a treat... (like old SW and WW days when u used to go the chippy on the way home).. also my thoughts are, well this is the least I have weighed for years, so that has to be a good thing.. maybe too scared of being slim cos I never have been before... Do any of these sound like you...?

Oh Lucy, I know exactly what you're saying - I just posted the same thing!

I think part of the problem may be that you are on your last stone - everyone seems to say that this is the hardest one to lose.

Have you got your eye on any outfits for Christmas? Or something in your wardrobe you would love to fit back into? Will that help as an incentive to keep with the programme?

I've been trying on some of my too small clothes today and really chuffed that some of my size 14s now fit me. I'm going to sort them out later and get rid of my size 16s in the hope that it gives me some determination to keep trying, and not to gain weight because I will have nothing to wear!

I'm going to make some crisps and try storing them so that they are there for me to pick if I feel the urge - fingers crossed they don't go soggy.

Have you had AAM week? My CDC doesn't believe in it, but do you think it might get you through this sticky patch? I'm sure the fact it is so cold is not helping with any of our determination at the moment. I'm ordering extra soups and chocolate drinks this week in an attempt to combat the cold.

Sorry I can't be of much help - try to stick with it.

I agree with you Nikki - although I don't know that I am scared of being slim, but don't believe I CAN be any slimmer than I have been in recent memory (ie the past 25 years).

I was talking to a friend on Saturday and found myself saying "Oh I could never be a size 10 because of my build". Looking back, it's not only negative thinking but also making excuses to myself to not keep battling on. When I look at my goal weight, it's the top end of my ideal weight for height - I truely don't believe I can be any slimmer than that!

Again, probably no help whatsoever as I really don't know how to get past the negative thinking.
Yeah all the above sound like me!

I don't want to do AAM at the moment or 790 as I know I don't have the will power to only have the stuff that I am allowed! I know that I will just keep on eating!!!

I just need to stop being such a blo*dy idiot and sort my head out! I am really angry anyway today and the MD is not making it any easier!!!


Anyone round.... only up to 1.5litres so far today, but have a specialist appt this afternoon, so can't drink too much will be too and fro to the toilet! but will make it up later...

Hope everyone is having an OK day, enjoying my last day with George before returning to work tomorrow after being off poorly for 5 months... dreading it...

How you doing Lucy? And Chika? Sarah I know you are busy.. sent you a text...
